2014-15 Tennessee School Improvement Plan School Name: Accountability status: Analysis of last year’s final results: Riverwood Elementary Reward, Focus, or Priority if applicable. Not Applicable Areas of Greatest Progress: RLA All: 3.5% gain 12 = 57.5% / 13 = 56.3% / 14 = 59.8% RLA ED: 5.4% gain 12 = 52.5% / 13 = 46.6% / 14 = 52% RLA Black/Hispanic: 3.4% gain 12 = 52.1% / 13 = 48.9% / 14 = 52.3% RLA White: 4.2% gain 12 = 66.9 % / 13 = 67.3% / 14 = 71.5% RLA Asian: 10% gain 12 = 60.6% / 13 = 70% / 14 = 80% RLA Hispanic: Remained the same 12 = 59.5% / 13 = 53% / 14 = 53% Underlying Reasons for Progress: 2014 Reading TCAP gains are attributed to the following: 100% Highly Qualified Staff Individual Data notebooks are kept and monitored to ensure individual goals are met Individual data conferences with administration to discuss progress and set individual goals Optional teachers implement small group remediation while class is gone to CLUE Ongoing professional development in Common Core best practices and implementation and Close Reads Individualized homework to match skill deficits Areas of Greatest Challenge: RLA 3rd grade: 1.5% loss 12 = 55.7 / 13 = 57.6 / 14 = 56.1% RLA SWD: 10.2% loss 12 = 62% / 13 = 61.9% / 14 = 51.7% Math All: 3.1% loss 12 = 55% / 13 = 58.5% / 14 = 55.4% Math 3rd grade: 3.5% loss 12 = 61.3 / 13 = 65.2 / 14 = 61.7% Math SWD: 11.2% loss 12 = 47.6% / 13 = 59.5% / 14 = 48.3% Math ED: 4.2% loss 12 = 46.8% / 13 = 51% / 14 = 47.7% Math Black/Hispanic: 3.2% loss 12 = 51.5% / 13 = 50.8% / 14 = 47.6% Math White: 1.7% loss 12 = 64.7% / 13 = 71.2% / 14 =69.5% Math Asian: 3.3% loss 12 = 82.2 % / 13 = 73.3% / 14 = 70% Math Hispanic: 5% loss 12 = 48.6% / 13 = 61.8% / 14 = 56.8% Underlying Reasons for Challenge: 2014 Reading and Math TCAP loss is attributed to the following: Diverse ELL population 35 language dialects 26% of ELL students scoring 1 or 2 on the ELDA Integration of Science & Social Studies into Literacy and Math blocks. Delayed introduction of the use of calculators due to district uncertainty if calculators are an allowable accommodation for testing. Large number of third grade students entered the grade more than one grade level behind. Students scoring proficient/advanced on 2013 TCAP MAAS were required to take 1 Goals for 2014-15 school year: Focused implementation and review of summative, formative and common assessment data with re-teaching strategies Content Area/PLC Focus each week reviewing data, pacing, and best practices Discovery Probes administered quarterly to assess student progress and drive instruction Monitoring of STAR Benchmarks to ensure progress in all grades Close review of intervention data to identify students requiring additional assessment and support Guided reading and/or Daily 5 strategies in all grades Reading Plus 4-5, IStation K-3 for all Tier III students Schoolwide implementation of Responsive Classroom optimizes instructional time and facilitates a caring community. regular 2014 TCAP. Third grade teacher out for maternity leave resulting in students having a certified substitute for the full second semester. High emphasis placed on literacy skills based on 2012 /2013 data. Riverwood Elementary will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced on TCAP in Reading/Language Arts from 59.8% in 2014 to 65% in 2015. Grade 3 will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced in Reading/Language Arts from 56.1% in 2014 to 60.1% in 2015. (Move from TVAAS 3 to TVAAS 5 in Literacy). Riverwood Elementary will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced on TCAP in Math from 55.8 % in 2014 to 61% in 2015. Grade 3 will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced in Math from 61.7% in 2014 to 66% in 2015. (Move from TVAAS 1 to TVAAS 4 in Math). Plan for this school year: Riverwood Elementary will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced on TCAP in Science from 64.8% in 2014 to 70% in 2015. Grade 3 will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced in Science from 73.4% in 2014 to 79% in 2015. (Move from TVAAS 1 to TVAAS 4 in Science). Key strategies to achieve goals: 1. Strategy: Collaborate with educators to analyze and use multiple forms of data throughout the year to establish specific goals and strategies targeting student achievement and growth. Implementation Plan: Individual Conferences on STAR Growth Individual Data Meetings/Goal Setting to review teacher Parent Feedback Forms to report student progress School-wide Goal Setting 2 Implement use of STAR Growth Template Baseline STAR Assessment Implement use of Data Template STAR Data Review Grade Level and Individual Goal Setting Introduce weekly Lesson Plan Template Review Common Assessments and data Review SDIS Identify students for additional intervention Exit Conferences Desired outcomes: Overall increase in student achievement that will result in more students scoring proficient/advanced and increase the school’s overall TVAAS scores. Projected costs and funding sources: Star – $13,000 – Site Based; Data Notebooks - $500 – Title I; Printing Supplies for data templates and growth reports - $800 – Title I; Common Assessments and printing – $2,000 – Title I Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: These strategies will increase teachers’ use of data to drive instruction. Administration’s quarterly monitoring of student growth will ensure all students are effectively responding to instruction and reteaching. 