Weekly Themes

HIST 5316, History of Revolution
PLEASE NOTE: A few seminal works are listed as suggestions (below) in the
course schedule that follows, but by no means are students limited to read
these authors. Yet, please be careful and be forewarned. When studying and
researching the history of revolution, particularly on the Internet, students
can come across lots of anti-government, dissident, anarchist material that
is being pushed by leftist, socialist, revolutionary, and terrorist-type
people. Be careful to avoid such information that is not scholarly and has
nothing to do with this course!
Week 1:
Weekly Themes
Historical Overview of Revolution
PPT Slide Show Lecture.
Discussion Board.
Week 2:
Key authors: Gustave Le Bon, The Psychology of Revolution
Martin Malia, History’s Locomotives, Revolutions and the Making of the
Modern World
Military Revolution
Case Studies: American Revolution, 1775-1781; French Revolution,
1789-99; Cuban Revolution,1953-9; Haitian Revolution,1791-1804;
Mexican Revolution 1910-20; Hungarian Revolt 1956; various naval
mutinies; Sepoy Munity of 1857;
Key authors: Crane Brinton, Anatomy of Revolution; Georges
Lefebvre, The Coming of the French Revolution
Week 3:
Military Revolution (Rev in Military Affairs)
Case Studies: Airpower in WWI (Ash, Sykes and The Airpower
Nuclear Weapons post WWII;
Gunpowder Revolution, 14th-16th Century
Military Revolution in tactics, 17th Century
Key Historians: Michael Roberts, Clifford Rogers, Geoffrey Parker,
Jeremy Black; MacGregor Knox and Williamson Murray, The Dynamics of
Military Revolution
Week 4:
Social Revolution
Case studies: Emancipation, 1800s; Suffragettes and Feminists, early
20th century; Chinese Cultural Revolution; Dr. Martin Luther King and
the Quest for American Racial Equality; The End of South African
Apartheid; Women in Combat
Week 5:
Political-Military Revolution
Case Studies: Glorious Revolution, 1688
Marxist-Leninism and the Russian Revolution, 1917
Week 6:
L. Trotsky, V. Lenin, Mao Zedong, Che Guevara, Toussant L’Ouverture,
Scientific/Technological Revolution
Week 7:
Key authors: Hannah Arendt, On Revolution; Thomas Kuhn, Structure of
Scientific Revolutions; Margaret C.C. Jacob, Scientific Revolution
Intellectual Revolution
17/18th Century
The Age of Enlightenment
Key Authors: Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in
France, Montesquieu Sprit of the Laws, Emile Rousseau, Social
Contract, Thomas Hobbs, Leviathan, John Locke Two Treatises of
Government; Eric Hobsbawm, The Age of Revolution; Michael
Rapport, 1848; Margaret C. C. Jacob, The Enlightenment
Week 8:
Industrial and Agricultural Revolution
19th Century: transportation, medicine, communication, industry
Week 9:
Cultural Revolution
Art(Renaissance, impressionists, avant-garde); Music (3-part
harmony, Palestrina, Jazz, Rock, Atonal); Film; Pop Culture
Research Papers Due. Submit on safe assignments and into the
Week 10:
Discussion Board
Religious Revolution
The Reformation
Week 11:
Standing Bibliography:
Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulbricht Zwingli
Comments about research papers