Prefix/suffix list

Prefixes and Suffixes used in Biology
a-, ab- = separate,away or apart from
acro- = extremity
acri- = sharp
actino- = star-like
ad- = to, near, or towards
aero = air or oxygen
affinis- = liking
ala- = wing
alb- = white
allo = different
alveolar = small cavity
amnion = fetal membrane
amphi = double
an- = not, without
ana- = build up
angio- = vessel
annulus = ring-like
ante- = before
anti- = against
anus = posterior opening
apo- = from
apsid, apsis = arch-like
aqua = water
arach- = spider-like
arch- = ancient or old
arrest = to stop
astro- = star-like
atrium = cavity or opening
atro- = black
audio- = hearing
auricle- = ear-like
auto- = self
axial = central or at the axis
axis = central line
bas- = at the base of something
bi- = two or double
bio = living or life
-blast = cell, simple group of cells
brancial = gills
bronchus = breathing duct
buccal = mouth cavity
bulb = like a bulb
caecum- = part of intestine
caerul- = sky blue
calyx = husk or covering
canine = dog-like
caput- = head-like
cardia = heart
carno- = flesh
cat(a) = break down
cath- = down
cavity = opening
cavus = hollow
cent- = hundred
centro = center or middle
cephal = head or brain-like
cera- = horn-like
-cerc = tail
chemi = chemical
chloro = green
choan- = funnel-shaped
chondr = cartilage
-chondrus = cartilaginous
chord = string-like
chorion = skin
chrome = color
chromo = colored
chron- = time
chryso- = gold
chyme = juice-like
cilia = hair-like
ciner- = grey
circum- = around
-clast = break
co- = with, together
coelom = body cavity
con = together
conch- = shell-like
-condyle = knob-like
constrict- = bring together
contra- = opposite
carp- = body
corti-, cortex- = outer layer
cosm- = spacial design
-crania = head-like
cric- = ring-like
crist- = crest
cru- = leg-like
cten- = comb-like
cune- = wedge
cuti- = skin
cyano- = blue
cycle, cyclo- = circular
cyto- = jelly-like
de- = down or away from
dec- = ten
dens = tooth-like
derm = skin
di-, dia- = through, between, apart, acroos
digit = finger-like
disc = flat round plate
distal = further, furthest away, away from
dorsal = back
ductor, -ducens = leading
e-, ex- = away from or out of
ecto- = outer or outside
ek-, ekto- = outside
ell(e) = small or tiny
enanti = opposite
en-, endo- = inner or inside
epi- = on or upon
eryth- = red
ethmo- = sieve
ex(o) = outside
facie- = appearance of
-factor = making
falci- = sickle-shaped
fasci- = band
-ferens = carrying
fibre- = thin strand
filo- = soft, fine thread
fin- = end or finish
flagella(um) = whip-like
flex- = bent
flocc- = soft, wholly mass
follicle = small sac
for, fore- = before
form- = shape
funic = strand
gast- = stomache-like
-gen(ic) = producing
genit- = reproductive structure
germ = growth
geo- = earth-like
giga- = billion
glen- = socket-like
glom- = spherical
gloss- = tongue
-glotta = tongue-like
gluteo- = hind-quarters, buttocks
glyco = sweet
gnath- = jaw-like
granul- = small particles
gula- = throat
gyro- = turning
hemo- = blood, blood-like
hemi- = half
hepa- = liver
hepta- = seven
hetero- = different or other
hex- = six
hippo- = horse-like
histo- = webbed
holo- = whole or entire
homo- = same
horm- = stimulating
humo - fluid or liquid
hyal- = translucent
hydro = water
hyoid = Y or U shaped (wishbone)
hyo- = Y-shaped
hyper- = above
hypo- = beneath
-ichthyes = fish-like or fish
-iform = like something
in- = within, not, or on
incus = anvil-shaped
infra- = below
inter- = between
intra- = inside or within
intro- = within
iris- = originally multicolored
iso- = equal to
-itis, -itus = inflamed or swollen
karyo = nucleus
kilo = one thousand
kinet = motion or movement
