Biochemistry Review Facts

Biochemistry Review Facts
BC1: Sub atomic particles and where they are in atom
Subatomic particles:
1. Proton= positive (+)
2. Electron= negative (-)
3. Neutron= neutral (0)
Location of particles:
Protons and neutrons= in the nucleus
Electrons= in outer shells
Facts about atoms:
1. #of protons= # of electrons
2. # of protons is the Atomic #
3. Atomic mass= protons + neutron
4. Octet rule=
a. in the 1st shell:2 electrons to be full
b. in all other shells: 8 electron to be full
5. Isotope- same atom with different # of neutrons.
BC2: difference between an atom and ion
Atom- has equal numbers of proton and electron, no charge
Ion- protons and electrons are not equal, has a charge
BC3: Compare the types of bonding between atoms.
Ionic bonds- transfer electrons from on atom to another.
By looking at the number of electron in the outer shell we
can predict if they will share or transfer electrons.
Columns 1,2, 6, 7 tend to transfer electrons.
EX- NaCl table salt ionic bond
Covalent Bonds- share electron between atoms.
Carbon has 4 electrons in outer shell so it can form 4
covalent bonds. (Organic compounds for covalent bonds)
Examples of covalent bonds
BC5: Difference between organic and inorganic compounds
Organic- contains C and H, may also contain O, N, or P
Make up living organisms
More complex than inorganic
Carbon forms covalent bonds
Inorganic- all other compounds not containing a carbon
hydrogen chain Ex. H2O, NaCl
BC6: Explain pH scale and understand the relationship of H+
pH 7 = neutral (pure water)
pH 0 - 6.9999 = Acid
pH 7.1- 14= Base (Alkaline)
The further away from 7 the stronger the acid or base.
The lower the pH # the higher H+ ions concentration
(The stronger the acid the more H+ ions)
All bases will have less H+ ions than water.
BC7: Macromolecules
See chart (#10 in notebook) and Notecards
BC8: Enzymes – proteins made of amino acids
1. Function: catalyst that speed up chemical reactions
2. How: lowering the activation energy
3. Specific= only work on specific substrates
Ex. Lactase can only break down lactose
4. Reusable
5. Enzymes end in –ase
Lock and Key model
If the shape of the enzyme changes, it will NOT work.
BC9: Properties of water
Water molecule is polar. Hydrogen end is slightly
positive. Oxygen end is slightly negative.
CohesionAdhesionSurface TensionCapillary ActionHigh specific HeatIce is less dense that water