2014 Astro Rocks Fest - Report

9th – 10th MAY 2014
Featuring 2014 International Year of Crystallography – World Astronomy Day – International Space Station orbit
The 2014 MOUNT MAGNET ASTRO ROCKS FEST opened on Friday evening 9th May, with the launch
of an exhibition at Wirnda Barna Arts Centre by local artists Frank Walsh Snr and Annie Walsh,
“WANDARRIE COUNTRY ROCK ART AND SEVEN SISTERS DREAMING”. An enthusiastic crowd gathered as Wirnda
Barna Manager Brendan Penzer and Shire of Mount Magnet Councillor Carole Minney officiated.
Annie Walsh spoke about the deep connection to country around Mount Magnet both she and Frank
(a Badimaya elder) have and their rapid progress as artists at Wirnda Barna Arts Centre.
Alfresco BBQ dinner followed outside in the new “Frangipani Forecourt” venue, where a number of
tables were set up, decked in black tablecloths. The popular menu of ‘Shish Kebabs with Indigenous
bush sauces’ was sourced from local businesses and prepared through the support of Wirnda Barna
Arts Centre. A fundraiser for Wirnda Barna Youth Art Project, dinner was prepared by the Bidi Bidi
ladies with members of other local organisations, including Mount Magnet Yamatji Christian
Fellowship and Yamatji Tourism.
After dinner, Satellite Boy, starring David Gulpilil, was shown in the Outdoor Picture Theatre across
the road from Wirnda Barna Art Centre. This close location allowed for those at the Gallery or dining,
to walk from one venue to the next. The acclaimed Indigenous film was watched uninterrupted by
about 100 movie goers, many of whom were children with their parents. Temperatures began to
drop slightly as the evening progressed, on an otherwise pleasantly temperate and clear evening.
2014 Mount Magnet Astro Rocks Fest 9-10 May
Report by event co-ordinator - Karen Morrissey Page 1
The ROCKS FEST program, focusing on the ancient earth beneath our feet, began on Saturday
morning at three adjacent locations, forming a collaborative festival venue – ANZAC HALL (9am –
CENTRE (9am – 1pm).
The MINING AND PASTORAL MUSEUM and VISITOR CENTRE at the southern end of town, which also
houses the “Treasures of the Earth Rock Collection” was also open (9am – 12noon).
ANZAC HALL featured rock displays, exhibitions, workshops and presentations. WIRNDA BARNA
ARTS CENTRE gallery and exhibition studio were open, with afternoon tea served in the Frangipani
Forecourt. In the PICTURE THEATRE PARK, “Down to Earth” Markets also attracted a good number of
patrons, with morning tea and lunch also provided.
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Report by event co-ordinator - Karen Morrissey Page 2
The ANZAC HALL entrance foyer, leading into the hall, featured “ROCKS IN THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT OF
THE MURCHISON REGION” photographic exhibition. This year, superb A3 images were presented by a
sole local photographer, Ian Beattie however, this exhibition, which began with the inaugural 2013
Astro Rocks Fest, will be developed for wider engagement into the future.
The vibrant Frank Dale exhibitions “PAINTING WITH ROCKS” (ochres and natural pigments) and “ASTRO
ROCKS EXPLORATION” (mixed media) formed a gallery of exciting astro rock art which surrounded the
rock displays in the hall - complementing “WANDARRIE COUNTRY ROCK ART AND SEVEN SISTERS DREAMING”
exhibition in the Wirnda Barna exhibition studio across the road.
UNESCO International Year of Crystallography iycr2014, encouraged a focus on crystals, including
placement of the display tables, set in the shape of a large crystal. University of Western Australia
(UWA) Winthrop Professor Mark Spackman, Head of the School of Chemistry assisted by his wife
Kitty and colleague Frank Lincoln, presented a crystal display complete with 3D models. Mark
Spackman, who in 2013 was awarded the Nobel Academy Gregori Aminoff Prize in crystallography
then gave a presentation about crystallography, supported by videos prepared for the International
Year of Crystallography. An excellent audience of about forty continued with questions, extending
the presentation time to a little over an hour. The participants were mainly adults, however some
children were also engaged - and asked a number of questions.
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Report by event co-ordinator - Karen Morrissey Page 3
Mount Magnet District High School students presented excellent visual artwork about volcanoes,
earthquakes and the sun and earth in space.
John Reeve, Curator of the Edward de Courcy Clarke Earth Science Museum, UWA set up an
excellent table of specimens and offered “Mystery Box” Rock Workshops for children. The children
who attended, engaged very enthusiastically and it was resolved that future Astro Rocks Fest
programs commence earlier on the Friday, to allow for teachers to bring their students to the Rocks
Fest and the “Mystery Box” workshops.
