Lecture 7 - mh-lectures.co.uk

BS1033 Local Government – Continuity
and Change
7. Education
BS1033 Local Government – Continuity and Change
7. Education
Education is by far the largest item of local authority
expenditure…approximately 60% of all local authority
[Hampshire County Coumcil will spend 777 out of 1176
£million ]
BS1033 Local Government – Continuity and Change
7. Education
What is money spent on…
• Primary and pre-primary
• Secondary
• Special
• Adult and continuing
• Administration
BS1033 Local Government – Continuity and Change
7. Education
And, in the past,
• Further education Colleges (FEFC, now Learning
Skills Councils)
• Higher education (Colleges of Art, Technology,
Commerce) which became the polytechnics and then the
new universities
(e.g. Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham)
now funded by HEFCE (and student fees!)
BS1033 Local Government – Continuity and Change
7. Education
Types of provision…
• County Schools
• Voluntary Schools
• Special Grant Schools (50%-75% aided)
• Self-governing grant-maintained (opting out of local
authority control)
BS1033 Local Government – Continuity and Change
7. Education
Under the Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998, the
government established three new categories of schools:
•community, very broadly based on county schools
•voluntary, formerly voluntary aided and voluntary
controlled schools
•foundation, intended to replace GM schools, putting them
back under local authority control to an extent.
Local education authorities continue to retain responsibility
for various services, including transport, school meals, and
co-ordinating services for pupils with special needs.
BS1033 Local Government – Continuity and Change
7. Education
Big issues are….
• Attracting teachers
• Raising standards
• ‘faith schools’
• Local management
BS1033 Local Government – Continuity and Change
7. Education
Locally, in Hampshire…