2. Strategy: Lead educators to develop and execute interventions to address all students’ learning needs grounded in multiple sources of data. Implementation Plan: Establish RTI schedules. Design lesson plan format with interventions. Identify student Tiers. Implement shared accountability. Monitor Tier 2 and Tier 3 progress Desired outcomes: Overall increase in student achievement that will result in more students scoring proficient/advanced and increase the school’s overall TVAAS scores. Projected costs and funding sources: Star – $13,000 – Site Based; Data Notebooks $500 – Title I; Printing Supplies for data templates and growth reports - $800 – Title I; Common Assessments and printing – $2,000 – Title I; IStation - $0 – District; IReady - $0 – District; Differentiated Classroom Material - $15,000 - Title I Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: These strategies will ensure that interventions are being used with fidelity and increase 3 teachers’ use of intervention data to drive instruction. Administration’s monitoring of fidelity will ensure all students’ needs are being met in regards to their current level of performance. 3. Strategy: Systematically monitor and adjust progress toward established goals and facilitate procedures and practices leading to continuous improvement. Implementation Plan: Yearly goal setting Develop key LOOK FORS Develop Admin Walk-through/Feedback Schedule Develop and implement Tri-weekly Common Assessments Implement Quarterly STAR Assessments Desired outcomes: Overall increase in student achievement by monitoring and adjusting based on the identified strategies. Projected costs and funding sources: Star – $13,000 – Site Based; Data Notebooks - $500 – Title I; Printing Supplies for data templates and growth reports - $800 – Title I; Grade Scanner materials and supplies – $2,000 – Title I; Mastery Connect Program- $10,000 –Title I Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: These strategies will support the monitoring of established goals and adjusting student learning toward continuous improvement. Key benchmarks for progress on strategies: Benchmark: Individual Data notebooks will be kept and monitored to ensure individual goals are met using enrichment and intervention strategies to track individual growth. Timeline: Teachers will update data notebooks tri-weekly. Administration will monitor data notebooks quarterly. PLC and staff meetings will focus on higher level thinking skills, differentiated instruction, data analysis, blended learning, and Common Core, with administrative review of classroom implementation. Common assessments will be developed in grade level PLC’s and administered. Meetings will be held weekly Star benchmarks for Reading and Math will be administered and used in determining strategies for re-teaching. Quarterly Tri-weekly common assessments 4 SCS Literacy Framework LITERACY ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT: READING/LANGUAGE ARTS School: Riverwood Elementary Section A: Describe your goal and identify which need(s) it addresses. (Remember that your TSIP identified the strengths and challenges/needs.) Goal Which need(s) does this Goal address? How is this Goal linked to the District’s Strategic Plan? Riverwood Elementary will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced on TCAP in Reading/Language Arts from 59.8% in 2014 to 65% in 2015. Grade 3 will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced in Reading/Language Arts from 56.1% in 2014 to 60.1% in 2015. (Move from TVAAS 3 to TVAAS 5 in Literacy). This goal meets the need to increase the number of student scoring proficient and advanced in order to meet mandated AMO goals This goal is linked to the District’s Strategic Plan by developing a academically challenged and effective learning environment that will accelerate the academic performance of all students. ACTION STEPS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Section B – Descriptively list the action you plan to take to ensure you will be able to progress toward your goal. Action steps are strategies and interventions which should be scientifically based where possible and include professional development, technology, communication, and parent and community involvement initiatives within the action steps of each goal. Section C – For each of the action steps you list, give timeline, person(s) responsible, projected cost(s)/required resources, funding sources, evaluation strategy and performance results/outcomes. (For Evaluation Strategy, define how you will evaluate the action step.) Action Step Students and teachers will use current technology to promote higher order thinking skills and inquiry based learning in their daily instructional routines Timeline Daily August 2014May 2015 Person(s) Responsible Admin Team: Ms. White, Ms. Porter, Ms. Davenport, Ms. Hughes, Ms. Beller, Ms. Carmichael Classroom Teachers Action Step Teachers will integrate Tennessee Common Core Standards into daily lessons including differentiated small group reading lessons by using supplemental resources such as curriculum maps and weebly sites. Weekly August 2014May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Required Resources Computers, Smartboards, iPads, PD activities, DocuCam, Projectors Fiction/nonfiction guided readers, books, Professional Development activities, Projected Cost(s) & Funding Sources $5,000 Title I $3,000 Title I $1,000 Site Evaluation Strategy PLC minutes Lesson plan review Classroom Observations PLC minutes Lesson plan review Classroom Observations Student Journals Reading Logs Performance Results/Outcom es Increased student motivation and student achievement in Reading/ Language Arts on TCAP Increased student motivation and increased student achievement in Reading/Lang uage Arts on TCAP 5 SCS Literacy Framework Action Step Teachers will integrate content area supplemental materials, beyond the district curriculum, to support differentiation of student work and meeting the needs of all students in regards to their current level of performance. Daily August 2014May 2015 Action Step Teachers will include activities designed to increase higher level thinking skills and integrate content areas into morning meeting Daily August 2014May 2015 Action Step Action Step Administrative team will hold data conferences with classroom teachers to set individual goals that include a specific number of students who will test proficient or advanced for the class and for each subgroup. Teachers