6 ii CL - University of Leicester

6 ii. Covering Letter Preparation Exercises
The Career Development Service has developed a unique student-focussed system designed to
maximise the benefits that you receive from each appointment. Before attending your 20 minute
appointment, you are required to undertake some preparation so our advisors can tailor their
advice more closely to your needs.
Prospective employers will expect you to demonstrate knowledge about their businesses. This
means researching organisations that interest you in order to establish what they do and what
your motivation is in applying to work for them.
What do you know about the organisation you are applying to work for? List two facts, for
example: their mission statement; products or services; company approach.
Why do you want to work for this organisation? List two reasons
As well as knowing about the nature of your prospective employer’s business you will also be
expected to demonstrate a commercial awareness about the wider industry within which their
organisation operates.
What outside influences affect the organisation you are applying to work for? List two facts
which can include competitors; the industry’s performance; other industries linked to it
To give your written job applications the best chance of succeeding, all your covering letters will
require an easy-to-follow structure.
Begin to plan your covering letter using the information you have listed previously using
the Introduction, Capability, Motivation, Ending (I.C.M.E approach).
I Introduction
C Capability
M Motivation
E Ending
© University of Leicester, Career Development Service 2013
With the information and structure listed above, now begin to construct or refine your Covering
Letter. Refer to the example below.
For further information:
 Guidelines for Covering Letters (including example covering letter)
Please bring this completed form and your covering letter with you to your appointment for
feedback. If you have previously completed a skills audit during your course or on an
award programme, you may find it useful to bring a copy of this to your appointment.
© University of Leicester, Career Development Service 2013