Sample Infinite Campus Teacher Manual

Infinite Campus Training
Manual for Teachers
Accessing Infinite Campus ............................................................................................................. 2
Infinite Campus Home Page Tour .................................................................................................. 3
Requesting a Demographic Update in Campus .............................................................................. 4
Taking Attendance .......................................................................................................................... 6
Grade Book Setup & Scoring ......................................................................................................... 8
Accessing Student Information from the Class Roster ................................................................. 12
Teacher Reports ............................................................................................................................ 13
Grading Dates, Deadlines, and Tasks ........................................................................................... 16
Posting Quarterly Grades (Grades 7-8)......................................................................................... 17
Posting Semester Grades (Grades 9-12) ....................................................................................... 19
Using the Search Tab .................................................................................................................... 20
Failing Grade Messenger Instructions .......................................................................................... 21
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
Accessing Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus is our school’s student information system where we keep everything from
attendance and grades to health and scheduling.
To access Infinite Campus,
from home:
from school:
If you receive a warning message that asks whether you want to continue, select continue.
Use the username and password giving to you when you started to log in to the system.
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
Infinite Campus Home Page Tour
Teacher Name
Campus Toolbar
Toggle Outline Button- Clicking this icon takes away or brings back the Outline for more space to work with.
Year- Choose the school year you want to work within.
School- Choose the school that you would like to access. If you teacher in two schools, you will need to regularly
move between the two schools via this dropdown menu.
Section- Choose the particular section that you would like to access
Outline Pane
 Index tab-This tab contains the modules, tools, and reports that you will regularly need to access.
 Search tab-This tab brings you to a Search screen that you can use to look up information by different
 Help tab-This tab changes the Outline Pane to a context specific help screen.
 Account Settings- Users can change their password here.
 Log Off- Clicking this tool will log you out of your account. This is important to ensure protection of
student data.
Work Space
 District Notices- The District will post District-Wide announcements here. Parents will also see this on
the portal.
 School Notices- Your administrator can post school-specific announcements here. Parents can see this on
the portal.
 Process Inbox-The process inbox works as a reminder to complete tasks (like taking attendance). Clicking
the link takes you directly to the tool you need to complete the task.
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
Requesting a Demographic Update in Campus
Accessing Demographics
From the Index tab, expand the Census
folder by clicking the plus (+) sign or by
clicking on the word Census.
Select the My Data icon.
Demographics Tab
You will automatically see the My
Demographics tab.
To request changes to your demographics,
click the Request Demographic Update
Upon doing so, a Demographic-New Record
Request box will appear.
o You are not required to input
information next to Brief Description.
o Under Update Type, select “I am
adding or correcting my information.”
Personal Information Input
Please be sure to review your information. If
there is incorrect information, please modify
it. The following fields in the Personal
Information box need to be filled in:
o Last name
o First name
o Gender
o Birth date
o Race/ethnicity (see below)
Click on the blue “Edit” button next to
Race/Ethnicity. Upon doing so, you will see a
screen similar to the image to the right.
 Answer all three of the questions:
1. Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?
2. Is the individual from one or more of these
races. (Note: you must check at least one of
the boxes.)
3. Race/Ethnicity Determination. Please
choose 02: Self Identified.
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
Personal Contact Information Input
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Scroll down to the Personal Contact
Information box.
The following fields in the Personal Contact
Information box need to be filled in:
o Other Phone (home phone).
Check the Private box if you wish.
o Cell Phone (if applicable) Check
the Private box if you wish.
o Email (Please include your CMCA
email address as this will be
accessible to parents on Portal.)
o Next to Contact Reason, check all
of the boxes.
Updated 3.13.13
Taking Attendance
Step 1: Log In
To log in to Infinite Campus from school, go to:
Step 2: Select the correct class
Select the appropriate School, Schedule, and
Towards the bottom of the Infinite Campus main
screen, you will notice a Process Inbox.
Click on the Homeroom section. This is where
you will take attendance each day.
Step 3: Mark your class attendance
Click the radio buttons next to those students
who are Absent (A) or Tardy (T). All students
are marked present by default.
Please add details under Comments by students
who come to class tardy. For example, a student
would be Excused if he brought a pass from
another teacher. A student would be Unexcused
if he came late to class without a pass.
