STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION – TOPIC SUMMARY Topic: Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Date: December 9, 2010 Staff/Office: Doug Kosty, Tony Alpert / Office of Assessment and Information Services Action Requested: Informational Only Adoption Later Adoption Adoption/Consent Agenda ISSUE BEFORE THE BOARD: In preparation for this winter’s reading Achievement Standards Verification, the State Board needs to adopt Reading Achievement Level Descriptors for grades 3-8 and high school. In order to ensure that Oregon’s state educational standards stay current and in line with national and international benchmarks, ODE staff and stakeholders will review the Achievement Standards (or cut scores) used to determine whether or not a student meets standards. In January 2011, ODE staff will convene stakeholders to verify new Oregon Reading Achievement Standards. Achievement Standards were last set in 2006. Prior to the standards verification, the Board needs to adopt Reading Achievement Level Descriptors which are designed to provide a framework for this winter’s standards setting. BACKGROUND: Reading Standards Setting Timeline: Date March 2010 Topic General Policy Achievement Level Definitions December 2010 Grades 3-8 and High School Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Grades 3-8 and High School Reading Achievement Standards will be verified and Achievement Level Descriptors refined New Reading Cuts Scores and refined Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Testing using new cut scores January 2011 March 2011 2011-12 school year Status Adopted by State Board of Education Adoption needed by State Board Agency Work dependent on previous State Board action Adoption needed by State Board Dependent on previous State Board action Grade Specific Achievement Level Descriptors The Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) at each grade will influence the upcoming achievement standards verification for reading, scheduled for January 2011. In order for Oregon’s standards to be accepted for federal accountability purposes, we must submit documentation to the U.S. Department of Education (U.S. DOE), and the ALDs are part of this required documentation. Achievement Level Descriptors are also used for school accountability purposes. Oregon’s new ALDs have been drafted by ODE staff based on (1) projected cut scores that are well articulated across the grades, (2) analysis of test items calibrated to these projected cut scores, and (3) alignment with the General Policy Definitions adopted by the State Board in March 2010. The new ALDs are being reviewed by the English Language Arts Content Panel and education stakeholders with reading expertise. Below are the Reading Achievement Level Descriptors. 1 Proposed Oregon Reading/Literature Achievement Level Descriptors – Grade 3 Proposed Levels Policy Definitions (Apply to all grades and all subjects) Does Not Meet Nearly Meets Meets Exceeds Students do not demonstrate mastery of gradelevel knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate partial mastery of gradelevel knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Reading Achievement Level Definitions (Apply to all grades) Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade level Reading/Literature knowledge and skills. They have a limited comprehension of grade level text and cannot make meaningful interpretations or an analysis of text. Students demonstrate a partial mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by comprehending the literal meaning of grade level text. They are able to make obvious interpretations but sometimes lack analysis skills. Students demonstrate mastery of the grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by accurately comprehending grade level text. They have the skills to interpret and analyze text. Students demonstrate mastery of gradelevel knowledge and skills exceeding the requirement for proficiency. Students demonstrate a strong mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by thoroughly comprehending complex and challenging text. They are able to make thoughtful interpretations and evaluations. Reading Achievement Level Descriptors May not have mastered the ability to read (decode, phonemic awareness, fluency). Have, at best, a limited comprehension of grade-level text. Unable to accurately determine the meaning of unfamiliar words since they have a weak understanding of grade-level vocabulary. May have a limited mastery of decoding skills and may struggle with fluency. Use obvious context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary but their ability is limited when the context involves some subtlety or complexity. Demonstrate comprehension of grade-level text. Use context clues within sentences to determine the meanings of unknown or unfamiliar vocabulary, applying their knowledge of more common synonyms or antonyms to help make meaning. Struggle to use information in practical text (headings, bold print, numbering) to decipher text as they read to perform a task. Find information directly-stated in practical text, but have less success using several parts of a diagram, chart, or table to find information or form a conclusion. Struggle to follow multi-step Use headings and captions in practical text to locate information, can interpret diagrams, charts, and graphs to reach logical conclusions. Follow a multi-step list of instructions to perform a task. Demonstrate a comprehension of text at or above their grade of enrollment. Use context clues, sometimes drawn from across an entire selection, to determine the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary. Use context clues to determine the meaning of figurative expressions. Consistently apply their knowledge of more common synonyms or antonyms to help make meaning. Use information found in multiple locations in practical text to interpret diagrams, charts, and graphs to reach logical conclusions. Follow a list of multi-step instructions to Vocabulary Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Read to Perform a Task 2 Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Demonstrate General Understanding Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Develop an Interpretation Unable to identify the main ideas of informational text and often confuse the main idea with supporting details as they attempt to demonstrate general understanding. Lack of comprehension prevents them from following the sequence of informational and literary text. Rarely make accurate predictions about upcoming text or events. Fail to recognize implicit relationships such as cause and effect and struggle to differentiate between facts and opinions. Have difficulty interpreting characterization. directions as they read to perform a task. Identify the main ideas in informational text but may be unable to differentiate main ideas from developmental details as they demonstrate general understanding. Identify plot events in literary text but may be unable to place them all in sequence. Make obvious predictions about text, but struggle to make accurate predictions of grade-level materials involving subtlety or complexity. May recognize directly-stated cause and effect relationships but struggle to identify implicit ones and also struggle to differentiate between facts and opinions. Identify facts about characters, but are sometimes less perform a task. Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level text by identifying main ideas and important details in informational text, and identifying problems and solutions in literary text. Recognize events important in the development of plot in literary text and can place these events in their proper sequence. When developing an interpretation of informative and literary text, differentiate between facts and opinions, identify cause and effect relationships, and make simple predictions about forthcoming information or events based on what has been presented so far. Draw simple conclusions about literary characters and causes for their actions and can reach conclusions about obvious Demonstrate general understanding of text by identifying main ideas and specific, key details in informational text, sometimes making connections between information found at several points in a selection. Accurately identify problems and solutions in literary text from the perspectives of the characters. Recognize events important in the development of plot in literary text and can place these events in proper sequence even when not presented in chronological order within the text. Develop an interpretation by making predictions about forthcoming information or events based on the reading selection. Identify cause and effect relationships implicit in both literary and informational text. Recognize when an author moves from stating facts to expressing an opinion. Draw conclusions about literary characters’ motivations and 3 proficient when analyzing their actions and motivations. Struggle to identify a story’s theme or implied message. themes and messages. can reach conclusions about an author’s intended theme or message. 4 Proposed Oregon Reading/Literature Achievement Level Descriptors – Grade 4 Proposed Levels Policy Definitions (Apply to all grades and all subjects) Does Not Meet Nearly Meets Meets Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate partial mastery of gradelevel knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of the grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills exceeding the requirement for proficiency. Reading Achievement Level Definitions (Apply to all grades) Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade level Reading/Literature knowledge and skills. They have a limited comprehension of grade level text and cannot make meaningful interpretations or an analysis of text. Students demonstrate a partial mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by comprehending the literal meaning of grade level text. They are able to make obvious interpretations but often lack analysis skills. Students demonstrate mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by accurately comprehending grade level text. They have the skills to interpret and analyze text. Students demonstrate a strong mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by thoroughly comprehending complex and challenging text. They are able to make thoughtful interpretations and evaluations. Reading Achievement Level Descriptors May not have mastered the ability to read (decode, phonemic awareness, fluency) Have at best a limited comprehension of grade-level text. Inability to determine the meaning of targeted unfamiliar words due to a weak understanding of grade-level vocabulary. Demonstrate an incomplete understanding of grade-level text. Show a limited ability to use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary. Inconsistent determination of word meaning when the context involves some subtlety or when words have more than one possible meaning. Can identify synonyms and antonyms, but a tendency to interpret idioms or expressions literally rather than figuratively. Accurate comprehension of grade-level text. Use context clues within sentences to determine the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary. Distinguish the usage of words having multiple meanings. Students recognize words used as synonyms and antonyms for grade level or slightly higher vocabulary and can use context to determine the meaning of common idioms or expressions. Strong comprehension of text at or above the grade of enrollment. Use structural and context clues, sometimes drawn from across an entire selection, to determine the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary. Apply knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, and homographs to help make meaning. Use context clues to determine the meaning of idioms and figurative language. Struggle to find information directlystated in practical text. Minimal success using parts Locate information directly stated in practical text, but have less success using several parts Use format clues in practical text and instructional materials to read to perform a task. Use information found in multiple locations in practical text to interpret diagrams, charts, and graphs Vocabulary Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Exceeds 5 Read to Perform a Task Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Demonstrate General Understanding Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Develop an Interpretation of a diagram, chart, or table to find information or form a conclusion. Lack strategies to use clues in formatting (headings, bullets, numbering, or bold print) to assist comprehension while reading to perform a task. of a diagram, chart, or table to find information or form a conclusion. Lack strategies to use clues in formatting (headings, bullets, numbering, bold print) to assist comprehension while reading to perform a task. Interpret diagrams, charts, and graphs to gain information and reach logical conclusions. while reading to perform a task. Effective use of structural features of informational text to support overall comprehension. Locate information in specialized materials such as an atlas, magazine or catalog. Inability to identify the main ideas of informational text. Frequently confuse the main idea with supporting details while demonstrating general understanding. Lack of comprehension prevents following the sequence or drawing conclusions about informational and literary text. Sometimes unable to differentiate main ideas from developmental details while demonstrating general understanding. Identify plot events in literary text, but often unable to place them in a sequence. Struggle to recall important supporting details or to differentiate between details and the main idea of a selection. Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level text by recognizing topic sentences explicitly stated in informational text. Recall important details. Identify problems and how they are resolved in literary text. Identify the correct sequence of events in a story’s plot. Demonstrate general understanding of text by identifying main ideas and specific, key details in informational text. Make connections between information found at several points in a selection. Accurately differentiate between the main conflict and details used for plot development in literary text. Place events in their proper sequence even when they are not presented in chronological order within the text. Rarely make accurate predictions about upcoming text or events while developing an interpretation. Inability to comprehend literal statements prevents the ability to grasp inferred ideas in informational and literary text. Few insights into aspects of characterization or a story’s theme. Sometimes make obvious predictions about text while developing an interpretation. Sometimes struggle to make accurate predictions when more subtle clues are provided. Struggle to grasp implicit ideas, focusing more on literal statements in informational text. Identify facts about literary characters, but sometimes Accurately develop an interpretation by making predictions about forthcoming information or events based on clues in the selection. Infer the author’s unstated meaning based on information explicitly stated in the text, including an article’s main idea. Use clues to determine characters’ motivations and to Strongly develop an interpretation by making predictions about forthcoming information or events based on the reading selection. Accurately