____ PERIOD NAME CIVICS POLICIES and PROCEDURES – Mr. La Fleur SUPPLIES: 1. binder: 3-ring 1 or ½ inch (FOR CIVICS ONLY) 2. dividers: pack of 5 3. loose-leaf paper: white, standard size 4. #2 pencil, colored pencils and pen (blue or black ONLY) CLASS RULES: 1. Bring civics book and all civics supplies to class DAILY. 2. Upon entering the room, get seated, get quiet, get out supplies for this class ONLY, COPY AND READ your Homework Assignment. 3. In order to speak, raise your hand and listen for YOUR name. 4. Sharpen pencils, get tissue and go to the Student Work Table ONE at a time (WITHOUT PERMISSION) when NO ONE IS SPEAKING. 5. DROP trash into the wastebasket on your way OUT the door at dismissal. NOTEBOOK FORMAT: THROW NOTHING AWAY!! IF YOU CANNOT FIND YOUR BINDER, YOU MUST RECOPY ALL THE WORK!! THIS INCLUDES ALL HANDOUTS. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE MORE THAN ONE. There are 5 sections of your notebook: Key Concepts, Notes, Projects, TEST Prep, and Graded Papers. 1. KEY CONCEPTS SECTION: All Key Concepts are kept in this section. The first page should be the Table of Contents for Key Concepts. Key Concepts should be identified according to directions and kept in chronological order. 2. NOTES SECTION: All notes are kept in this section, in the correct sub-section. Directions for sub-sections will be given. 3. PROJECTS SECTION: This section has all information for and work in progress for civics projects. 4. Test PREP SECTION: This section has all notes and practices for constructed response questions. 5. GRADED PAPERS SECTION: All graded papers are kept in this section in chronological order. THROW NOTHING AWAY!! All homework assignments MUST be copied, without editing, into your agenda book under the appropriate date and labeled CIVICS. All assignments must be COMPLETED and DIRECTIONS FOLLOWED in order to receive a grade higher than a ZERO!! Write neatly and legibly in BLUE or BLACK pen or pencil ONLY. A mixture of the 3 is acceptable. For each TEST and EXAM you need a #2 pencil!! Your binder is used for CIVICS ONLY. All work must be in the appropriate section and in the correct order to receive credit for binder checks!!! Dirty, graffiti or doodle-filled binders are UNACCEPTABLE!! Your grade WILL DROP!! THROW NOTHING AWAY!! Civics binders may be checked periodically and MUST be in class daily. If you are absent one second, one minute, one hour, one day, one week, or longer, you MUST COPY ALL work missed, or you will receive ZERO for the work. PROCEDURES: Bottled water (capped) is allowed in class if it does not cause a disturbance or a mess. It can NOT be passed from student to student. All trash and spills must be cleaned up by the OWNER. No other food or beverage is allowed in class. (These must not be VISIBLE). No items from the cafeteria (i.e., straws or opened containers) are allowed in the class. This classroom is a workplace, not your home. No personal hygiene products (lotions, perfumes, etc.) may be used in class. Clothes must be worn properly at all times. Yawning, stretching, sneezing, etc. must be done discretely with the least amount of distraction and without invading anyone else’s space. If your head is down or your eyes closed during class time, the comment “Student sleeps in class” may appear on your Interim Report and/or Report Card. NO NAME OR INCOMPLETE NAME on any assignment, quiz, TEST, or EXAM will result in ZERO!! An incomplete heading may result in a dropped grade. KEEP THE AISLES CLEAR. Put book bags, books, feet and all other personal items under your desk. USE OF RESTROOM— Bathroom passes may be issued in case of an emergency. Never interrupt a lesson, unless an accident will occur if you do not. Excessive time in the bathroom is considered cutting class and will be treated as such. LATE BOX—The Late Box is used for make up assignments and late assignments. These assignments must be placed in the LATE BOX within 5 school days of the due date. Make up assignments for documented absences will receive full credit. Make up assignments for undocumented absences and late assignments will change a ZERO grade to half credit (50%=F) ALL work placed in the Late Box must be LABLED with YOUR NAME in the upper right corner and your PERIOD NUMBER in the upper left corner. All pages of an assignment must be stapled. GRADED PAPERS—All graded papers must be signed. Each week, graded papers are stapled and sent home on Fridays or the end of the school week. Parental signature will be checked on Mondays or the beginning of a school week for a homework grade. THESE PAPERS MUST BE KEPT IN YOUR BINDER. THROW NOTHING AWAY!!! GRADE SHEET—You will receive a Grade sheet each nine weeks that will help you keep track of your grades on a weekly basis. It is your responsibility to update this and keep it first in your binder. THROW NOTHING AWAY!! IF THERE IS A SUBSTITUTE IN CLASS: 1. All regular class rules and procedures will apply, EXCEPT you are not allowed to leave your desk without permission. 2. You are to sit in your assigned seat. 3. You are to complete the assignment as instructed; it will be graded. 4. NO PASSES ARE ISSUED; hold all forms, passes, etc. for my return. 5. You are to treat the substitute with utmost respect. If the substitute reports misbehavior, severe consequences from me will result. DO NOT GO NEAR OR TOUCH ELECTRONICS WHEN A SUBSTITUTE IS IN CLASS!! MAKE UP PROCEDURE: ALL WORK MISSED DUE TO ABSENTEEISM FROM CIVICS CLASS MUST BE MADE UP!! If you are absent one second, one minute, one hour, one week or longer, you MUST make up all civics work missed. Only documented absences will receive full credit for make-up work. A documented absence is one in which a parent note, doctor’s note, court or death documentation is received. Acceptable passes from authorized MHS personnel will be needed if you are at school but not in class for any amount of time. These MUST be submitted immediately upon return to class to prevent lost credit. Make-up work is done on your own time NOT during class. ALL WORK NOT MADE UP WILL BE AVERAGED AS A ZERO. MAKE-UPS ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY; YOU WILL NOT BE REMINDED!!! PARENT SIGNATURE___________________________________DATE__________ Read front and BACK of this page before signing!