Step 4: Save!
At the very top of the attendance window click
on SAVE. If you do not click on Save, all
changes you made will be lost. You may receive
a warning if you do not save. Please read all
warning messages carefully!
You will receive a pop up verification window if
you saved.
For a video on taking attendance, click here:
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
Taking Attendance for Past
Dates / Having an Aide Take
Attendance for the Teacher
Teacher Names
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
Click on the Attendance link of the left
side of your screen to expand the options.
Click on Classroom Monitor.
Add the date for which you are checking
attendance and click the Refresh button.
Click on the cell with the appropriate
Teacher and Course.
Update the attendance and click Save.
Grade Book Setup & Scoring
 Select the Year, School, Schedule (for grades K-6), and Section that
you wish to record grades for from the drop-down list that appears
near the top of your screen.
 Expand the Instruction folder on the left side of your screen by
clicking the plus (+) sign or by clicking on the word Instruction.
 Select the Assignments folder. From this window, you will be able to
create grading categories (Homework, Tests, Quizzes, etc), modify
teacher preferences, calculate the composite grade, and create
Edit Teacher Preferences
 Click on Edit Teacher Preferences.
 Boxes that we recommend you check include:
o Hide Dropped Students
o Use Canned Comments
 Under Default Standard/Grading Task, choose the task that you will
be adding assignments to regularly. Your Grade Book will
automatically open to this standard/task.
o K-6: Reading Grade, Math Grade, Spelling Grade, etc.
o 7-8: Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4
o 9-12: Semester
 Click on Mass Assign to multiple sections to make these changes to
your other sections. Note: You can only mass assign these preferences
to courses within the same school. If you are a switchover teacher,
please be sure you have mass assigned to courses for each school (K6, 7-8, 9-12).
 Check the box next to each section that you would like these
preferences to be copied to.
 When you are finished, click on Save Teacher Preferences.
Edit Grade Calc Options
Following the instructions below ensures that the appropriate grading
scale and weighting is used in your Grade Book.
 The grade calculation instructions vary by grade level:
o K-4 must select the grade calc options below for each course
that receives a quarterly letter grade (Reading, Math,
Spelling, etc.). For these courses, follow the below
instructions for the task in each subject that receives a
quarterly letter grade (ex: follow the below instructions for
Reading Grade but not for the rest of the Reading standards)
o 7-8 must select the grade calc options below for the following
grading tasks: Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4, JH
Semester Exam, and Final Grade.
o 9-12 must select the grade calc options below for the
following grading tasks: Semester, Semester Exam, and
Semester Final Grade.
 For each grading task, select Calculate In Progress Grade.
 Choose the appropriate Grading Scale from the drop down menu
 Check the Weight Categories box
 When you are finished, click Save
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
Edit Categories for New Courses
 Select Create Category
 Type the category Name (Homework, Quizzes, etc.)
 Select the category Weight (Note: all category weights must add up
to 100%)
 Select the category Sequence in your grade book. For example, since
Homework is assigned more frequently than Tests, the Homework
category should receive a sequence of 1 thus making it the first
category in your grade book.
 Before the school year begins, please identify whether the lowest
score will be dropped for each category.
 Select the sections to add this category for (typically, check all
 Select the grading tasks that this category should be created for (ex:
Reading Grade, Quarter 1, Semester)
 When finished, click Save Category
 Then Back to Categories
Edit Categories for Existing Courses
 To edit a category, click the category title from the list (ex:
 The Category Detail window will appear. Here you can make
changes to the Name, Weight, Sequence, and other preferences for
the selected category. Remember: all categories must add up to 100%
 This category change will be made for all selected sections (it is
typical to check all sections of the course)
 When finished, click Save Category
 Then select Back to Categories to make changes to other categories
 When finished updating categories, select Assignments List
Create Assignments
 Select Create Assignment
 Add the assignment Name and Abbreviation
 Select the sections for which the assignment should be created (it is
typical to check all sections of a course)
 Type in the date in which the assignment was Assigned and when the
assignment is Due
 Select the appropriate Grading Task
o K-6: Reading Grade, Math Grade, Spelling Grade, etc.
o 7-8: Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4
o 9-12: Semester
 Select the appropriate Category (ex: Homework, Quizzes, etc.)
within the Grading Task
 Points should already be selected by default. Input the total points
for this assignment in the Total Pts column.