identify cause and effect relationships implicit in both literary and informational text. Recognize when an author moves from stating facts to expressing an opinion. Draw conclusions about literary characters’ motivations and can make inferences and 6 Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Examine Content and Structure / Informational Text Attempt to examine the content and structure of informational text show mixed results. Inability to identify a main purpose and obvious cause/effect relationships. Rarely recognize instances of persuasion. less proficient analyzing character actions and motivations. Identify directlystated themes or messages, but struggle to identify a story’s implicit ones. reach conclusions about the most prominent themes or messages in literary text conclusions about an author’s intended theme or message. Attempt to examine the content and structure of informational text show mixed results. Ability to identify a main purpose and obvious cause/effect relationships, but only occasional recognition of instances of persuasion. Accurate examination of the content and structure of informational text to identify the author’s purpose, to recognize cause and effect relationships, and to distinguish between facts and opinions. Accurately determine when text is informative and when there are attempts at persuasion. Strong examination of the content and structure of informational text to determine the author’s purpose, recognize cause and effect relationships, and to distinguish between facts and Accurately determine when text is informative and when there are subtle attempts at persuasion. 7 Proposed Oregon Reading/Literature Achievement Level Descriptors – Grade 5 Proposed Levels Policy Definitions (Apply to all grades and all subjects) Does Not Meet Nearly Meets Meets Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate partial mastery of gradelevel knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of the grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills exceeding the requirement for proficiency. Reading Achievement Level Definitions (Apply to all grades) Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade level Reading/Literature knowledge and skills. They have a limited comprehension of grade level text and cannot make meaningful interpretations or an analysis of the text. Students demonstrate a partial mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by comprehending the literal meaning of grade level text. They are able to make obvious interpretations but often lack analysis skills. Students demonstrate mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by accurately comprehending grade level text. They have the skills to interpret and analyze text. Students demonstrate a strong mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by thoroughly comprehending complex and challenging text. They are able to make thoughtful interpretations and evaluations. Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Limited comprehension of grade-level text/ Rarely determine the meaning of unfamiliar words due to a lack of effective strategies and a weak understanding of grade level vocabulary. Incomplete understanding of grade-level text. Inconsistently use context clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary words and phrases sometimes struggling when the context involves subtlety. Tendency to make only a literal interpretation of figurative language. Locate information directly-stated in practical text, but unable to use parts of a diagram, chart, or table to form a conclusion. Lack familiarity with the formats of specialized materials as they read to perform a task. Demonstrate comprehension of grade-level text. Use context clues within sentences to determine the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary. Recognize words used as synonyms, antonyms, and homographs. Examine context to determine the meaning of figurative language. Use structural clues, including prefixes, suffixes, and root words, and context clues drawn from across an entire selection to determine vocabulary meaning. Accurately apply knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, and homographs. Use context clues to interpret unfamiliar figurative expressions. Accurately find information in specialized materials to perform a task. Use text features to interpret diagrams, charts, and graphs to find information and support understanding. Inability to Demonstrate Effectively use details and data found in multiple locations in informational text to analyze complex diagrams, charts, and graphs as they read to perform a task. Efficiently find information in specialized materials including a thesaurus, almanac or newspaper. Demonstrate general Vocabulary Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Read to Perform a Task Misuse or ignore aspects of practical text (headings, bold print, numbering) to decipher text as they read to perform a task. Inability to identify Exceeds 8 Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Demonstrate General Understanding Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Develop an Interpretation Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Examine Content and the main ideas of text. Often confuse the main idea with supporting details while demonstrating general understanding. Lack of comprehension prevents following the sequence of informational and literary text. differentiate main ideas from developmental details while demonstrating general understanding. Identify plot elements in literary text, but may be unable to sequence events accurately. Sometimes overlook important details that are critical to comprehending the text. general understanding of grade-level text by recognizing the main idea both explicitly and implicitly stated in informational and literary text and the details or evidence supporting that statement. Identify the correct sequence of events in a story’s plot, recognizing the influence of specific events that directly affect future actions. understanding of text by identifying main ideas and specific, key details in informational and literary text. Make connections between information found at several points in a selection and find subtle connections between specific events in the plot and future actions. Rarely make accurate predictions when asked to develop an interpretation about upcoming text or events. Generally do not comprehend literal statements, preventing comprehension of inferred ideas in informational and literary text. Few insights into aspects of characterization or a story’s theme. Make obvious predictions about text when asked to develop an interpretation, but at times struggle to make accurate predictions when more subtle clues are provided. Sometimes struggle to grasp implicit ideas, focusing more on literal statements in informational text. Identify facts about literary characters, but are less proficient analyzing a character’s traits. Struggle to identify a story’s implicit theme or message. Make accurate predictions when asked to develop an interpretation about future outcomes based on clues throughout the selection. Infer the author’s unstated meaning based on information explicitly stated in the text, including an article’s main idea. Use clues to determine primary character traits and how they motivate actions. Draw conclusions about important themes or messages. Make insightful predictions when asked to develop an interpretation about forthcoming information or events based on what has been presented in a selection. Effectively use evidence implicit in the text to reach logical conclusions, extract concepts, and make generalizations about the main idea. Accurately draw conclusions about character traits and how they influence events. Reach supported conclusions