religion policies

Religious Education
Person Responsible
Date Adopted
Review Date
Lee Johnson
Summer 2008
Summer 2012
Together, Everyone Achieves More!
How our policies are developed
In the production of this policy we have drawn information from the following:
 Harrow Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and Borough Curriculum
Guidelines for Religious Education
 Documentation, guidance and resources produced by Harrow SACRE Committee,
Harrow Achievement and Inclusion Service and BAC policy
 Harrow’s RE Advisory Teacher
 The schools existing curriculum
The draft policies are presented to staff and governors as part of the development
process and made available to staff and published on our website
How this policy relates to the School Improvement Plan
Our School Improvement Plan identified the updating of all curriculum policies
RE is taught through year groups (either by year group teachers or by designated staff
covering PPA time). Planning is to be found in each year group area and training needs
met through staff updating their subject knowledge through borough courses and
subject developments through attendance of termly coordinators meetings.
It would be useful to develop a whole school assessment reference with respect to R.E.
The school intends to continue to build awareness, amongst the staff, of a basic
understanding of the faiths to be found in Harrow and Great Britain, through
 Developing links with representatives of the local faith communities
 Valuing the rich diversity of the religions represented in the whole school
 Giving pupils opportunities to explore the beliefs, practices and places of
worship of a wide range of religions
 Valuing pupil contributions to lessons and assemblies
To give pupils the opportunity to learn using a wide range of relevant books, resources
ands artefacts and through gaining information about religious practices from local
religious leaders as well as other visitors.
By using current issues, we aim to extend the pupils' ability to make reasoned and
informed judgements about religious and moral issues; thus learning from religion as
well as about religion.
Time allocated to RE is between 40 min and one hour per week depending on whether
it is taught in PPA time or by class teachers
Aims and Objectives
To encourage pupils to respect their rights to hold different beliefs yet still learn to appreciate
the values and experiences of others.
To enhance the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of all pupils, by developing
an awareness of the fundamental questions of life, which are raised by human experiences and
understand that people's viewpoints come from different experiences and perspectives.
To develop an interest in other people and stimulate a positive attitude towards them,
promoting an understanding of the ethical and moral beliefs and traditions, which are valued
by individuals, communities, societies and cultures and influence the lives of all people in
To compare and contrast religious teachings, philosophy and beliefs, ensuring that these are
clearly defined and accurate, so as to show distinction for the specific differences of any
Principles of teaching and learning
The Harrow Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2008 update) will form the basis of
how the curriculum will be shaped from Nursery to Year 6. The children will be provided
with many, varied learning experiences to support the school's aims including:
 Sharing of stories and scriptures
 Visiting places of worship
 Looking at models, photographs and other artefacts
 Comparing religious calendars and looking at the lunar and solar calendars
 Sharing festive food and festive art
 Explore religions through discussion and pupils own experiences
 If possible, RE can be incorporated into cross-curricular themes
 Demonstrations of religious ritual
There should be opportunity for in-service training and help for all staff, to be able to
understand and empathise with religions and cultures, not within their own experiences;
including the opportunity to visit exhibitions and workshops lead by local religious
communities aimed at equipping teachers to feel more confident about delivering related
The Agreed syllabus and medium term plans will be designed to ensure that progression is
recognisable within each Key Stage.
Equal Access and Outcome
All pupils should be able to access the full range of experiences, within each philosophy that is
studied, other than those whose parents exert their rights in excluding their child from RE
lessons. If children are excluded from RE lessons, or for religious reasons from television
usage, computer usage, trips or concerts, then alternative provision must be made available.
Care will be given to ensure that equal access for all children is provided and that
differentiated outcomes are planned for where appropriate. (See Equal Opportunities,
Inclusion and Learning Support Policies).
Sensitivity should be shown to children who follow different rituals, codes of dress and dietary
laws, especially in PE, Food Technology, PSCHE and discussions in Health Education
because of specific religious or cultural observances.
In recognition of the preference for cross-curricula links, Year Teams will use every
opportunity to plan work which reinforces and complements work in other subjects.
Portfolios of exemplars and samples of work to be accrued and held by both the TLR postholder and year group areas.
Health and Safety
Health and Safety issues arise in preparation for Educational Visits; and all such visits will
comply with LEA Guidance. (EVC and ESRA - Event Specific Risk Assessments will be
completed). Preparatory visits will be made if necessary.
Staff should be aware of taking extra precautions in PE, regarding the wearing of special
modes of dress and jewellery for religious purposes. The school will need to consider the
issue and make specific rulings on what is and is not allowed to be worn in school, because of
safety. This ruling needs to be clearly defined in the school's prospectus for parents, so that
areas of concern, such as swimming, PE and games can be addressed. Advice can be sought
from the borough Advisor for RE who regularly liaises with leaders from all the local religious
The Harrow Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education provides the structure for the planning
of the curriculum. In line with national guidelines it stresses learning about religion and from
religion, but does not at any point try to persuade anyone to join or convert to a religion.
Assessment criteria (from the Agreed syllabus) to be added to the school’s assessment
Work in RE can be linked across the curriculum in many ways (especially with literacy,
drama, art and PSCHE) and Year Teams will use every opportunity to plan work which
reinforces and complements work in other subjects.
The Subject Co-ordinator will:
 Attend regular termly update meetings for subject coordinators
 provide guidance and support on implementation
 organise, review and order resources in a centralised area
 ensure that staff are aware of new resources
 stay up to date on developments in RE
 liaise with the Borough HSIP or AST for RE to arrange training for staff as needed
 monitor work throughout the school including assessment and record-keeping
 liaise with colleagues in Primary and High Schools via cluster meetings and otherwise
In consultation with the coordinator and Year Teams, class teachers will:
 decide on teaching objectives
 prepare teaching plans
 prepare termly schemes of work in line with the guidelines
 assess the work and progress of pupils in RE
 be prepared for informal discussions with parents on their child’s progress in RE
 provide information and advice on the viability of the school’s guidelines for RE for the
The Senior Management Team or Teaching and Learning Team will:
 summarise any form of formal reporting presented by the RE Team
 brief the RE Team and staff prior to formal meetings with parents, governors or inspectors
 provide opportunities for staff to share observations and concerns about the development of
the subject and the arrangements for its delivery to pupils, classes and year groups
 evaluate the school’s arrangements for teaching RE
The History Team and Teaching and Learning Team with staff will identify the development
needs relating to the school’s arrangements for History. The Staff Development Co-ordinator
will develop procedures which will link appraisal outcomes related to History to the Staff
Development programme.
Continuity and progression
Medium Term plans and individual lesson plans are stored on the School Computer system in
each year group area and general guidance for the work covered in each year group is to be
found in the Harrow Agreed Syllabus (2008) and adapted to each age group as appropriate.
Opportunity to be provided for year teams to see examples of lessons taught and outcomes
from other year groups in order to aim to teach for progression.
The teaching of RE should support the spiritual aims of the school, as outlined in the school's
Aims. Evaluation by staff, informed by feedback from pupils and parents, should be an ongoing and continuous process.
The RE Co-ordinator will be able to buy new resources within the budget agreed by the
governing Body annually and otherwise as necessary. Staff will be informed and familiarised
with new resources as they are acquired.
Careful selection of resources and artefacts, and effective use of display play an important part
in promoting the value and status of work in RE.
Staff are expected to discuss arrangements for RE through Year and Curriculum Team
meetings, half termly evaluation forms as well as informally. Issues raised will be addressed in
our Staff Development planning term by term.
Each child's progress will be reported in his/her annual report, in line with the whole school
Parents will be sent a termly letter, explaining the topics to be covered in each year group.