CP PSYCH. TEST: Some of 13 + Ch. 14 SP 2014 Michaelis

CP PSYCH. TEST: Some of 13 + Ch. 14
SP 2014
MATCHING: MATCH the items in EACH set. (Some not used…some used more than once)
------------------------------------------------------------a. achievement assessment
b. aptitude assessment
c. intelligence assessment
d. personality assessment
1. A(n) _______ assessment tries to discover a person’s talent or strength and to predict how
well he or she will be able to learn a new skill or do in a certain profession.
2. The ACT is an example of a(n) ______.
3. The WISC-R and WAIS-R are types of a(n)_____.
4. The NEO is a type of _____.
5. This psych class test you are taking right now measures how much you have processed &/or
learned information relating to this class. So this would be best considered to be a(n) _____.
6. An assessment to identify specific enduring behavior patterns known as traits is a(n) ____.
7. The ASVAB given by the US military is a(n) ______.
Freud’s personality theory: Which is it?
A) ego
B) superego
C) id
8. Motto of this personality part is “I want what I want when I want it!”
9. This personality part works on the reality principle, which makes us think about all parts of
the issue, good and bad, and weigh each, and decide how to act.
10. The “selfish little child” in each of us is represented by this part of the personality, and it
works on the pleasure principle.
11. The part of our personality that tells us what’s right or wrong, working on more of a
“morality principle.”
a. A. Adler
b. C. Jung
c. K. Horney
d. C. Rogers
e. A. Maslow
12. A humanist, he developed a hierarchy of needs that said we have to meet basic needs
before moving to the next level, & that self-actualization is the highest of these levels.
13. Woman who began to refer to later Freudians as “psychodynamic”, she rejected Freud’s
sexual theories and said that it was social needs, not sexual needs, that forms our personality
14. He developed the concept of unconditional positive regard and encourages parents to use
this with their kids and for therapists to use this with their clients.
15. He was a “Freudian” who came up with the idea of inferiority complexes and also the
“birth order” theory.
16. Freudian who developed the terms introvert and extrovert, which are still used today
Defense Mechanisms: Which defense mechanism is used in each of situation below?
Choose the defense mechanism BEST indicated by each example of behavior:
a. denial
b. displacement
c. projection
d. reaction formation
e. repression
17. In May, Javon told his mom he hated her and that he wished she was dead. Three
months later when his mom mentioned how much that had hurt her, Javon was shocked,
and did not remember anything at all about it and said, “ Mom! What is wrong with you?
I never said anything like that to you EVER!” What defense mechanism is Javon using?
18. Marla is an awful gossip. She talked about everyone and if she heard anything, she told
it as soon as she could. Then Joan said something about her. Marla flipped out and
started yelling about how Joan was just a big gossip and should mind her own business
and stop spreading rumors. What defense mechanism is Marla using?
19. T.J. broke up with Angelina. When she went home, Angelina’s sister asked to borrow
her sweater which she had borrowed several times before. Angelina suddenly screamed at
her sis, “I am tired of you always taking my things! Get out of here NOW!”
What defense mechanism is Angelina using?
20. Kara is a “party-girl” and likes to have fun. Every weekend she makes sure there’s a party
to go to with lots to drink. One weekend as usual, she had too much to drink, but this
time she stumbled down basement stairs and broke her leg & hip when she hit concrete. Her
parents & brothers talked to her, trying to convince her to get help for her drinking problem.
She just looked at them like they were crazy, and laughed and said, “Good grief! I don’t
have a drinking problem! I just like to have fun!” What defense mechanism is Kara using?
a. A. Bandura
b. BF Skinner
c. S. Freud
d. G. Allport
e. C. Rogers
21. Believed that behavioral theories, especially operant conditioning with rewards &
punishments, did the most to shape our personality
22. Said that social learning, learning from watching other people, affected our personality the
23. He came up with a theory that said that sexual urges, or drives, came in stages and that this
made our personality the way it is
24. Was the first to define what defense mechanisms are, and he used dream analysis in his
therapy sessions.
25. Came up with evidence that certain personality traits are at least somewhat stable/ He also
said these traits are influenced by genetics to some degree, and that they are heritable,
meaning able to be inherited.