about complex or subtle themes or messages. Attempts to examine the content and structure of informational text and literary text are generally unsuccessful. May be able to Attempts to examine the content and structure of informational and literary text show mixed results. Identify an author’s main purpose Examine the content and structure of informational text to identify the author’s unstated purpose. Distinguish between facts and Effectively examine the content and structure of informational text to determine the author’s underlying purpose. Effectively distinguish between facts and opinions and analyze 9 Structure / Informational Text Examine Content and Structure / Literary Text identify an author’s broad purpose, but there is little or no recognition of the use of opinions or presence of persuasion. A lack of familiarity with literary devices and figurative language prevents any analysis of their use. when it is explicitly stated, and can recognize obvious facts and opinions. Inconsistently recognize instances of persuasion. May be able to identify the use of literary devices and figurative language, but lack the skills to analyze their impact. opinions, and recognize characteristics of persuasion in text. Examine the content and structure of literary text to determine the purpose of literary devices and figurative language. Can differentiate among the different types of fiction. elements of text that indicate the presence of persuasion. Effectively examine the content and structure of literary text to analyze the function and impact of literary devices and figurative language. Differentiate among genres through an analysis of the text. 10 Proposed Oregon Reading Achievement Level Descriptors – Grade 6 Proposed Levels Policy Definitions (Apply to all grades and all subjects) Does Not Meet Nearly Meets Meets Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate partial mastery of gradelevel knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of the grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills exceeding the requirement for proficiency. Reading Achievement Level Definitions (Apply to all grades) Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade level Reading/Literature knowledge and skills. They have a limited comprehension of grade level text and cannot make meaningful interpretations or an analysis of the text. Students demonstrate a partial mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by comprehending the literal meaning of grade level text. They are able to make obvious interpretations but often lack analysis skills. Students demonstrate mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by accurately comprehending grade level text. They have the skills to interpret and analyze text. Students demonstrate a strong mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by thoroughly comprehending complex and challenging text. They are able to make thoughtful interpretations and evaluations. Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Rarely determine the meaning of unfamiliar words due to a lack of effective strategies and a weak understanding of grade level vocabulary. Use only immediate context to determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary and phrases, sometimes struggling when the context involves subtlety. Tend to make a literal interpretation of figurative language. Use word, sentence and paragraph clues to determine the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary. Examine context to interpret the meaning of figurative language including similes, metaphors, and words with multiple meanings. Effectively use word, sentence, and paragraph clues to determine vocabulary meaning. Examine context clues to interpret the meaning of sophisticated figurative expressions. Misuse or ignore aspects of practical text (headings, bold print, numbering) to decipher text while attempting to read to perform a task. Find information directly-stated in practical text, but are unable to synthesize parts of a diagram, chart, or table to form a conclusion. Lack familiarity with structural features of media that would allow reading to perform a task. Accurately locate information in titles, tables of contents, chapter headings, illustrations, captions, glossaries, indexes, graphs, charts, diagrams, and tables to aid understanding of grade level text. Identify the structural features of newspapers, magazines and online information, Effectively analyze structural features of different types of media to perform a task. Synthesize information from multiple locations to interpret diagrams, charts, and graphs to gain information and reach logical conclusions. Vocabulary Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Read to Perform a Task Exceeds 11 and use the features to obtain information while reading to perform a task. Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Demonstrate General Understanding Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Develop an Interpretation Inability to identify the main ideas of text. Often confuse the main idea with supporting details while demonstrating general understanding. Lack of comprehension prevents following the sequence of informational and literary text. Sometimes unable to differentiate main ideas from developmental details while demonstrating general understanding. Identify plot events in literary text, but may be unable to sequence events accurately, and may be unaware of a story’s narrative point of view. May overlook important details that are critical to comprehending the text. Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level informational and literary text by identifying and/or summarizing the sequence of events, main ideas, supporting details, opinions, and point of view. Demonstrate strong general understanding of text by identifying main ideas and specific, key details in informational text. Make accurate connections between information found at several points in a selection. Recognize subtle shifts in point of view. Rarely make accurate predictions or reach conclusions about upcoming text or events while developing an interpretation. Generally unable to comprehend literal statements, preventing comprehension of inferred ideas in informational and literary text. Few insights into aspects of characterization, a story’s theme, or setting. May be able to make obvious predictions and conclusions about text when developing an interpretation, but at times struggle to make accurate predictions and conclusions when more subtle clues are provided. Sometimes struggle to grasp implicit ideas, focusing more on literal statements in informational text. Identify facts about literary characters and the setting, but are less proficient analyzing them. Struggle to identify a story’s implicit theme or Make supported predictions about future outcomes based on clues throughout the selection when developing an interpretation. Make reasonable and logical inferences about the author’s unstated meaning based on information in the text, including the main idea, supported with evidence from text. Accurately determine character traits and the influence of setting on conflict and its resolution. Identify primary themes through narration and dialogue. Make supported predictions about forthcoming information or events based on what has been presented in a selection when developing an interpretation. Use evidence implicit in the text to reach logical conclusions, extract concepts, and make generalizations about the main idea. Draw conclusions through inferences about character traits as revealed through dialogue and narration. Trace the development of complex or subtle themes or messages. 12 message. Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Examine Content and Structure / Informational Text Examine Content and Structure / Literary Text Attempts to examine the content and structure of informational text and literary text are generally unsuccessful. May be able to identify an author’s broad purpose, but little or no recognition of the use of opinions or reasons behind actions or beliefs. Lack of familiarity with literary devices and figurative language prevents any analysis of their use. Unable to derive meaning from poetry even at the literal level. Attempts to examine the content and structure of informational and literary text show mixed results. Sometimes identify an author’s main purpose and obvious opinions but struggle to analyze text to respond to subtleties and reach conclusions about actions or beliefs. At times able to recognize the use of literary devices and figurative language and analyze their impact on the reader’s attitudes and feelings. Struggle to interpret/analyze poetry. Examine the content and structure of informational text to accurately identify the author’s overall purpose. Distinguish among facts, inferences, and opinions and draw conclusions about reasons for actions or beliefs based on analysis of the text. Thoroughly examines the content and structure of informational text to determine the author’s underlying purpose. Distinguish between facts, inferences, and opinions and analyze text to determine causes for beliefs or actions. Effectively examine the content and structure of literary text to analyze the author’s use of literary elements and devices to influence the reader’s attitudes/feelings. Analyze/evaluate how effectively tone and meaning is conveyed through poetry. 13 Proposed Oregon Reading Achievement Level Descriptors – Grade 7 Proposed Levels Policy Definitions (Apply to all grades and all subjects) Does Not Meet Nearly Meets Meets Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate partial mastery of gradelevel knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of the grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills exceeding the requirement for proficiency. Reading Achievement Level Definitions (Apply to all grades) Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade level Reading/Literature knowledge and skills. They have a limited comprehension of grade level text and cannot make meaningful interpretations or an analysis of the text. Students demonstrate a partial mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by comprehending the literal meaning of grade level text. They are able to make obvious interpretations but often lack analysis skills. Students demonstrate mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by accurately comprehending grade level text. They have the skills to interpret and analyze text. Students demonstrate a strong mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by thoroughly comprehending complex and challenging text. They are able to make thoughtful interpretations and evaluations. Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Inability to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or idioms due to a weak understanding of grade-level vocabulary. Use immediate context to determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary, but struggle when the context involves subtlety. Tend to make literal or inaccurate interpretations of idioms and figurative language. Accurately use contextual and structural clues to determine the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary and to demonstrate understanding of idioms and comparisons. Able to use a variety of strategies to clarify word meanings. Effectively use contextual and structural clues to determine vocabulary meaning. Accurately interpret idioms, analogies and figurative expressions and use a variety of strategies to clarify word meaning. Misuse or ignore aspects of practical text (headings, bold print, numbering) to decipher text as they read to perform a task. Find information directly-stated in informational text, but are unable to synthesize information in diagrams, charts, and tables. Sometimes inaccurate when using features of practical text and consumer documents as they read to perform a task. Accurately use structural features of different types of practical text to perform a task. Synthesize information in diagrams, charts, and graphs to reach conclusions and use consumer product information to draw accurate conclusions. Effectively analyze structural elements of practical text to perform a task, locating and synthesizing information in diagrams, charts, and graphs to reach conclusions. Interpret consumer product information to draw accurate conclusions. Cannot identify the Identify the main Demonstrate Demonstrate strong Vocabulary Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Read to Perform a Task Exceeds 14 Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Demonstrate General Understanding Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Develop an Interpretation Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Examine Content and Structure / Informational Text main ideas of informational text and often confuse the main idea with supporting details when demonstrating general understanding. A lack of comprehension prevents following the sequence of informational and literary text. idea of less complex grade level texts, but at times overlook supporting details when demonstrating general understanding. Emerging comprehension skills allows following basic sequencing in literary and informational texts. Make obvious predictions about text, but at times struggle to make accurate predictions when more subtle clues are provided when developing an interpretation. Sometimes struggle to grasp implicit ideas, focusing more on literal statements in informational text. Identify facts about literary characters, but are less proficient analyzing a character’s traits and motivations as revealed through various devices, or how a character is used to introduce a theme. Make frequent inaccurate predictions about upcoming text or events when developing an interpretation. An inability to comprehend literal statements prevents comprehension of inferred ideas in informational and literary text. Few insights into aspects of characterization, character motivation, or a story’s theme. Attempts to examine the content and structure of informational text and literary text are generally unsuccessful. May be able to identify an author’s broad purpose, but there is little or no Attempts to examine the content and structure of informational and literary text show mixed results. Sometimes identify a main purpose and obvious opinions, but struggle to identify general understanding of grade-level text by recognizing main ideas explicitly stated in informational text and the details supporting that statement. Identify the correct sequence of events in a story’s plot and recall important supporting details in literary selections. Make supported predictions about forthcoming information or events based on clues in the selection when developing an interpretation. Accurately infer the author’s unstated meaning based on facts, events, and images in the text, including an article’s main idea. Make supported inferences about character traits, motivations and identify implicit themes and messages. understanding of grade-level text by recognizing topic sentences explicitly stated in informational text and the details supporting that statement. Identify the correct sequence of events in a story’s plot, recalling important supporting details in literary selections. Examine the content and structure of informational text to accurately identify the author’s unstated purpose. Distinguish between facts and opinions and can recognize an article’s Examine the content and structure of informational text to accurately determine the author’s underlying purpose. Effectively distinguish between facts and opinions and analyze text to determine its organizational pattern. Examine the content Make supported predictions about forthcoming information or events based on what has been presented in a selection when developing an interpretation. Make subtle inferences to reach logical conclusions. Recognize foreshadowing Trace the author’s stance or perspective. Draw conclusions about character traits and motivations as revealed through a combination of devices. Trace the development of complex or subtle themes or messages. 