Grade Levels 0-6

NC Content Standards in a Nutshell Grades 1-6
Summarized by Rebecca Whitman for Wayne Community College 10-2015
Print Concepts/Phonemic Awareness/Word Analysis: R.1.1.1-1.2.8
The student will develop and demonstrate knowledge of print concepts and phonemic awareness, word
analysis, and decoding strategies to pronounce and derive meaning of words.
Vocabulary R.2.1.1-2.3.4
The student will develop and demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary skills that include analyzing word
structure, determine the meaning of words from context, sorting words into groups by meaning and
relationships among words, and applying vocabulary skills in order to understand a wide and varied
vocabulary that enhances comprehension of literary, functional, and informational text.
Comprehension, Collaboration, and Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas R.3.1.1-R.3.3.7,
S.1.1.1-1.3.7, S.2.1.1-2.3.3
The student will develop and demonstrate knowledge of a variety of comprehension, collaboration, and
presentation strategies to derive meaning from literary, functional, and informational text, collaboration of
oral and aural information, and presentation of knowledge and ideas.
Fluency, Readability, and Accuracy R.4.1.1-4.3.2, W.1.1.1-1.2.5
The student will develop and demonstrate knowledge of basic written English language and different
reading strategies to read a variety of literary, functional, and informational text with accuracy and speed.
Literature and Informational Texts R.5.1.1-5.3.10
The student will develop and demonstrate knowledge of a range of increasingly complex literature and
informational texts.
Grammatical Concepts, Sentence Structure, Capitalization, Punctuation, Spelling, Parts of
Speech, Verb Tense, and Usage W.2.1.1-4.3.4
The student will develop and apply knowledge of the rules for capitalization, punctuation, spelling,
grammatical concepts, sentence structure, parts of speech, verb tense, and usage to complete a variety
of writing tasks.
Composition W.5.1.1-5.3.9
The student will use technology, research, and the writing process to communicate in a variety of
purposes including informative, narrative, and persuasive writing.
Number Sense and Operations M.1.1.1-1.3.25
The student will develop and apply concepts of number sense and operations to explore, analyze, and
solve a variety of mathematical and real-life problems.
Measurement and Geometry M.2.1.1-2.3.6, M.3.1.1-3.3.4
The student will develop and apply concepts of standard measurements, measurement tools, geometric
properties, relationships, and methods to explore, analyze, and solve mathematical and real-life
Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability M.4.1.1-4.3.6
The student will develop and apply concepts of data analysis, statistics, and probability to explore,
analyze, and solve mathematical and real-life problems.
Algebraic Thinking M.5.1.1-5.3.16
The student will develop and apply concepts of basic algebra, patterns, relationships, expressions,
equations, and functions to explore, analyze, and solve mathematical and real-life problems.
Technology, Databases, Spreadsheets, Desktop Publishing, Internet,
Telecommunications, and Society T.1.1.1-1.3.3, T.2.1.1-2.3.2, T.3.1.1-3.3.2, T.4.1.1-4.3.5,
T.5.1.1-5.3.3, T.6.1.1-6.3.4
The student will demonstrate knowledge of important issues of a technology-based society and exhibit
ethical behavior related to the use of computers, digital resources, Internet, and other technology. The
student will demonstrate understanding and ability to create, interpret, and extract information from
databases, spreadsheets, and multimedia presentations. The student will demonstrate knowledge and
skills in keyboarding, word processing, and desktop publishing.
Workplace Skills W.S.1-8
The student will demonstrate a set of character and study skills necessary to be successful in the
classroom and in the workplace. (See WCC Workplace Rubric)