27 Week Assessment - Overview of Major Topics

27 Week Assessment - Overview of Major Topics:
Chemical vs. physical rxns
Classification of matter (pure substances –element/compound - vs. mixtures – hetero/homogeneous)
Sig figs.
Qualitative vs. quantitative
Safety rules
Atomic structure (proton & neutron inside nucleus and electrons outside nucleus)
Isotopes (atomic number, atomic mass – what do these tell you about an element?)
Electron configurations (1s22s22p6… - standard & noble gas)
s, p, d, f, subshells (where are they found, each subshell can accommodate how many electrons?)
wavelength, frequency, energy calculations (equations on reference sheet – must know each symbol)
periodic trends (atomic radii, ionization energy, electronegativity, electron affinity)
metals, nonmetals, metalloids (on periodic table, properties of each)
Chemical Names & Formulas (ionic –uses criss cross & roman numerals- vs. covalent –uses prefixes)
Polyatomic ions
Balancing Chemical Equations
5 types of equations (know how to use activity series for single replacement)
Precipitate (use solubility rules - solid formed during a double replacement reaction)
Spectator ions (break up aqueous reactants and products into ions –cancel all identical ions on both sides)
% Composition (basic equation & “percent to mass, mass to mole, divide by small multiply ‘till whole”)
Stoichiometry (including limiting/excess reactant problems)
Drawing Lewis structures (review the rules & counting valence electrons)
VSEPR shapes & molecular geometry
Polar covalent (moderate EN difference) vs. Nonpolar covalent (very small to no EN difference)
Polar covalent (VSEPR shape is asymmetrical) vs. Nonpolar covalent (VSEPR shape is very symmetrical)
States of matter & phase changes
Heating/cooling curve
Phase diagrams & vapor pressure curves
Endothermic vs. exothermic
Specific heat calculations & calorimetry (q – mCp∆T which is on reference sheet)
Thermochemical equations/enthalpy diagrams & stoichiometry with heat values
Hess’s Law Calculations
Also calculations using the enthalpies of formation from Appendix C (n∆Hfᵒproducts – n∆Hfᵒreactants)
Gas Laws (PV=nRT given on reference sheet) Combined Gas Law (P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2 NOT on ref. sheet) –
always use Kelvin for temperature calculations!!!
Concentration Terms – molarity, molality, mole fraction, mass percent
Dilutions (M1V1 = M2V2)
Solubility Curves (Saturated/Unsaturated/Supersaturated)
Colligative Properties-Vapor Pressure lowering,Boiling Point Elevation,Freezing Point depression (NO calc)