Local Mount Magnet resident, Ron Ashlin, “Ron the Rock Man” worked tirelessly to set up a
magnificent display of rocks which was well appreciated by the patrons, who saw rocks they had
never seen before and had many questions answered.
Also local rock enthusiasts, Gemma Poli and Karen Sturgess not only presented interesting displays
about rocks, including flints, lapidary and artistic expressions of their own creativity with rocks –
they also, with assistance from Adeline Morrissey, set up the children’s activity table for the making
of Pet Rocks. Young children were kept busy for much of the morning, making some very bright and
glittery pet rocks, complete with engaging bauble eyes – gifts for Mother’s Day.
Paul Jones from Boogardie Station, presented a visually informative display of the rare 2.6 billion
year old Orbicular Granite and table of another local granite, again drawing great interest.
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Visiting gemstone enthusiasts from the Kalamunda Lapidary Club, set up an excellent display case of
specimens and were present to answer questions about rocks and lapidary generally. One student
accompanied by his parents subsequently applied to become a member of the club, to continue his
lapidary education.
Museum of Western Australia Geraldton provided large exhibition poster boards about the geology
of the region. Department of Mines and Petroleum provided a tektite poster, accompanied by a
variety of resource materials, some of which could be taken home by patrons. Reference books were
gifted to the Mount Magnet District High School to further student’s interest and given as prizes.
The Geo Tourism display was surrounded by Australia’s Golden Outback banners which highlighted
Walga Rock and Mount Augustus, two significant geo tourism sites in the region. Pat Barblett AM
and Tracy Shea, representing Forum Advocating Cultural and Eco Tourism (FACET) who, with the
community, are progressing the concept of an Upper Gascoyne Murchison Region Geoparkpathway, were present to answer questions and offer insights into international geoparks. Geo
tourism is an area of increasing interest and has the potential to bring economic growth into the
towns of this historic and geologically ancient region. A new local initiative for indigenous tourism
was on show, with a display of proposed DVD’s by Wayne Warner of Yamatji Tourism.
The Seniors Group offered a community fundraiser of morning tea and light lunch at the Down to
Earth Markets. By co-inciding the local Markets with the Astro Rocks Fest, an opportunity was
provided for rock and gemstone enthusiasts to sell their rocks and jewellery, something which can
be expanded on in future Astro Rocks Fest events. The Markets enabled the preferred separation of
exhibition and selling venues.
After the Markets closed at 1pm and before the closing of the Rocks Fest at 3pm, patrons were
refreshed with Afternoon Devonshire Teas served by Yamatji Christian Fellowship group in the
Frangipani Forecourt at the front of Wirnda Barna Arts Centre. Here, tables were beautifully
decorated with arranged flowers and table decorations. Funds were raised for the Yamatji Christian
Fellowship children’s program.
From 3pm – 4.45pm the Astrofest activities were set up on the oval and recreation centre, with
some early solar and moon viewing taking place before the Space Age Sausage Sizzle started.
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Report by event co-ordinator - Karen Morrissey Page 5
ASTRO FEST by night
The ASTROFEST Saturday evening, held on World Astronomy Day, started spectacularly with a
countdown to the International Space Station (ISS) passing directly overhead. Once located, the ISS
was clearly visible as it orbited from a nor-westerly direction, lit up by the sun which had set a short
time earlier. An awesome start to the Astrofest, it was the best time to view the ISS, soon after
sunset and was only possible to identify its entry point and track its orbit, by having the astronomers
present and having everyone on the oval looking skywards. A remarkable co-incidence of timing!
A welcome to the evening event by Shire of Mount Magnet CEO Geoff Brooks commenced the
official proceedings, joined by Pete Wheeler, International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research
(ICRAR), with acknowledgments by co-ordinator Karen Morrissey. The MOUNT MAGNET DISTRICT
HIGH SCHOOL DANCE GROUP continued the opening momentum, with an exciting dance sequence.
2014 Mount Magnet Astro Rocks Fest 9-10 May
Report by event co-ordinator - Karen Morrissey Page 6
The Astro Rocks Fest - Astrofest event included:
Solar viewing
Astrophotography Exhibition
Square Kilometre Array (SKA) display
Scitech Space Dome
Scitech Science Shows
Sky Tour
Glow in the Dark water rocket launches
Universe Tour presentation
The Mount Magnet Gymkhana Club ensured everyone at the Astrofest was well fed at their
community group fundraiser, with the very popular Space Age Sausage Sizzle.