will use data templates to create individual teacher data notebooks containing all current data with set goals will be used to monitor student progress. Progress towards individual student goals will be tracked through data templates and quarterly SDIS Quarterly Weekly August 2014May 2015 Classroom newsletters and Process/Skills Reports will serve as two way communication with parents and provide dual accountability for student progress and growth Weekly August 2014May 2015 Action Step Action Step Action Step Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Nonfiction (Sc, SS, Math) Professional Development activities Classroom Teachers Chart Tablets Markers Easels PD materials Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Data Notebooks Summative and Formative Assessment Informal Assessments Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Assessment Reports Data Notebooks Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Parent Communication Folders Copier/Paper Identified students will be assigned to IStation to increase mastery in ELA Weekly August 2014 – May 2015 Admin Team, Teachers Intervention materials Technology Site license Newly hired teachers (1st year and new to the district) will work with a trained Learning Coach Weekly August 20142015 Admin Team, Learning Coach Select Teachers Tiered Coaching Model List of New Teachers $4,000 Title I $1,000 Site $4,000 Title I $1,500 Site PLC minutes Lesson plan review Classroom Observations Lesson plan review Classroom Observations $500 Title I Administration Review Teacher Data Template $500 Site PLC minutes Classroom Observations District Initiative Reports $1,500 Site Communication Logs Report Cards Progress Reports Process/Skills reports Parent/Teacher conferences Review Intervention Reports Assessment Data $250 Title l Learning coach log Admin PLC’s Reflective practice Increased student motivation/ achievement in Reading/Lang uage Arts on TCAP Increased student engagement and achievement in Reading/Langu age Arts on TCAP Increased student motivation/ achievement in Reading/Langu age Arts on TCAP Increased student achievement in Reading/Langu age Arts on TCAP Increased parental support and student achievement in Reading/Langu age Arts on TCAP Increased student achievement in Reading/ Language Arts on TCAP Increased student achievement through good 6 SCS Literacy Framework Action Step Identified teachers will work with the Master Teacher, Learning Coach, and PIT Crew Coach to strengthen teaching strategies Action Step Conduct Title I Parent Informational Meetings and SBDMC meetings in which school-wide data and student information is shared with school stakeholders Action Step Parents will be invited to participate in professional development including, Responsive Culture, Common Core ELA, Blended Learning, Understanding Testing Data and other training as requested Action Step Faculty, staff, and administration will receive ongoing and high quality professional development by attending local, regional and national conferences in order to share information on the latest research and instructional strategies and materials As scheduled August 20142015 2014-2015 Monthly August 2014May 2015 Master Teacher Learning Coach Pit Crew Coach Admin Team Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Learning Coach PD Books Classroom Materials Substitutes as needed for teacher training Tiered Coaching Model List of New Teachers Learning Coach PD Books Classroom Materials Substitutes as needed for teacher training Required Title I information and Documents Light Refreshments Supplies $250 Title I $250 Title I August 2014May 2015 Admin Team Faculty and Staff August 2014May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Renaissance Learning Program Star Testing first teaching Learning coach log Master teacher log Admin PLC’s Reflective practice videos Improve teachers’ strategies and skills needed to raise student achievement in ELA on TCAP Sign In Sheets Agendas, Sign In Sheets, Parent Survey Parent Resource Library Sign out Lists Handouts, Parent Resource Library Conference Information, Substitutes as needed for teacher training videos $5,000 Title I Sign In Sheets Minutes K-3 teachers will participate in the SCS K-3 Reading Initiative Action Step Teachers will use STAR testing from Renaissance Learning to identify levels of all students to differentiate instruction $7,500 Title I Star Benchmarking and Formative Assessment for growth Full compliance for all Title I requirements, Parents receive adequate knowledge and give necessary feedback Increase parental ability to assist their children in reading and writing Faculty and Administration will gain knowledge through the sharing of information Increased student motivation/ achievement in Reading/Langu 7 SCS Literacy Framework age Arts on TCAP Action Step Teachers will integrate content areas into the ELA block with an emphasis on complex text and text dependent questions August 2014May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Content Area Resources and Materials $2,000 Title I Lesson plan review Classroom Observations Action Step Teacher assistants will be used to provide small group remediation for students identified as Tier II and Tier III. August 2014May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Teacher Assistants Teacher Assistant Tutoring Materials $27,000 Title I Observations Classified employee evaluations Action Step Administrative Team will develop a lesson plan template that aligns with the RTI2 Framework. Administration will read lesson plans and provide feedback. Support teachers will include ELA standards in weekly lesson plans. August 2014May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Printing Supplies $500 Title I Lesson plan review Classroom Observations Action Step Teachers will develop and administer common assessments and analyze the data tri-weekly August 2014May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Printing