Political Science

Political Science (major hours: 48)
Ethnic Studies (major hours: 33 / minor hours: 18)
Ethnic Studies complements Political Science’s study of governments; public policies;
political processes, systems, & behavior. Political Science focuses on structural
conditions such as laws or the economy, the self-interest of leaders or activists,
political incentives, or geography in order to explain ethnic/racial identification and
conflict. In turn, Ethnic Studies starts from ethnic/racial identity and conflict in order to
explain structural conditions, understandings of self-interest, or political incentives.
Ethnic Studies enhances students’ understanding of conflict, nationalism, the relationship between race and
class, and the way that identity-based and interest-based political projects interact. Harvard professor Dr.
Jennifer L. Hochschild argues that political science research lacks a critical edge, because it tends not to start
from race to explain material conditions, structures of power, and the distribution of resources. With the
United States changing demographics, Hochschild believes political science should begin examining how “high
levels of immigration and rapid demographic change, the recent growth of the Black middle class, the improved
standing of Asian Americans, the persistent but largely unarticulated impact of skin color on life chances, the
growth of a multiracial political and cultural movement, and other shocks to older understandings of racial
boundaries” will affect our polity.
Double majoring in Ethnic Studies and Political Science prepares you for careers in federal, state, and local
governments; law; political activism; social work; business; international organizations; nonprofit associations
and organizations; campaign management and polling; journalism; education; electoral politics; and research
and university teaching. Both disciplines expose students to information vital to solving many of the social,
economic and international problems facing a contemporary era.
Ethnic Studies
Business Classroom Building, Suite 308
Academic Advisor: Elizabeth Archuleta
Website: http://ethnic.utah.edu
Facebook: www.facebook.com/uofuethnicstudies
Email: ethnic.studies@umail.utah.edu
Email: elizabeth.archuleta@utah.edu
Sample Courses of Interest
 ETHNC 2550 - African American Experiences 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 2560 - Chicana/o Experiences 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 2570 - American Indian Experiences 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 2580 - Asian Pacific American Experiences 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 2590 - Pacific Islander American Experiences 3 Credit(s)
African American Content Group
 ETHNC 2020 - Social and Psychological Aspects of the African American Experience 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3761 - African American Literature II 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 4700 - African American History Since 1890 3 Credit(s)
American Indian Content Group
 ETHNC 3150 - Indian Law and Policy 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3740 - American Indian Lit
 ETHNC 3870 - American Indian Women 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3600 - Native Americans in Modern Society: Implications for Social Policy 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3970 - Selected American Indian Topics 1 - 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 4670 - History of Native American Peoples 3 Credit(s)
Asian Pacific American Content Group
 ETHNC 3520 - Asian Pacific American Contemporary Issues 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3750 - Asian American Literature 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3880 - Asian Pacific American Women 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 4600 - Asian Pacific American History 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 5430 - Asian Pacific American Politics 3 Credit(s)
Chicana/o Content Group
 ETHNC 3770 - Chicana/o Literature 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 4550 - Latinos in the United States 3 Credit(s)
Ethnic Studies Content Group
 ETHNC 3100 - US Third World Feminisms 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3190 - Racial and Ethnic Politics 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3290 - Ethnic Minority Families 4 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3300 - Peoples of Utah 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3365 - Ethnic Minorities in America 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3400 - Intercultural Communication 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3420 - American Racism 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 3450 - Intergroup Relations: Our Prejudices and Stereotypes 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 5290 - Gender and Minorities Across the Lifespan 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 5350 - Diaspora, Transnationalism & U.S. Community 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 5560 - Social Psychology of Human Diversity 3 Credit(s)
 ETHNC 5800 - Theories and Research on Social Inequality 3 Credit(s)