The perfectly clear and still night enabled 16 visiting astronomers to focus their wide array of
telescopes onto various individual night sky objects. Of the astronomers, 4 were members of ICRAR,
11 were members of Astronomy Group of Western Australia. Rick Tonello of Astronomy Education
Services also gave the Sky Tours. Stargazers Club of WA was also represented. Also participating was
internationally recognised astrophotographer John Goldsmith, who was responsible for organising
and setting up the popular Astrophotography Exhibition and who also assisted a number of
photographers with their questions about their cameras for astrophotography.
It was the best time to view the rings of saturn, making this planet a popular choice for the
telescopes. The four moons of Jupiter were clearly visible, as were the ice caps on mars and other
night sky objects. The moon with its jagged craters was also popular as was “the spider” which can
only be viewed through binoculars. Young children to the very elderly, spent time visiting each
telescope or binoculars and engaging with the many other astrofest events. The astrophotography
exhibition, science shows, activities, exhibits, glow in the dark rockets, sky tours and space dome
were well attended until 9pm, when the successful 2014 Astro Rocks Fest officially ended.
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Report by event co-ordinator - Karen Morrissey Page 7
The 2014 Astro Rocks Fest was made possible by the generous sponsorship of Lotterywest, Horizon Power,
International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) and the Shire of Mount Magnet, supported by the
University of Western Australia School of Chemistry, Edward de Courcy Clarke Earth Science Museum and a
number of local businesses, organisations, community members and voluntary members of groups who
travelled in.
With the Shire of Mount Magnet, engagement by Mount Magnet District High School, Wirnda Barna Arts
Centre and the wider community are pivotal to the successful achievement of the Astro Rocks Fest project
outcomes, “to encourage inclusive communities, provide a boost to the local economy, increase the liveability
of a regional town and deliver informal astronomy, geological and historical education opportunities.”
Mount Magnet District High School under Principal Liz Tuckey, committed to astronomy and geology themes
through the curriculum. Students, while increasing their knowledge and curiosity of what is around them
where they live, also have an opportunity for their work to be displayed in public, while also furthering the
information provided to the wider community and visitors.
Wirnda Barna Arts Centre under manager Brendan Penzer, provided an essential indigenous arts and culture
connection to the Astro Rocks Fest. The “Wandarrie Country Rock Art and Seven Sisters Dreaming” exhibition
proved extremely popular and engaging. The rock art theme and activities continue to be developed. Wirnda
Barna also provides an essential community connection and, in its central location, is a point of community
gathering, as demonstrated by the successful creation of the outdoor venue “Frangipanni Forecourt”.
The sponsored participants were International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research lead by Pete Wheeler,
Astronomy Education Services (Rick Tonello), Scitech, Celestial Visions (John Goldsmith), Astronomy Group of
Western Australia (whose members also volunteered).
Giving freely of their time and expertise were Professor Mark Spackman, Kitty Spackman, Frank Lincoln and
John Reeve of UWA. The Department of Mines and Petroleum, WA Museum Geraldton, Australia’s Golden
Outback and WA Museum contributed material items. Voluntary group members who travelled to participate,
were members of Forum Advocating Cultural and Eco Tourism, Kalamunda Lapidary Club and Stargazers Club
of WA (Gin Gin).
With the organisations already mentioned, local voluntary community groups whose members contributed
included Bidi Bidi (Centacare) lead by Janine Bidois, Mount Magnet Dance Group, Mount Magnet Gymkhana
Club lead by Janet and Paul Jones, Seniors Group lead by Karen Williams, Yamatji Christian Fellowship lead by
George and Kate Taylor, Mount Magnet Fire Brigade, St John Ambulance volunteers who were on standby.
Community members who participated or assisted in a voluntary capacity included Brendan Penzer, Frank and
Annie Walsh, Frank Dale, Ron Ashlin, Gemma Poli, Karen Sturgess – Noble, Ian Beattie, Gerri Boylan, Carole
Minney, Geoff Brooks, Wayne Warner, Maureen Murat, Ronella Kelly, Amber Seivright, Adrian Morrissey,
Adeline Morrissey. Local businesses which made extra contribution were Mount Magnet Meats and The
Bakery Café. Local Shires, businesses, and others the region and Geraldton, also willingly assisted in
advertising the event.
The community of Mount Magnet and visitors from neighbouring towns supported the event, with some also
travelling from as far away as Mandurah to be present. Although heavy rains had closed the road to Geraldton
and in the Murchison region, there were an estimated 690 attendances to the Astro Rocks Fest events.
Feed back from the event was extremely positive both in the community and many who participated or had
travelled to the Astro Rocks Fest indicated they would be back in 2015.
The 2015 Mount Magnet Astro Rocks Fest will take place on 22nd – 23rd May 2015.
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Report by event co-ordinator - Karen Morrissey Page 8