Supplies Mastery Connect $6,000 Title I Administration Review Teacher Data Template Action Step Administrative team will develop and print key LOOK FORS to be used during informal walkthroughs and will provide feedback to teachers August 2014May 2015 Admin Team Printing Supplies $250 Title I Observations Action Step Implement blended learning using the rotation model and Pearson software which include training and support provided by Pearson coach August 2014May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Pearson Coach Pearson Software Lenovo Tablets Observations Review of benchmark data Increased student motivation/ achievement in Reading/Langu age Arts on TCAP Increased student motivation/ achievement in Reading/Langu age Arts on TCAP Increased student motivation/ achievement in Reading/Langu age Arts on TCAP Increased student motivation/ achievement in Reading/Langu age Arts on TCAP Increased student motivation/ achievement in Reading/Langu age Arts on TCAP Increased student motivation/ achievement in Reading/Langu age Arts on TCAP 8 SCS Literacy Framework LITERACY ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT: WRITING School: Riverwood Elementary Section A: Describe your goal and identify which need(s) it addresses. (Remember that your TSIP identified the strengths and challenges/needs.) Goal Which need(s) does this Goal address? How is this Goal linked to the District’s Strategic Plan? Riverwood Elementary will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient and advanced by 10% This goal meets the need to increase the number of student scoring proficient and advanced in order to meet mandated AMO goals This goal is linked to the District’s Strategic Plan by developing a academically challenged and effective learning environment that will accelerate the academic performance of all students. ACTION STEPS IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Section B – Descriptively list the action you plan to take to ensure you will be able to progress toward your goal. Action steps are strategies and interventions which should be scientifically based where possible and include professional development, technology, communication, and parent and community involvement initiatives within the action steps of each goal. Section C – For each of the action steps you list, give timeline, person(s) responsible, projected cost(s)/required resources, funding sources, evaluation strategy and performance results/outcomes. (For Evaluation Strategy, define how you will evaluate the action step.) Projected Person(s) Cost(s) & Performance Timeline Required Resources Evaluation Strategy Responsible Funding Results/Outcomes Sources Common Core Leadership Team will gather resources and develop writing prompts every 9 weeks to be administered to students August 2014-May 2015 Action Step Action Step Common Core Leadership Team will conduct trainings to enable teachers to effectively grade prompts and provide timely feedback August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team: Ms. White, Ms. Porter, Ms. Davenport, Ms. Hughes, Ms. Beller, Ms. Carmichael Common Core Leadership Team, Classroom Teachers Admin Team, Common Core Leadership MIST TN Dept. of Ed. website Printing Supplies $500 Title I MIST TN Dept. of Ed. website Printing $1,00 Title I Administration Review, Data Templates Increased student performance in Writing on the TCAP Writing Assessment Administration Review, Data Templates Increased student performance in Writing on the TCAP Writing Assessment 9 SCS Literacy Framework Team, Classroom Teachers Action Step Action Step Implement effective strategies for journaling including, math, science, reading, and free journaling. Common Core Leadership Team will guide teachers through implementation of the MIST practice site Administration will monitor quarterly data from writing prompts and provide feedback as needed Action Step Action Step Teachers will use student writing conferences weekly that review rubrics and set students’ goals to assist in differentiating instruction August 2014-May 2015 August 2014-May 2015 August 2014-May 2015 August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team, Common Core Leadership Team, Classroom Teachers Admin Team, Common Core Leadership Team, Classroom Teachers Admin Team, Common Core Leadership Team, Classroom Teachers Admin Team, Common Core Leadership Team, Classroom Teachers Supplies Substitutes as needed for teacher training and scoring Supplies and Materials $2,000 Title I MIST TN Dept. of Ed. website Substitutes as needed for teacher training and scoring Supplies and Materials Professional Development Materials Supplies and Materials Observations Administration Review Observation $1,000 Title I $1,000 Title I Administration Review, Data Templates Administration Review Observations Student Work Increased student performance in Writing on the TCAP Writing Assessment Increased student performance in Writing on the TCAP Writing Assessment Increased student performance in Writing on the TCAP Writing Assessment Increased student performance in Writing on the TCAP Writing Assessment 10 SCS Mathematics Framework MATHEMATICS ACTION PLAN DEVELOPMENT School: Riverwood Elementary Section A: Describe your goal and identify which need(s) it addresses. (Remember that your TSIP identified the strengths and challenges/needs.) Goal Which need(s) does this Goal address? How is this Goal linked to the District’s Strategic Plan? Riverwood Elementary will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced on TCAP in Math from 55.8 % in 2014 to 61% in 2015. Grade 3 will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced in Math from 61.7% in 2014 to 66% in 2015. (Move from TVAAS 1 to TVAAS 4 in Math). This goal meets the need to increase the number of student scoring proficient and advanced in order to meet mandated AMO goals This goal is linked to the District’s Strategic Plan by developing a academically challenged and effective learning