Support to new university exchanges


Support to new university exchanges


One of the aims of the cultural section at the French embassy in Iran is to facilitate new cooperation between Iranian and French institutions in French language, fundamental research, medicine, life sciences and engineering. In this framework, bilateral workshops and exchanges can be supported in


Bilateral workshops

Bilateral workshops allow new scientific interactions and facilitate the definition of new projects of cooperation. The cultural section can provide a financial support for the travels of French or Iranian experts to help them to participate to a bilateral workshop in Iran or in France.

In order to assess the quality and relevance of the submitted projects, a 3-4 pages long document explaining the collaborative project and its future developments can be sent to the cultural section. The following information should be included:

names and affiliations of the persons involved in the project,

description of the project and competencies of the various institutions/laboratories involved

(with an emphasis on the possible synergies),

brief description of potentially existing links between the scientists involved (PHC, joint PhD, previous visits …).


Before May 9 th for workshops expected to be held from July to August

Before July 15 th for workshops expected to be held from September to December

Support for French-Iranian exchanges

The cultural section can give a support to French or Iranian specialists who are interested in exploratory missions, international symposiums, or joint research projects

In order to assess the quality and relevance of the submitted scientific projects, a 1-2 pages long document explaining the collaborative project and its future developments can be sent to the cultural section. The following information should be included:

objective and description of the project and competencies of the various institutions involved

(with an emphasis on the possible synergies) and expected outcomes,

names and affiliations of the persons involved in the project,

brief description of potentially existing links between the scientists involved (PHC, joint PhD between labs, previous visits of researchers…).


Before May 9 th for exchanges expected to be held from June to August

Before July 15 th for exchanges expected to be held from September to December

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