 If you are not ready to input scores at this time, click Save
 If you are not ready to input scores at this time but are ready to create
a new assignment, click Save & Create New Assignment
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
If you are ready to input scores for this assignment, click Save and
Inputting Assignment Grades
 Upon clicking Save and Score, you will be taken to the input screen.
 The second column titled Att shows the Student’s Attendance based
on the assignment’s due date.
 The third column titled GT1 is where scores are input. You can fill in
scores individually or use the Score Fill method to Fill All or Fill
o To use the Score Fill feature, type a score in the box. Use Fill
All if all students received the same score. Use Fill Empty after
inputting scores in for specific students and want to mass fill
the remainder of your student scores.
o Use the checkboxes as needed. Keep in mind that these marks
are viewable to parents on Portal, can affect a student’s grade,
and populate various reports so it is necessary to use these
 Dr: Dropped Use this option if this assignment is
dropped for the student. Any score entered will not
count toward the student’s grade
 T: Turned In Use this option if you are not grading an
assignment right away so families can see that you
received the assignment
 M: Missing Use this option if a student did not turn in
an assignment on time. This will automatically score
the assignment as a zero regardless of what grade is
input. This checkbox will populate the Missing
Assignments Report which is accessible to parents and
 L: Late Use this option if a student turned in an
assignment late
 I: Incomplete Use this option to identify incomplete
 Ch: Cheated Use this option to identify assignments
where a student has cheated. This will automatically
score the assignment as a zero regardless of what grade
is input.
 X: Exempt Use this option to exempt a student from
an assignment. IC will gray out the cell, and the blank
will not negatively affect a student’s grade. Please be
sure to type in a comment under Comments to identify
for yourself and parents why the student was exempted
from the assignment (absent, homework pass, etc.)
o Click Save when you are finished
Copying Assignments
 Select the Assignments folder on the left side of your screen.
 Then select Copy Assignments from the top of the window.
 In the Select Source Section box, select the Previous School Year
and select the Source Section from which you want to copy
 In the Select Destination Section box, select the Current School
Year and select the Destination Section to which you want to copy
Updated 3.13.13
In the Number of Assignments box, select the assignment(s) that you
want to copy.
Then select Next at the top of your screen.
On the next screen, simply select Copy Assignments at the top of
your screen.
Viewing Assignments
 Select the Assignments folder on the left side of your screen. You
have the ability to sort and filter assignments in a variety of ways.
 Click on the dropdown menus next to Filter to sort by category of
your choice (term, task, assignment category, etc.)
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Click on the arrows
to sort by the category of your choice (due
date, assigned date, etc.
Updated 3.13.13
Accessing Student Information from the Class Roster
Accessing the Class Roster
Select the appropriate School and Section
from the dropdown menus at the top of your
From the Index tab, expand the Instruction
folder by clicking the plus (+) sign or by
clicking on the word Census.
Click on Roster.
Class Roster
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Name- Clicking on the student’s name takes
you directly to their Student Information tabs.
Start Date/End Date- The student’s start and
end dates for this section.
Home Phone- This is the home phone that
was added for this household.
Address- The address marked primary in
their household.
Flags- Hovering over the flags in the roster
displays additional information, such as
custody issues.
Health- Hovering over the health icon
displays flagged health conditions (allergies
IEP- If a student has an IEP, you’ll see an
icon here.
Gradebook-Clicking on the grade book icon
in the roster takes you to a preview of what
the parent and student will see in portal.
Updated 3.13.13
Teacher Reports
Section Rosters
 Expand the Instruction folder by clicking the plus (+)
sign or by clicking on the word Instruction.
 Select the Roster folder.
 Click on Print Options.
 Select the appropriate Section(s) and any desired print
options from this window.
 Click Generate Report. A new window will pop up
with the PDF report. You can print or save from this
new window.
Your sub folder should include a printed roster
for each of your sections!
Attendance Summary
Student Names
 Select the appropriate School, Calendar, and Section at
the top of the screen.
 Expand the Instruction folder by clicking the plus (+)
sign or by clicking on the word Instruction.