15 Examine Content and Structure / Literary Text recognition of the use of opinions or organizational features. Lack of familiarity with literary devices and figurative language prevents any analysis of their use. Generally unable to recognize themes, even the most common ones a text’s organizational structure. Sometimes recognize the use of literary devices and figurative language and analyze their impact on the selection’s effectiveness. Struggle to identify themes common to more than one selection. organizational pattern. Accurately examine the content and structure of literary text to recognize the author’s use of literary elements and devices and their impact on a selection’s effectiveness. Identify general themes contained in more than one work. and structure of literary text to thoroughly analyze and evaluate the effect of literary elements and devices. Analyze general themes that appear in more than one work. 16 Proposed Oregon Reading Achievement Level Descriptors – Grade 8 Proposed Levels Policy Definitions (Apply to all grades and all subjects) Does Not Meet Nearly Meets Meets Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate partial mastery of gradelevel knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of the grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills exceeding the requirement for proficiency. Reading Achievement Level Definitions (Apply to all grades) Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade level Reading/Literature knowledge and skills. They have a limited comprehension of grade level text and cannot make meaningful interpretations or an analysis of the text. Students demonstrate a partial mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by comprehending the literal meaning of grade level text. They are able to make obvious interpretations but often lack analysis skills. Students demonstrate mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by accurately comprehending grade level text. They have the skills to interpret and analyze text. Students demonstrate a strong mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by thoroughly comprehending complex and challenging text. They are able to make thoughtful interpretations and evaluations. Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Inability to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words or expressions due to a weak understanding of grade-level vocabulary. Lack strategies to verify word meaning and therefore use only immediate context to determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary. Sometimes struggle when the context involves subtlety. Tend to make only a literal interpretation of idioms and figurative language. Accurately use contextual and structural clues to determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary. Accurately interpret the intended meaning of idioms, comparisons and figurative language. Use a variety of strategies to verify word meanings. Effectively use contextual and structural clues to determine vocabulary meaning Analyze the implicit meaning of idioms, analogies and figurative expressions. Verify word meaning using a variety of strategies. Misuse or ignore aspects of practical text (headings, bold print, numbering) to decipher text when reading to perform a task. Find information isolated in one area in practical text, but are often unable to synthesize information across diagrams, charts, and tables to reach logical conclusions when reading to perform a task. Synthesize information found in a variety of formats to reach conclusions supported by textual evidence when reading to perform a task. Synthesize information found in a variety of formats including to reach supported conclusions when reading to perform a task, including making connections between text and corresponding graphics. Vocabulary Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Read to Perform a Task Exceeds 17 Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Demonstrate General Understanding Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Develop an Interpretation Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Inability to identify the main ideas of informational text and frequent confusion of the main idea with supporting details when demonstrating general understanding. Lack of comprehension prevents following the sequence of informational and literary text. Identify the main idea from less complex grade level texts, but sometimes overlook the supporting details when demonstrating general understanding. Emerging comprehension skills allow the following of basic sequencing in literary and informational texts. Demonstrate general understanding of grade-level text by determining main ideas explicitly stated in informational text and the details supporting that statement. Identify the correct sequence of events in a story’s plot. Recall important supporting details in literary selections. Demonstrate strong understanding of grade-level text by recognizing topic sentences explicitly stated in informational text and the details supporting that statement. Accurately identify the correct sequence of events in a story’s plot. Effective recall of important supporting details in literary selections. Rarely make accurate predictions about upcoming outcomes or events when developing an interpretation. An inability to comprehend literal statements prevents comprehension of inferred ideas in informational and literary text. Few insights into aspects of characterization, character motivation, or a story’s theme. Make obvious predictions about future outcomes or events when developing an interpretation, but at times struggle to make accurate predictions when more subtle clues are provided. Sometimes struggle to grasp implicit ideas, focusing more on literal statements in informational text. Can identify facts about literary characters, but may be less proficient analyzing a character’s actions and motivations, or how a character is used to introduce a theme. Make predictions about future outcomes or events based on clues in the selection when developing an interpretation. Infer the main or most important ideas in literary text and the author’s explicit and implicit assumptions/beliefs about a subject in informational text. Identify actions and motives of characters that affect the plot and/or theme in literary works and use evidence in text to determine themes. Make predictions about future outcomes or events based on clues in a selection when developing an interpretation. Analyze evidence of the author’s explicit and implicit assumptions/beliefs about the subject and draw conclusions about character motivations and their impact on a story’s plot and/or theme. Reach insightful conclusions about the development of complex or subtle themes or messages. Attempts to examine the content and structure of informational text and literary text Attempts to examine the content and structure of informational and literary text show Examine the content and structure of informational text to accurately identify the author’s Thoroughly examine the content and structure of informational text to determine the author’s underlying purpose. 