26. Believed that we have great potential, but that our ideas of ourselves is how we form our
personality, and that too often we get these ideas from how others see us
Choose the BEST answer for each item.
27. Which below is not one of the sexual stages in Freud’s theory?
a. phallic
b. anal
c. latent
d. superego
e. genital
28. Which below is true?
a. Your environment has almost nothing to do with your level of intelligence.
b. The people you grow up around are the main factor in determine what your
personality will be, even if you are adopted.
c. Twin studies have shown that certain personality traits have a strong chance of being
29. Which theory of personality development emphasized the uniqueness of each of us and
said that we are all good inside and are trying to be the best we can be?
a. social learning
c. behavioral
b. psychosocial
d. humanistic
30. According to ____, Freud totally missed the point about women when he said they envied
the male sexual organ. This psychologist said it was the power and having choices in life,
not the organ, that women envied.
a. C. Jung
b. A. Bandura
c. B.F. Skinner
d. K. Horney e. A. Adler
31. The part of the mind that contains material of which we are unaware but that strongly
influences how we behave is the ____.
a. archetype
b. ego
c. superego
d. id
e. unconscious
32. Which of the following is not considered by psychologists to be one of the “Big Five
Traits of Personality?”
a. openness to experience
b. extraversion
d. traditional
c. emotionally stability
e. agreeableness
33. ____ personality traits are likely to last throughout a person’s lifetime, even if they vary with
the situation.
a. stable
b. unconscious
c. extraverted
d. behavioral
34. According to humanists, a person who has realized his or her highest potential as a unique
human being is
a. self-actualized
b. extraverted
c. regarded unconditionally d. stable
35. The psychologist most associated with the trait theory of personality is
a. Allport
b. Bandura
c. Freud
d. Maslow
e. Rogers
Mark “A” if it is TRUE…..”B” if it is false.
36. Personality inventories are what most people call personality tests.
37. Freud developed psychoanalytic personality theory, Rogers developed humanistic
personality theory, and Skinner helped develop behavioral personality theory.
38. People who are high in neuroticism tend to be emotionally very stable.
39. Extraversion is one part of the Big Five traits, and it has to do with how shy you are or how
out-going you are.
40. People who score high on the personality trait known as “traditional” often break the rules
and follow their own path, their own way of doing things.
CP PSYCH. TEST: Some of 13 + Ch. 14
F 2013
MATCHING: MATCH the items in EACH set. (Some not used…some used more than once)
------------------------------------------------------------a. intelligence assessment
b. personality assessment
c. aptitude assessment
d. achievement assessment
1. A(n) _______ assessment tries to discover a person’s talent or strength and to predict how
well he or she will be able to learn a new skill or do in a certain profession.
2. The ACT is an example of a(n) ______.
3. The WISC-R and WAIS-R are types of a(n)_____.
4. The NEO is a type of _____.
5. This psych class test you are taking right now measures how much you have processed &/or
learned information relating to this class. So this would be best considered to be a(n) _____.
6. An assessment to identify specific enduring behavior patterns known as traits is a(n) ____.
7. The ASVAB given by the US military is a(n) ______.
Freud’s personality theory: Which is it?
A) superego
B) id
C) ego
8. Motto of this personality part is “I want what I want when I want it!”
9. This personality part works on the reality principle, which makes us think about all parts of
the issue, good and bad, and weigh each, and decide how to act.
10. The “selfish little child” in each of us is represented by this part of the personality, and it
works on the pleasure principle.
11. The part of our personality that tells us what’s right or wrong, working on more of a
“morality principle.”
a. A. Adler
b. K. Horney
c. C. Jung
d. A. Maslow
e. C. Rogers
12. A humanist, he developed a hierarchy of needs that said we have to meet basic needs
before moving to the next level, & that self-actualization is the highest of these levels.
13. Woman who began to refer to later Freudians as “psychodynamic”, she rejected Freud’s
sexual theories and said that it was social needs, not sexual needs, that forms our personality
14. He developed the concept of unconditional positive regard and encourages parents to use
this with their kids and for therapists to use this with their clients.
15. He was a “Freudian” who came up with the idea of inferiority complexes and also the
“birth order” theory.