environment that will accelerate the academic performance of all students. ACTION STEPS Section B – Descriptively list the action you plan to take to ensure you will be able to progress toward your goal. Action steps are strategies and interventions which should be scientifically based where possible and include professional development, technology, communication, and parent and community involvement initiatives within the action steps of each goal. Action Step Students and teachers will use current technology to promote higher order thinking skills and inquiry based learning in their daily instructional routines IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Section C – For each of the action steps you list, give timeline, person(s) responsible, projected cost(s)/required resources, funding sources, evaluation strategy and performance results/outcomes. (For Evaluation Strategy, define how you will evaluate the action step.) Projected Person(s) Cost(s) & Performance Timeline Required Resources Evaluation Strategy Responsible Funding Results/Outcomes Sources Daily August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team: Ms. White, Ms. Porter, Ms. Davenport, Ms. Hughes, Ms. Beller, Ms. Carmichael PLC minutes Lesson plan review Classroom Observations Computers, Smartboards, IPads, PD activities, DocuCam, Projectors Increased student motivation and student achievement in Math on TCAP Classroom Teachers Action Step Teachers will integrate Tennessee State Standards and Common Core Standards into daily lessons including differentiated small group Math lessons Weekly August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Action Step Teachers will integrate content area supplemental materials, beyond the district curriculum, to support differentiation of student work and meeting the needs of all Daily August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Professional Development activities, Hands-on manipulatives $2,000 Title $500 Site PLC minutes Lesson plan review Classroom Observations Student Journals Nonfiction SC and SS Professional Development activities $4,000 Title I $500 Site PLC minutes Lesson plan review Classroom Observations Increased student motivation and increased student achievement in Math on TCAP Increased student motivation/ achievement in Math on TCAP 11 SCS Mathematics Framework students in regards to their current level of performance Action Step Action Step Administrative team will hold data conferences with classroom teachers to set individual goals that include a specific number of students who will test proficient or advanced for the class and for each subgroup Teachers will use data templates to create individual teacher data notebooks containing all current data with set goals will be used to monitor student progress. Progress towards individual student goals will be tracked through data templates and quarterly SDIS Quarterly Weekly August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Data Notebooks Summative and Formative Assessment Informal Assessments Assessment Reports Data Notebooks Action Step Classroom newsletters and Process/Skills Reports will serve as two way communication with parents and provide dual accountability for student progress and growth Weekly August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Parent Communication Folders Copier/Paper Action Step Identified students will be assigned to IReady to increase mastery in Math Weekly August 2014 – May 2015 Admin Team, Teachers Intervention materials Technology Site license Newly hired teachers (1st year and new to the district) will work with a trained Learning Coach Weekly August 2014-2015 Action Step Identified teachers will work with the Master Teacher, Learning Coach, and PIT Crew Coach to strengthen teaching strategies As scheduled August 2014-2015 Action Step Conduct Title I Parent Informational Meetings and SBDMC meetings in which school-wide data and student information is shared with Action Step 2014-2015 Admin Team, Learning Coach Select Teachers Master Teacher Learning Coach Pit Crew Coach Admin Team Tiered Coaching Model List of New Teachers Learning Coach PD Books Classroom Materials Substitutes as Needed for Teacher Training Tiered Coaching Model List of New Teachers Learning Coach PD Books Classroom Materials Substitutes as Needed for Teacher Training Required Title I information and Documents $500 Title I Administration Review Teacher Data Template $250 Site PLC minutes Classroom Observations District Initiative Reports $1,000 Site Communication Logs Report Cards Progress Reports Process/Skills reports Parent/Teacher conferences Review Intervention Reports Assessment Data Increased student motivation/ achievement in Math on TCAP Increased student achievement in Math on TCAP Increased parental support and student achievement in Math on TCAP Increased student achievement in Math on TCAP $250 Title I Learning coach log Admin PLC’s Reflective practice videos Increased student achievement through good first teaching $250 Title I Learning coach log Master teacher log Admin PLC’s Reflective practice videos Improve teachers’ strategies and skills needed to raise student achievement in Math on TCAP $250 Title I Sign In Sheets Full compliance for all Title I requirements, 12 SCS Mathematics Framework school stakeholders Light Refreshments Supplies Parents receive adequate knowledge and give necessary feedback Agendas, Sign In Sheets, Parent Survey Parent Resource Library Sign out Lists Action Step Parents will be invited to participate in professional development including, Responsive Culture, Common Core Math, Blended Learning, and Understanding Testing Data and other training as requested Monthly August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Handouts, Parent Resource Library Action Step Faculty, staff, and administration will receive ongoing and high quality professional development by attending local, regional and national conferences in order to