 Expand the Reports folder.
 Select Attendance Summary and click Generate
This report shows the student attendance summary for
your specific class.
Blank Spreadsheet
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
 Select the appropriate School, Calendar, and Section at
the top of the screen.
 Expand the Instruction folder by clicking the plus (+)
sign or by clicking on the word Instruction.
 Expand the Reports folder.
 Select the Blank Spreadsheet report.
 Fill in the Report Title, choose the number of Cells
wide the report should be, and Select Students.
 Click Generate Report. A new window will pop up
with the PDF report. You can print or save from this
new window.
Updated 3.13.13
Missing Assignments
 Select the appropriate School, Calendar, and Section at
the top of the screen.
 Expand the Instruction folder by clicking the plus (+)
sign or by clicking on the word Instruction.
 Expand the Reports folder.
 Select Missing Assignments Report.
 Choose the desired options including Grade Detail,
Assignment Properties, Extra Items, Students, and
 Click Generate Report. A new window will pop up
with the PDF report. You can print or save from this
new window.
This report is useful to give to students who have been
absent multiple days.
Portal Usage Roster
 Select the appropriate School, Calendar, and Section at
the top of the screen.
 Expand the Instruction folder by clicking the plus (+)
sign or by clicking on the word Instruction.
 Expand the Reports folder.
 Select Portal Usage Roster.
 Click Generate Report.
Use this report to check whether parents are checking on
student grades through Infinite Campus Portal.
Roster Label
Student Names
 Select the appropriate School, Calendar, and Section at
the top of the screen.
 Expand the Instruction folder by clicking the plus (+)
sign or by clicking on the word Instruction.
 Expand the Reports folder.
 Click the Roster Label.
 Choose your Report Options like Mailing versus
Student/Teacher Mailing Labels, and select your
select Students.
 Click Generate Report.
Use this report to print labels for the selected course
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
Section Summary
 Select the appropriate School, Calendar, and Section at
the top of the screen.
 Expand the Instruction folder by clicking the plus (+)
sign or by clicking on the word Instruction.
 Expand the Reports folder.
 Select Section Summary.
 Select the Students, Grading Tasks, and Display
Options. Deselect all Grading Tasks and select only
the Quarter or Semester Grade to see a list of every
student along with the posted grade.
 Click Generate Report.
Student Summary
Student Name
 Select the appropriate School, Calendar, and Section at
the top of the screen.
 Expand the Instruction folder by clicking the plus (+)
sign or by clicking on the word Instruction.
 Expand the Reports folder.
 Select Student Summary.
 Select Show Assignment Detail-One Student Per
Page for a list of all assignments in the course.
 Then select the Assignments, Students, and Other
Suggestion: To clean up this report, deselect Show
Total Points and deselect Show Final Grade unless
it is the end of a quarter/semester and grades have
been posted. Select Attendance Summary.
 Click Generate Report.
This report is useful to give to parents to show a detailed
view of student grades. Bring this to parent teacher
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
Grading Dates, Deadlines, and Tasks
1st and 3rd Monday of
each month (see Master
Calendar for specific
Teacher Tasks
Quarterly End of Quarter
 Standards &
Comments open for
K-6 teachers five
days before the
quarter ends
 Grades open for K-8
teachers the last day
of the quarter
End of Semester
 Grades open for 912 teachers the last
day of the semester
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Grades are up to date in grade 7:30AM on
progress report
book (i.e. ‘Saved’)
Failing grade messenger is sent date
out to students with a D/F
Grades are up to date in grade
book and posted in the green
column of the grade book.
Homework Strikes and
Homework Strike Counts are
entered for all students in
appropriate courses for grades
Comments are added at least
students with Ds or Fs.
Grades are up to date in grade
book and posted to Semester,
Semester Exam (if applicable),
and Semester Final Grade.
Comments are added at least
students with Ds or Fs.
Updated 3.13.13
7:30AM two
days before
conferences or
report cards
sent home
7:30AM two
days before
report cards are
sent home or
the day before
Posting Quarterly Grades (Grades 7-8)
Posting Grades
Task name
Once in Grade Book in the appropriate task (ex: Quarter 1)
right click in the green columns, and choose Post Grades.