labia- = lips
lacer- = tear, tearing, or torn
lam(ina)- = a thin, uniform sheet
latera- = along the side
ledi- = scale
-lemma = husk or covering
luteo- = yellow
leuco- = white
levator = rising
lig = connect
ligament = strap or attachment
-lingus = tongue
lipid = fatty material
lob- = lobe or region
-logy, -ology = study something
lopho- = ridge
lucid = clear
lymph- = body fluid
lys = break or tear apart
macro- = large
macula = mark
major = greater
mal = bad
man- = hand
media- = central
mega- = great, million
meio = less
mela-, melano- = black, dark
mer(os) or -mere = part
meso- = middle
meta- = after, coming later, middle
micro- = small, millionth
milli- = thousandth
minor = lessor
mito = thread or thread-like
mono- = single, one
morph- = to change
mult-, multus- = many
myo- = muscle
nano= billionth
necros- = death or dead
neo- = new
nephro- = kidney or kidney-like
neuro- = nerve-like
neutr = neither/nor
nicti- = blinking
node = knot or constricted
nom- = name
-nomic = named as, law
non- = nine, not
noto- = back
oct- = eight
oculo- = eye
odont- = tooth-like
-oid = in the form of
omni- = all
-omos = shoulder
opercul- = lid, door
os-, osteo- = bone
ostium- = hole
ovum = egg, egg-like
oxy- = acidic
palaeo- = old
-pallium = thin covering
pan- = all, universal
para- = near, alongside, associated with
parie- = wall
pectin- = comb-like
ped-, pod- = foot or footed
pend- = suspended or hanging
penta- = five
peri- = around
phaeo- = brown
phag-, phage- = to eat
phil- = affinity or love
phobos = fear or fearing
-phore = bearer
photo-, phos-, = light
phyl- = containing
-physis = growth
-phyte = plant or plant-like
-pile = felt
pino = to drink
pisi- = pea-like
plac- = flat plate
-plasm = fluid or formless substance
-plat = flat
pleuro- = from the side
plex- = interlacing threads
-pod(ium) = foot
poly = many
por(i)- = opening
port- = gateway
potamo- = river
pre-, prae- = before
prim- =first
pro- = before, prior, first
proto- = first
pseudo = false
pteri- thin, wing, or fern-like
pubi- = mature
pulmo- = long
purpurpa- = purple
pyg- rear or posterior
pyri- = pear-like
quad-, = four
quint- = five
rachi- = spine-like
radi- =round
re- = back, again
rect- = straight
renal- = kidney or kidney-like
retic- = network
retro- = back or reverse
rheo- = flow
rhodo = red
rostrum- = projection
rota- = to rotate or to circle
rumin- = chewing
sac- = bag
sacchar = sugar
sagitt- = arrow-like
sarc- = flesh
scal- = scale-like
sclera- = hard or dry
selen- = moon-like
sem- = male
sept- division or seven
sinus = duct
soma = body
sperm = seed
sphen- = wedge
spirac- = vent
stereo- = double, more than one
stero- = spatial, solid
stoma- = opening
strat- =layer
styl-, style = pillar-like, point, or cylinder-like
sub- = beneath
sulcus- =groove
super- =above
sym-, syn- = together
tact- = touch
taxis- = movement
tect- =covering
temp- = time
termin- =ending
terr- = earth
test- = covering
tetra- = four
-thalamus = chamber
theca- = covering
-therm = heat or temperature
thermo- = warm
-tome = a cut
thio = sulfur containing
thylaco = sac or pouch
trans = across
tre-, tri- = three
tribo- = lubricate
-trichia = hair or hairlike
troch- = pulley-wheel
troph- = to bend or move
tuber- = lump
tubule = tube-like
turbin- = spiral
ultra = beyond
uni- = one
unci- = hook
uro- = tail
vacu = empty
valent = strength or strong
valva- = valve
vent- = below or underneath
ver- = true
verdi = green
verm- = worm
villus- = finger-like
visu- = sight
vitell- = pertaining to eggs
vitr- = glass-like
vivi- = living
xantho- = yellow
xero- = dry
xiphi- = sword-like
zoo- = animal
zygo- = fusion
-zyme = yeast