Pupil Premium Data for Willowbrook Primary School 2014-2015 Total amount of PPG received Number of pupils: 185 pupils £248,154 2015-2016 Total amount of PPG received Number of pupils: 195 pupils £253, 440 Summary of Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) spending 2014-2015 Objectives in spending PPG: • To ensure that all pupils in receipt of pupil premium make 2 whole levels progress between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 • To ensure that progress is accelerated for those pupils in receipt of pupil premium • To ensure that there is no difference in attainment between those in receipt of PPG and those not in receipt • To enrich the curriculum and provide experiences to enhance progress in academic, social and emotional development • To provide effective interventions for all pupils where a gap in attainment exists We have used our pupil premium funding to support all the following work: Reading Recovery teacher: £26, 704.73 Teaching assistants running reading interventions (BRP): £15, 102.77 Teaching assistant (L3) running base for vulnerable children: £15, 738.00 Behaviour mentor £18,606 Pastoral support worker £15,969 Additional teacher in year 6 for the mornings: £31,703 Additional teacher in year 3: £42,234 Specialist teachers for one day a week in art, music, yoga, French and dance: £21, 892.00 Swimming lessons for all children in years 3 and 4: £3,730.00 90 iPads and 60 laptops for all children to use: £31,300 Trips for children receiving PPG and Year 6 residential trip: £20,000 Breakfast club: £3,511 Total: £246,490.50 Summary of spending and actions taken for 2014-15 academic year: • All teachers include trips as an integral part of each topic to enrich the curriculum for all year groups. These trips include a day trip to the seaside, Warwick Castle, Harry Potter World in London and the Black Country Living Museum. necessary to ensure that they go ahead. These trips have been subsidized where • Teaching Assistants are all trained to run reading interventions and we have a Reading Recovery teacher in Year 1 • 3 teacher led groups run in year 6 in the mornings to teach English, phonics and maths in smaller groups • Year 6 are split into 3 morning groups for the teaching of English, grammar, maths and Reading • We employ specialist teachers in dance, music, yoga and French to develop pupils’ skills as well as teachers’ abilities in those subjects • We have an alternative provision base for our most vulnerable children to provide social, emotional and mental health work • We have 90 iPads and 60 laptops that all children have access to Outcomes to date: KS2 2015 data shows; • 96% of children achieved level4 + in reading, 96% in writing, 91% in grammar and 94% in maths. 100% of children made at least expected progress in writing, 98% in reading and 98% in maths. 94% of children achieved level 4+ in reading, writing and maths combined. 29% of children made more than expected progress in reading, 50% in writing and 24% in maths. This accelerated progress is partly due to pupil premium funding with a third teacher leading a group in Year 6. • Children in receipt of pupil premium data shows (19/49 children in this cohort); 100% of children made good or better progress in writing (100% all) 100% of children made good or better progress in reading (98% all) 95% of children made good or better progress in maths (98% all) 42% made better than expected progress in reading (29% all) 42% made better than expected progress in writing (50% all) 26% made better than expected progress in maths. (24% all) Pupil data suggests a further emphasis on supporting children with writing in receipt of pupil premium to make better than expected progress • The Ofsted data dashboard shows that in 2014, the school's GAPs, writing and maths results were in the top 20% of all schools' results. In GAPs, the school’s result was in the top 40% of similar schools. In maths and writing, the school’s result was in the top 20% of similar schools. In reading, the school’s result was in the top 40% of all schools and the top 40% of similar schools. (This will be updated when data become available in Nov 15) • In the year 2014-15 we maintained school attendance percentage statistic at 95.3%. Pupil premium money was used as part of an incentive programme that had measurable impact. • The implementation of a 3rd year 3 group was reactive to concerns about attainment at the end of KS1 and a cohort of children with complex needs. (28/61 pupils). This cohort has been split into 3 classes and targeted alternative phonic programmes are being implemented. Planned spending and actions for 2015-16 academic year: • No cost to parents for all school trips for pupils in receipt of PPG • Year 6 PGL residential funded for all pupils • Year 6 cohort to be split into 3 small teaching groups every morning • Year 4 cohort to be split into 3 small classes • Targeted phonics and reading interventions for low attaining Yr2&3 pupils. Identified during phonics tests and ks1 results. • To continue to close the gap in attainment for those pupils in receipt of PPG • Specialist teachers to continue in dance and French • Outdoor learning opportunities to enrich the curriculum • Reading Recovery teacher • All teaching assistants continue to be trained in BRP reading interventions and supporting pupils across the school • 1-1 phonics intervention • Alternative provision base to continue for vulnerable pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs ran by L3 teaching assistant and behaviour mentor • Funded breakfast club for all pupils • No cost to parents for swimming lessons in year 3 and 4 • Behaviour mentor and Pastoral Support Worker employed to provide support for all children and families