18 Examine Content and Structure / Informational Text Examine Content and Structure / Literary Text are generally unsuccessful. May be able to identify an author’s broad purpose, but there is little or no recognition of the use of opinions or organizational features. A lack of familiarity with literary devices and figurative language prevents any analysis of their use. mixed results. Identify the author’s broad purpose, but sometimes struggle to recognize the details used to support the point of view. Struggle to make connections when examining texts that compare and contrast ideas. Sometimes recognize the use of literary devices and figurative language, but may lack the skills to analyze their impact on the selection’s effectiveness, particularly in the areas of point of view and the use of dialogue. purpose. Identify the evidence used to support arguments/assertio ns. Contrast two pieces of text with a common subject. Accurately examine the content and structure of literary text to recognize the author’s use of literary elements and devices, including point of view and dialogue, and analyze their impact on a selection’s effectiveness and tone or mood. Evaluate evidence used for support and can analyze works on the same subject. Effectively examine the content and structure of literary text to analyze the effect of literary elements and devices, including point of view, setting, and the use of dialogue. 19 Proposed Oregon Reading Achievement Level Descriptors – High School Proposed Levels Policy Definitions (Apply to all grades and all subjects) Does Not Meet Nearly Meets Meets Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate partial mastery of gradelevel knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of the grade-level knowledge and skills required for proficiency. Students demonstrate mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills exceeding the requirement for proficiency. Reading Achievement Level Definitions (Apply to all grades) Students do not demonstrate mastery of grade level Reading/Literature knowledge and skills. They have a limited comprehension of grade level text and cannot make meaningful interpretations or an analysis of the text. Students demonstrate a partial mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by comprehending the literal meaning of grade level text. They are able to make obvious interpretations but often lack analysis skills. Students demonstrate mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by accurately comprehending grade level text. They have the skills to interpret and analyze text. Students demonstrate a strong mastery of Reading/Literature knowledge and skills by thoroughly comprehending complex and challenging text. They are able to make thoughtful interpretations and evaluations. Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Inability to determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary or phrases due to a weak understanding of contextual and structural clues. Primarily use immediate preceding context to determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary, struggling when the context involves distant clues. Make only a literal interpretation of figurative expressions. May recognize denotative meanings of words, but not connotative. Accurately use contextual and structural clues to determine the meanings of unfamiliar vocabulary, but may not consistently interpret the figurative meanings of words and phrases. Demonstrate the ability to distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of words. Effectively use subtle, abstract contextual and structural clues to determine vocabulary meaning, analyze the literal and figurative meanings of words and phrases, and interpret the connotative power of words. Misuse or ignore aspects of practical text (headings, bold print, numbering) to decipher text when reading to perform a task. Find information isolated in one area in practical text, and are sometimes able to synthesize information across diagrams, charts, and tables to reach logical conclusions when reading to Find information in practical text and often synthesize information across diagrams, charts, and tables to reach logical conclusions when reading to perform a task. Recognize how the structure and format of job and Given complex technical or practical text, synthesize information found in a variety of formats to reach supported conclusions when reading to perform a task. Analyze how the structure and format of job and consumer- Vocabulary Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Read to Perform a Task Exceeds 20 Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Demonstrate General Understanding Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Develop an Interpretation perform a task. May overlook how features of practical text, including graphics and headers, support their intended purpose. consumer-related materials support their purpose. Inability to identify the main ideas of informational text. Frequently confuse the main idea with supporting details when demonstrating general understanding. A lack of comprehension prevents following the sequence of informational or literary text. Struggle to differentiate main ideas from developmental details in informational text when demonstrating general understanding. May identify plot events in literary text, but often struggle to determine the sequence of ideas and details in more complex pieces. Accurately demonstrate general understanding of grade-level text by determining main ideas explicitly stated in informational text and the details supporting these ideas. Correctly identifies the correct sequence of events in a story’s plot. Recall important supporting details in literary selections but may be inaccurate in more complex texts. Demonstrate general understanding of complex texts by recognizing and comparing main ideas that are explicitly stated or implied in informational text and interpret details and references supporting these ideas. Understand sequence and structure in a variety of textual forms. Interpret important supporting details in literary selections. Rarely make accurate predictions about upcoming events when developing an interpretation. Lack the ability to comprehend literal statements, preventing comprehension of inferred ideas in informational and literary text. Few insights into aspects of characterization, character motivation, or a story’s theme. May make obvious predictions about future events, but at times struggle to make accurate predictions based on subtle clues when developing an interpretation. Sometimes struggle to grasp implied meaning, focusing more on literal statements in informational text. Identify facts about literary characters, but may be less proficient when analyzing character interactions and reasons for character actions and beliefs. Develop an interpretation by making predictions about future outcomes based on clues in the passage. Identify facts about literary characters. Becoming proficient when analyzing character interactions and reasons for actions and beliefs. Use evidence in text to determine themes. Develop an interpretation by making predictions about future outcomes based on clues in a passage. Analyze implicit relationships. Interpret facts, events, and images to draw conclusions about the author’s unstated meaning. Analyze interactions between characters to determine motivations and reasons for actions and beliefs. Reach conclusions about the development of complex or subtle themes or messages. Identify textual references that support interpretations. related materials support their purpose. 21 Struggle to interpret more complex themes, intentions, and character motivation. Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Examine Content and Structure / Informational Text Examine Content and Structure / Literary Text Attempts to examine the content and structure of informational text and literary text are generally unsuccessful. May be able to identify an author’s broad purpose, but there is little or no analysis of support or structure. A lack of familiarity with literary devices, figurative language, or conventions of drama prevent analysis of their purpose or use. Attempts to examine the content and structure of informational and literary text show mixed results. May sometimes identify a main purpose, but struggle to recognize textual support or to make connections between articles on similar subjects. May sometimes recognize literary devices and figurative language and begin to analyze their impact on a selection’s effectiveness. Limited familiarity with the conventions of dramatic literature. Accurately examine the content and structure of informational and literary text, and can recognize the primary characteristics of each. Consistently identification of main purpose and recognition of textual support. Make connections between articles on similar subjects. Recognize the use of literary devices and figurative language, and make accurate observations about their impact on a selection’s effectiveness. Demonstrate a familiarity with the conventions of dramatic literature. Thoroughly examine the content and structure of informational text to determine the author’s underlying purpose, evaluate the amount and kind of evidence given for support, analyze passages on the same topic, and evaluate the logic and unity of text. Evaluate the use of literary devices and figurative language, and make insightful observations about their impact on a selection’s effectiveness. Demonstrate a thorough awareness of the conventions of dramatic literature STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ODE staff recommends adoption of the Reading Achievement Level Descriptors for grades 3-8 and High School this month. Please note: the Board is asked to adopt the current versions of the Achievement Level Descriptors which will be used in this January’s Standards Verification. During the verification process and ongoing stakeholder engagement, revisions to these ALDs may be recommended. Any updates to these statements will be provided to the Board in March for review. Appendix A: Standard Setting Process 22 Appendix A: Additional Information and Background on the Standards Setting Process and Achievement Level Descriptors. The following information was adapted from that presented to the State Board at their January 2010 meeting and is provided here as additional context. What is Oregon’s Standards Setting Process? Large scale assessments such as the Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS) are designed to provide information to students, parents, educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders about what students know and can do in a particular content area. Scores are reported using two conventions: Achievement Levels and Scale Scores. Achievement Levels assist in describing to what degree students have met the expectations that Oregon policy makers establish for student achievement in regard to state content standards. Scale Scores describe student achievement in a systematic manner that can be used to describe student achievement and student growth in achievement. Over the coming months, Oregon will re-establish the achievement expectations we have for students on statewide assessments. Following best practices, ODE staff will engage Oregon educators and stakeholders to participate in a standards setting with attention focused on a reasonable cut score given external data about national and international benchmarks. During the standards setting, the participants will review the coherency of the cut-scores from Grade 3 through high school, and the cut-scores that are best aligned with collegereadiness, national and international benchmarks, and then give input as to whether or not these proposed scores are valid. Participants meet for two to three days and engage in structured conversations that include consideration of the following: Oregon content standards, the purpose of the achievement standards and their role in new graduation requirements, the General and Reading Policy Definitions, the difficulty of the content as represented by the test items, and knowledge of Oregon students. Prior to this standards setting, revised Achievement Level Descriptors are adopted by the State Board to help guide the discussion. How Does This Work Relate to the Adoption of Common Core State Standards? ODE is working with other states around the country to ensure that the Common Core State Standards eventually adopted will be in the best interest of kids. The Common Core State Standards will be implemented over a several year period. Additional work will be needed in the future to align these with Oregon’s standards and adjust cut scores as needed, but this work will be done over the next several years. Review of Achievement Levels Oregon has the following Achievement Levels: Does Not Yet Meet, Nearly Meets, Meets, and Exceeds. As we approach the adoption of new cut scores, we will determine the appropriate level of rigor at each of these levels. Why Raise the Rigor? Comparisons to NAEP (National Assessment of Education Progress) indicate that at least at Elementary and Middle School, Oregon’s “Meets” is well below NAEP’s “Proficient.” The inclusion of NAEP (national) and PISA (international) test items in last spring’s OAKS field test provide additional information as to how Oregon students do compared to their peers around the country and the world. This additional information could inform the standards setting in January and the resulting cut scores. What are Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs)? The Oregon Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) explain the knowledge and skills that students typically demonstrate at specific levels of the Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS) in each grade and in each subject. The ALDs define, for example, what a student is expected to know at the “Meets” level in 5th grade Reading. Marianne Perie of the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment calls 23 ALDs “the foundation of standard-setting activities as they provided the explanation for how student achievement differs from one level to the next.” [Perie, 2008] Revision of Reading Achievement Level Descriptors Achievement Level Descriptors are based on excerpts of the larger set of content standards and generally represent the knowledge and skills assessed at each level. Students who score at or within a particular level of achievement possess the bulk of the abilities described at that level and generally have mastered the skills described in the preceding achievement levels. Educators can use the descriptors to explain the knowledge and skills a student is expected to possess to achieve the various achievement levels for each test. Descriptors are both grade and subject specific. The Achievement Level Descriptors will influence the upcoming achievement standards verification for reading, scheduled for January 2011. In order for Oregon’s standards to be accepted for federal accountability purposes, we must submit documentation to the U.S. Department of Education (U.S. DOE), and the Achievement Level Descriptors are part of this required documentation. Achievement Level Descriptors are also used for school accountability purposes. In preparation for drafting the Reading Achievement Level Descriptors ODE staff have reviewed: Articles on national best practices NAEP and PISA trends General Policy Achievement Level Definitions adopted by the State Board of Education in March 2010 The Oregon Reading Achievement Level Descriptors adopted in 2006 Test items scaled to the projected cut scores . 24