16. Freudian who developed the terms introvert and extrovert, which are still used today
Defense Mechanisms: Which defense mechanism is used in each of situation below?
a. reaction formation
b. repression
c. denial
d. displacement
e. projection
17. In May, Javon told his mom he hated her and that he wished she was dead. Three
months later when his mom mentioned how much that had hurt her, Javon was shocked,
and did not remember anything at all about it and said, “ Mom! What is wrong with you?
I never said anything like that to you EVER!” What defense mechanism is Javon using?
18. Marla is an awful gossip. She talked about everyone and if she heard anything, she told
it as soon as she could. Then Joan said something about her. Marla flipped out and
started yelling about how Joan was just a big gossip and should mind her own business
and stop spreading rumors. What defense mechanism is Marla using?
19. T.J. broke up with Angelina. When she went home, Angelina’s sister asked to borrow
her sweater which she had borrowed several times before. Angelina suddenly screamed at
her sis, “I am tired of you always taking my things! Get out of here NOW!”
What defense mechanism is Angelina using?
20. Kara is a “party-girl” and likes to have fun. Every weekend she makes sure there’s a party
to go to with lots to drink. One weekend as usual, she had too much to drink, but this
time she stumbled down basement stairs and broke her leg & hip when she hit concrete. Her
parents & brothers talked to her, trying to convince her to get help for her drinking problem.
She just looked at them like they were crazy, and laughed and said, “Good grief! I don’t
have a drinking problem! I just like to have fun!” What defense mechanism is Kara using?
a. S. Freud
b. G. Allport
c. C. Rogers
d. A. Bandura
e. BF Skinner
21. Believed that behavioral theories, especially operant conditioning with rewards &
punishments, did the most to shape our personality
22. Said that social learning, learning from watching other people, affected our personality the
23. He came up with a theory that said that sexual urges, or drives, came in stages and that this
made our personality the way it is
24. Was the first to define what defense mechanisms are, and he used dream analysis in his
therapy sessions.
25. Came up with evidence that certain personality traits are at least somewhat stable/ He also
said these traits are influenced by genetics to some degree, and that they are heritable,
meaning able to be inherited.
26. Believed that we have great potential, but that our ideas of ourselves is how we form our
personality, and that too often we get these ideas from how others see us
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the BEST answer for each item.
27. According to ____, Freud totally missed the point about women when he said they envied
the male sexual organ. This psychologist said it was the power and having choices in life,
not the organ, that women envied.
a. C. Jung
b. A. Bandura
c. B.F. Skinner
d. K. Horney e. A. Adler
28. The part of the mind that contains material of which we are unaware but that strongly
influences how we behave is the ____.
a. archetype
b. ego
c. superego
d. id
e. unconscious
29. Which of the following is not considered by psychologists to be one of the “Big Five
Traits of Personality?”
a. openness to experience
b. extraversion
d. traditional
c. emotionally stability
e. agreeableness
30. ____ personality traits are likely to last throughout a person’s lifetime, even if they vary with
the situation.
a. stable
b. unconscious
c. extraverted
d. behavioral
31. According to humanists, a person who has realized his or her highest potential as a unique
human being is
a. self-actualized
b. extraverted
c. regarded unconditionally d. stable
32. The psychologist most associated with the trait theory of personality is
a. Allport
b. Bandura
c. Freud
d. Maslow
e. Rogers
33. Which below is not one of the sexual stages in Freud’s theory?
a. phallic
b. anal
c. latent
d. superego
e. genital
34. Which below is true?
a. Your environment has almost nothing to do with your level of intelligence.
b. The people you grow up around are the main factor in determine what your
personality will be, even if you are adopted.
c. Twin studies have shown that certain personality traits have a strong chance of being
35. Which theory of personality development emphasized the uniqueness of each of us and
said that we are all good inside and are trying to be the best we can be?
a. social learning
c. behavioral
b. psychosocial
d. humanistic
Mark “A” if it is TRUE…..”B” if it is false.
36. Extraversion is one part of the Big Five traits, and it has to do with how shy you are or how
out-going you are.
37. People who score high on the personality trait known as “traditional” often break the rules
and follow their own path, their own way of doing things.
38. Personality inventories are what most people call personality tests.
39. Freud developed psychoanalytic personality theory, Rogers developed humanistic
personality theory, and Skinner helped develop behavioral personality theory.
40. People who are high in neuroticism tend to be emotionally very stable.