share information on the latest research and instructional strategies and materials August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team Faculty and Staff Conference Information Substitutes as needed for teacher training $5,000 Title I Action Step Teachers will use STAR testing from Renaissance Learning to identify levels of all students to differentiate instruction August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Renaissance Learning Program Star Testing $7,500 Title I Star Benchmarking and Formative Assessment for growth Action Step Teachers will integrate ELA, Science, and Social Studies into the Math block August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Content Area Resources and Materials $1,000 Title I Lesson plan review Classroom Observations Action Step Teacher assistants will be used to provide small group remediation for students identified as Tier II and Tier III. August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Teacher Assistants Teacher Assistant Tutoring Materials Action Step Administrative Team will develop a lesson plan template that aligns with the RTI2 Framework. Administration will read lesson plans and provide feedback. Support teachers will include Math standards in weekly lesson plans. August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Printing Classroom supplies and materials Action Step Teachers will develop, administer, and analyze common assessment data tri-weekly August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Action Step Administrative team will develop key LOOK FORS to be used during informal walkthroughs and will provide feedback to teachers August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team Printing Supplies Action Step Implement blended learning using the rotation model and person software which include training and support provided by Pearson coach August 2014-May 2015 Admin Team, Classroom Teachers Pearson Coach Pearson Software Lenovo Tablets Printing Supplies Mastery Connect Sign In Sheets Minutes Increase parental ability to assist their children in Math Faculty and Administration will gain knowledge through the sharing of information Increased student motivation/ achievement in Math on TCAP Increased student motivation/ achievement in Math on TCAP Observations Classified employee evaluation Increased student motivation/ achievement in Math on TCAP $500 Title I Lesson plan review Classroom Observations Increased student motivation/ achievement in Math on TCAP $6,000 Title I Administration Review Teacher Data Template $250 Title I Observations $27,000 Title I Observations Review of benchmark data Increased student motivation/ achievement in Math on TCAP Increased student motivation/ achievement in Math on TCAP Increased student motivation/ achievement in Math on TCAP 13 SCS Intervention Plan Action Steps Select members for school level support team; set and publish meeting dates (every 4.5 weeks). Ensure that staff members receive professional development on universal screener and intervention programs, as needed. Timeline August 2014 Required Resources SCS RTI2 Manual August-September 2014 Develop and implement building procedures for fidelity monitoring to include data/usage review and classroom observations in Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III. August 2014-May 2015 Administer universal screeners in Reading and Mathematics to all students; administer Writing on an “as needed” basis. September 2014 Identify students in need of strategic Tier II and intensive Tier III intervention in Reading and/or Mathematics. September 2014 December 2014 May 2015 September 2014 District professional development schedule in MLP Monitor compliance through IStation and IReady SCS RTI2 Manual Checklists, electronic monitoring tools Schedules with who/when/how often Monitor individual teacher RTI2 schedules Classroom walkthrough Monitor data notebook Monitor lesson plans iReady, Mathematics Istation, Reading Data review, Writing Data from universal screeners, report cards, teacher observation, other student assessment data as appropriate RTI2 Parent Letters September-December 2014 Computers/labs Resources for small group intervention Administrative Team Classroom Teachers Provide Tier II and Tier III interventions for all students in need of intervention. September 2014-May 2015 Classroom Teachers Establish progress monitoring for students receiving interventions— biweekly for Tier II and weekly for Tier III September 2014-May 2015 School level support team meets every 4.5 weeks to review data and make recommendations for modification. September 2014-May 2015 Communicate progress and/or changes in intervention assignments to parents (e.g., moving between/among tiers, newly assigned, September 2014-May 2015 iReady, Mathematics Istation, Reading, Writing, Star Reading and Star Math, Teacher Assistants, Extended Contract iReady, Mathematics Istation, Reading, Writing, Star Reading and Star Math, Teacher Assistants, Extended Contract Student assessment data Attendance records Completed fidelity checklists Teacher observation, weekly grade chair meeting included in the master schedule RTI2 Parent Letters Communicate assignments to intervention programs to parents of students involved Set schedules for Tier II and Tier III interventions; realign staffing as needed. Person(s) Responsible Administrative Team RTI2 Leadership Team Kirstin Davenport RTI2 Leadership Team Administrative Team RTI2 Leadership Team Classroom Teachers RTI2 Leadership Team Kirstin Davenport Classroom Teachers Classroom Teachers Administrative Team RTI2 Leadership Team Classroom Teachers Administrative Team RTI2 Leadership Team Classroom Teachers 14 SCS Intervention Plan moving out of intervention). School-wide Responsive Classroom School: Students will continuously be given positive feedback as they reach their individual goals both academically and behaviorally Administer universal screeners in Reading and Mathematics to