Upon doing so, grades will appear in the green columns.
Then click Save. Repeat this process for each of your
courses and sections.
Adding Homework Strikes
After posting the letter grades in Grade Book, you will need
to add homework strikes. To do this, click on Grading by
Task (under Instruction).
Expand the drop down menu and select each of the
following tasks:
 Quarter #. Grades should have automatically posted
from your grade book to this screen. Add comments
under this section. (See below for adding canned
 Homework Strike. Each student should receive an S
for Strike, E for Erased and O for No Strike.
 Homework Strike Count. Each student should
receive a 1, 2, 3, or 4, depending on the number of
strikes accumulating in the particular class.
For each of the tasks, you can then either:
 Fill Scores (to give all/most students the same score)
 Fill in scores next to each student’s name.
Click Save when you have finished filling scores for the
tasks above. Then follow the process for the rest of the
sections you teach.
Adding Unique/Canned Comments
Still in Grading by Task, select your section from the top of
your screen. Then select the appropriate quarter from the
drop down menu (ex: #- Quarter #). Upon doing so, you will
see a list of students in your section which the percentages
and grades already populated.
Add comments in the large text box. To use spell check,
press CTRL, SHIFT, and L at the same time. To add
Canned Comments, click on the icon to the right of the text
Click Save. Follow these instructions for each section.
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
Checking that Grades have Posted
To ensure that all grades have posted, every teacher is
responsible for pulling the Grades Report. To access this
report go to Instruction, Reports, then Grades Report.
Make sure all students have been selected in the first
column. Select the appropriate Grading Task under the
second column:
 Quarter #
 Homework Strike
 Homework Strike Count
Then click on Generate Report. Each student should have a
letter grade next to their name. If one or more students are
missing grades, you need to go back through the report card
instructions. Generate this report for every section you are
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
Posting Semester Grades (Grades 9-12)
Posting Grades
Semester 1 Semester
Once in Grade Book in the appropriate task (ex: Quarter 1)
right click in the green columns, and choose Post Grades.
Upon doing so, grades will appear in the green columns.
Then click Save. Repeat this process for each of your
courses and sections.
Adding Unique/Canned Comments
Still in Grading by Task, select your section from the top of
your screen. Then select the appropriate quarter from the
drop down menu (ex: Semester 1). Upon doing so, you will
see a list of students in your section which the percentages
and grades already populated.
Add comments in the large text box. To use spell check,
press CTRL, SHIFT, and L at the same time. To add
Canned Comments, click on the icon to the right of the text
Click Save. Follow these instructions for each section.
Checking that Grades have Posted
To ensure that all grades have posted, every teacher is
responsible for pulling the Grades Report. To access this
report go to Instruction, Reports, then Grades Report.
Make sure all students have been selected in the first
column. Select the appropriate Grading Task under the
second column:
 Semester
Then click on Generate Report. Each student should have a
letter grade next to their name. If one or more students are
missing grades, you need to go back through the report card
instructions. Generate this report for every section you are
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13
Using the Search Tab
Using the Search tab
Select the appropriate Year and School from the
dropdown menus at the top of the screen.
Then click on the Search tab.
o If you know the last name of the student you wish to
find, type it in the text box and click Go
o If you want to see a list of all students in the school,
click Go without typing anything in the text box
o If you don’t know the last name of the student you
wish to find, click on Advanced Search
Advanced Search
Fill in the information you know about the student on the
Student Search screen to narrow down the results of
students. Some of the most commonly filled in fields on
this screen include First Name, Grade, and Gender.
Upon clicking Search, you’ll see a list of students
populate the left side of your screen based on your
search parameters.
o Students who appear in red have been disenrolled
from the school
o You’ll see the student’s grade, full name, student
number, and birthdate.
