Terminology in History K-10 Key terms in History Secondary Primary Early Stage 1 Stage 1 change and continuity, cause and effect, event, time, past, present and future, ‘then and now’ ‘my history’, family history, people, daily life, stories, important days, special holidays, ‘same and different’, object, photograph Prior learning: change and continuity, cause and effect, event, time, past, present and future, ‘then and now’ role, family history, family life, community, celebration, local, site, people, daily life, experiences, leisure, technology, stories, retell, narrative, communication, ‘same and different', importance, special holidays, traditions, sources Stage 2 New terminology to be introduced: generation, point of view Prior learning: change and continuity, cause and effect, event, time, past, present and future, ‘then and now’, generation Stage 3 New terminology to be introduced: sequence, perspective Prior learning: change and continuity, cause and effect, event, time, past, present and future, ‘then and now’, generation, sequence, perspective Stage 4 New terminology to be introduced: interpretation, contestability, cause, impact, consequence, BC/AD, decade, century, millennia Prior learning: change and continuity, cause and effect, event, time, past, present and future, ‘then and now’, generation, sequence, perspective, interpretation, contestability, cause, impact, consequence, BC/ AD, decade, century, millennia Stage 5 Additional terms for each stage’s topics New terminology to be introduced: immediate and long-term effects, BCE/CE, fact, opinion, bias, chronology, prehistory, ancient, medieval, modern history, archaeology, dating, origin, turning point, historical context Prior learning: change and continuity, cause and effect, event, time, past, present and future, ‘then and now’, generation, point of view, sequence, perspective, interpretation, contestability, cause, impact, consequence, immediate and long-term effects, BC/ AD, BCE/CE, decade, century, millennia, fact, opinion, bias, chronology, prehistory, ancient, medieval, modern history, archaeological record, dating, origin, turning point, historical context New terminology to be introduced: intended consequences, unintended consequences, revolution, transformation, culmination, historiography, evaluation, inter-war, post-World War II, legacy, influences heritage, site, identity, diversity, local, state, federal, national, international, emblems, community, celebration, commemoration, World, colonisation, settlers, daily life, Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, Country (as referred to in studies of Aboriginal history), traditions, exploration, navigator, technology, reasons, importance, significance, narration, explanation, ‘same and different’, behaviour, actions, research, experiences, sources, primary source, secondary source, object, views and experiences, historian colonies, society, convict, frontier, indigenous, economy, civics, migrant, national, international, ‘global connections’, entrepreneurs, humanitarian, influences, migration, Federation, democracy, local, state, federal, citizenship, constitution, attitudes, settlement, invasion, development, government, law, human rights, referendum, Stolen Generations, importance, significance, description, source material, rights and freedoms empire, civilisation, artefact, excavation, site, domesticate, cultivate, institutions, economic, military, political, nomadic, iconography, the Dreaming, middens, conservation, digital, global connections, ruling elite, nobility, peasant, warfare, feudal, bureaucracy, slavery, funerary customs, diplomacy, trade route, architecture, patronage, city-state, humanist, culture, trade, prominence, status, public works, indigenous, economy, commerce, development, modernisation, westernisation, divine, supernatural, attitudes, individuals and groups, settlement, invasion, government, law, codification, human rights, life expectancy, social mobility, uprising, dispossession, source material, historical investigation, purpose and usefulness (of sources), importance, role and significance (of an individual), influences, description, argument, controversy, explanation, evidence, attitudes, motive institutions, economic, military, political, commerce, development, conservation, digital, ruling elite, warfare, bureaucracy, slavery, diplomacy, trade route, transportation, architecture, humanist, nationalism, imperialism, modernisation, industrialisation, westernisation, capitalism, social discontent, uprising, life expectancy, social mobility, living and working conditions, tensions, socialism, communism, unionism, expansionism, agricultural revolution, industrial revolution, technological innovation, manufacturing, emancipist, free settler, progressive, egalitarianism, Darwinism, self-government, suffrage, franchise, legislation, independence, ANZAC, enlistment, conscription, censorship, Holocaust, home front, internment, racism, rationing, propaganda, enemy ‘aliens’, human rights, indigenous, settlement, invasion, dispossession, protection, assimilation, reconciliation, Freedom Rides, Native Title, declaration, popular culture, overseas, international, environmental, deforestation, organisation, policy, White Australia Policy, population, terrorism, global connections, global standing, globalisation, trade, status, attitudes, individuals, groups, government, law, human rights, multicultural, culture, cultural identity, source material, historical investigation, purpose and usefulness (of sources), reliability, controversy, importance, role and significance (of an individual), influences, description, argument, explanation, evidence, attitudes and motives, rights and freedoms, methodology, empathy DEC Learning and Leadership, 30/4/15