all students; administer Writing on an “as needed” basis. August 2014 – May 2015 Responsive Classroom Resources Administrative Team Classroom Teachers December 2014 iReady, Mathematics Istation, Reading Data review, Writing Student assessment data Attendance records Completed fidelity checklists Teacher observation iReady, Mathematics Istation, Reading, Writing, Star Reading and Star Math, Teacher Assistants, Extended Contract iReady, Mathematics Istation, Reading, Writing, Star Reading and Star Math, Teacher Assistants, Extended Contract Student assessment data Attendance records Completed fidelity checklists Teacher observation Classroom Teachers School level support team meets to review data and make adjustments to intervention schedules for the second semester, as indicated by the new data. December 2014 Revise schedules for Tier II and Tier III interventions, as needed, based on December universal screening December 2014-January 2015 Administer universal screeners in Reading and Mathematics to all students; administer Writing on an “as needed” basis. May 2015 School level support team meets to review end-of-year data and make preliminary plans for next year. May 2015 Administrative Team RTI2 Leadership Team Classroom Teachers Administrative Team RTI2 Leadership Team Classroom Teachers Classroom Teachers Administrative Team RTI2 Leadership Team Classroom Teachers 15 SCS Transition Plan Action Steps Special Needs Preschool students will work toward mastering skills to be successful in kindergarten. Timeline Start Date: August 2014 End Date: May, 2015 Required Resources Person(s) Responsible Highly-qualified Special Education Pre-K teacher Special Education Pre-K curriculum IEP Melissa Heim– Pre-K Teacher Administrative Team Parental Involvement Parents will spend one 4hour period in the preschool classroom each month. Parents will participate in one parent meeting per month. Special Needs Preschool students will transition into their next placement during the last nine weeks of school. March 2015 Highly-qualified Special Education Pre-K teacher Special Education Pre-K curriculum IEP Melissa Heim– Pre-K Teacher Administrative Team Parents provide feedback to IEP team inn regards to placement decision Meet In The Middle – Selected opportunities for 5th graders to learn about feeder Middle Schools January 2015 April 2015 May 2015 Flyers School Messenger Administrative Team and School Counselor Students and parents will have opportunities to learn more about middle school programs 5th to 6th Grade Transition Program May 2015 Flyers School Messenger Administrative Team and School Counselor Students will meet with 6th graders from feeder middle schools 16 SCS Technical Assistance Report Participants Roles and Responsibilities Shelby County Schools Dorsey Hobson, Superintendent Dr. Angela Whitelaw, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Cynthia Alexander Mitchell, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Linda Kennard, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction Bobby Gammel, Division of Exceptional Children ILD, TBA To establish accountability measures and processes; to encourage collaboration among schools and central office support; to assist and advise principals in matters of school operations and instructional improvements Office of Federal Programs and Grants Marjorie Douglas- Executive Director Dr. Deborah Currie Dr. Geralyn Seals To provide assistance and technical support for compliance with local, state, and federal requirements mandated by No Child Left Behind legislation. Center of Safe & Drug Free Schools Prevention/Intervention Supervisor To support, monitor, and facilitate the curriculum, policies, and programs needed to keep the students at our school safe and drug-free SCS – Office of Parent and Community Engagement Tommie McCarter, Director To provide support, training, and materials that will promote increased parental and community support for all stakeholders in Shelby County Schools To develop a plan for increased student achievement and related high-quality, scientifically based professional development activities; to monitor implementation of instructional improvement 17 SCS Current State/Federal Programs All federal, state, and local services and programs are coordinated and integrated into Riverwood Elementary School’s school wide plan including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Title I – Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged Title II, Part A – Preparing, Training and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals Title II, Part D – Enhancing Education through Technology Title IV, 21st Century Schools, Part A – Safe and Drug-Free Schools Title IV, 21st Century Schools, Part B – 21st Century Community Learning Centers Title X, Part C – Education for Homeless Children and Youths School Age Child Care Shelby County Schools Early Childhood Education Program Federally Funded Meal Program Tennessee EPSDT Program (TennCare Health Care) No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Special Education, including CLUE SCS Optional Schools Program Title I Parental Involvement Center 18 SCS Teacher Mentoring Plan Action Steps Newly hired teachers year and new to the district) will work with a trained Learning Coach Timeline (1st Learning Coach will work with identified teachers through classroom observations, peer mentoring, active practice, and professional discourse Learning Coaches will support mentees through SCS Cycle of Improvement Weekly August 2014-2015 As scheduled August 2014-2015 Required Resources Teacher List Tiered Coaching Model Classroom observations TEM 4.0 evaluation results Person(s) Responsible Admin Team, Learning Coach Select Teachers Learning Coach Teachers receiving PLP support will be assigned a Learning Coach PIT Crew Coach will work with identified teachers through, classroom observations, professional development, and professional discourse As scheduled August 2014-2015 