Student Information
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Click on a student’s name to pull up more information
about them. You will then have access to several tabs of
 Summary- contains a picture of the student, primary
address, parent/guardian contact information
including phone numbers and email addresses
 Enrollments- contains information about when the
student enrolled at our school
 Schedule- contains the student’s year long schedule
for the school year selected, including course name,
teacher name, and location, for each period
 Attendance- contains a summary of the student’s
attendance by term, course, and day
 Grades- contains the in-progress or posted grade by
term for each class
 Transportation- contains a summary of
transportation information, including their carpool
number and/or student parking pass
 Lockers- contains the location, locker number, and
Updated 3.13.13
Failing Grade Messenger Instructions
Accessing the Failing Grade Email Template
 After selecting a course at the top of your screen, go to
Instruction, Messenger, then Failing Grades
 Towards the top of the window, click the Template
dropdown, and select <new> to create a new email
template to create the progress report message.
Dear Parent,
Progress reports are posted the first and third Mondays of each
month. Currently, your child student.firstName has a D or F in
the course failingMessenger.courseName.
Please sign into our school's parent portal at
failingMessenger.portalURL to find more information,
including checking upcoming assignments in this class.
If you have questions about your child’s current progress or
future assignments, please don’t hesitate to contact me at I am available to support
your child most Tuesday through Friday afternoons.
Thank you,
Teacher Name
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Creating & Saving the Email Template
 Please format the message so that it looks exactly the
same as what you see to the left. (Type it as one big
paragraph then press ‘enter’ key to create paragraphs.
Do not change the font; it causes a glitch in the system.)
 The fields surrounded by a dashed box are set to
automatically input specific student information into
each email. For example, student.firstName will
automatically insert the appropriate child’s first name.
Do NOT delete these fields.
 To make your email address appear as a clickable link:
 Highlight your email address, and click on the link
icon towards the top of the window. Link icon:
 Select Email from the Link Type dropdown
window, and type in your email address in the EMail Address textbox and click OK.
 When you have updated the letter, click Save towards
the top of the Message Preview.
 Upon doing so, a small window will pop up. In the text
box under Save Template As, type in “D F Progress
Report Message” the click OK.
Setting up Delivery and Grade Details
On progress report days, every teacher will need to send
this email for every course section taught.
 With the course selected at the top of your screen, go to
Instruction, Messenger, then Failing Grades
 Towards the top of the window, click the Template
dropdown, and select Progress Report Message.
 Under Delivery Notices, make sure “Email” is
checked. (“Inbox” is always checked because this
notice will also automatically pop up in the parent’s
Portal account.)
 Check “Allow Repeat Messages.”
 Choose “In-Progress Grades.”
 Check all “D” and “F” boxes.
Updated 3.13.13
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Setting up Delivery and Grade Details
 Make sure all students are selected.
 Choose the appropriate grading task based on your
grade level and term.
Junior High
 For the current quarter, select
 “#- Quarter #” underneath the appropriate term.
(ex: for Term 3, select 3-Quarter 3). Only one
checkbox should be checked.
 DO NOT use this messenger for composite grades
like 4-Final Grade as it will not work.
High School
 For the current semester, select “Semester” under
the appropriate term (ex: for Term 1, select
Semester 1-Semester). Only one checkbox should
be checked.
 DO NOT use this for composite grades like the
Semester Final Grade as it will not work.
Previewing and Sending Emails
 Click on Preview Notices button at the bottom of the
page. This will allow you to see how the message will
look to recipients. Below the message, the recipient
count and email count is provided. (Please note that if a
family has an email for the mother and an email for the
father, this messenger will send the message to both
parents by default.)
 Click Review Recipients to see a list of parents that
will be contacted. You need to confirm that each
student selected has at least one parent email. If it
doesn’t, you will need to call the parent and let your
building secretary know so they can get an updated
email address for the family. (Click Sort by Student
Name is useful if the student has parents with different
last names.)
 You can click the paper icon in the Preview column to
preview the exact email that each parent will receive.
 Click Save Recipients to return to the preview notice
 Click Send Message.
Updated 3.13.13
Confirming Messages are Sent
 After you have sent your message, you can check that
messages were successfully sent to all recipients.
 Click Messenger on the left side of your screen, then
Sent Messages.
 A list of sent messages that you’ve sent out will appear.
Click on the message to see the Message Detail.
 Click View Delivery Report to view a .pdf file with
delivery details.
 Under Job Status, if you do not see the word
 Let your front office secretary know so she can
contact the family to obtain an updated email
 Call the family to let them know of the progress
report grade.
CMCA’s Infinite Campus Teacher Manual
Updated 3.13.13