Tiered Coaching Model Classroom observations TEM 4.0 evaluation results PIT Crew Coach PLC Coach will work with grade level teams to analyze and evaluate data to discuss best practices to guide classroom instruction As scheduled August 2014-2015 Tiered Coaching Model Classroom observations TEM 4.0 evaluation results PLC Coach Master Teacher will provide professional development and guide the implementation of reflective practice September 2014 – May 2015 TeachScape iPads Master Teacher All teachers will have an individualized professional development growth plan that will be revisited as needed May 2014 – May 2015 Professional development materials PD 360 TeachScape Teaching Channel “Teach Like A Champion” Strategies 19 SCS Family Engagement Plan / Parent Involvement Plan Riverwood Elementary Optional School Family Engagement Plan The Riverwood Elementary Family Engagement Plan was developed jointly with parents to establish expectations for parental involvement and to define the commitment of the school toward providing parents with the skills and information necessary to help their children achieve academic excellence. Parental Commitment Riverwood parents will act as advisors, resource persons, and coordinators in the following ways: Supporting our school’s efforts to maintain a safe and respectful environment Encouraging their child to solve conflicts peacefully Supporting our school’s efforts to help their child achieve academically Assisting their child with homework and special projects Providing frequent and meaningful attention to help their child reach their full potential in school and in life Maintaining ongoing communication including attending parent/teacher conferences Actively participating in parent organizations, School Based Decision Making Council and other committees and trainings Responding to memos, surveys and questionnaires expressing their ideas and/or concerns Using their talents and resources to enhance Riverwood’s instructional program Becoming Riverwood Elementary School supporters and advocates within their community ESEA The Elementary and Secondary Education Act requires that Riverwood parents, administrators, staff, and community members work together to plan for and insure high quality academic programs in the following ways: Making parents and community members aware of NCLB and Riverwood’s participation in state and federal programs Providing timely information to families about program and policies administered under NCLB guidelines Encouraging parents to observe and volunteer in the school’s programs and classrooms Providing parents with ongoing, current student information and progress reports Soliciting ongoing feedback and suggestions from parents on decisions relating to the education of their children Providing parents with copies and explanations of the Family Engagement Plan and Parent/Student/School Compact Assisting parents in understanding Riverwood’s school curriculum, assessments used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet School Commitment Riverwood Elementary will encourage families to become meaningfully engaged in their child’s education by doing the following: Inviting all parents to annual meetings (at flexible times) to inform them of Title I requirements, the school’s participation in Title I, and the rights of parents to be involved in the school Conducting regular and flexible parent meetings, to keep parents informed of current events and issues, timely progress reports, and parent/teacher conferences 20 SCS Family Engagement Plan / Parent Involvement Plan Involving parents in jointly developed revisions of the School Improvement Plan, Family Engagement Policy, Parent/School Compact and other documents and programs relating to their child’s academic instruction Eliminating language barriers for limited English proficiency parents by providing written and verbal communication in their primary language if necessary Encouraging parents to meet the challenges of raising happy, successful children by offering diverse parent trainings and workshops, based on parental needs Providing a Family Resource Center with a lending library of books, videos and materials to be checked out and used at home to support in school learning Distributing Parent/Student Handbooks, Family Engagement Plans and Parent/School Compacts and acquiring appropriate signatures Listening to those we serve, our parents and our students, to help gain insight into the hearts, minds and cultures of our families and use this information to develop and administer programs and policies that positively affect our student’s school experience I have read and support the Family Engagement Policy ________________________________________________ Parent Signature Revised 2/2014 21 SCS School Compact Riverwood Elementary Optional School Student/Parent/School This compact has been jointly developed and agreed upon by students, parents and staff as a way to promote positive working relationships and a shared commitment to improving academic achievement for all Riverwood students. Parent/Guardian Agreement I want my child to achieve. Therefore I will encourage and support his/her learning by doing the following: Let my child know that I think school is important Insure that my child gets plenty of rest each night, attends school regularly, and on time Encourage my child to verbalize his/her problems and misunderstandings and support the school in maintaining proper behavior Establish a daily time and place for homework, maintain the necessary supplies, and review assignments regularly Read contents of Friday Folder weekly, sign and return with any necessary comments Read to and with my child every day Join the Parent Organization and attend parent conferences, meetings, and school functions regularly Stay aware of what my child is learning and doing by visiting and/or volunteering in the classroom/school Provide proper uniforms and materials necessary for school each day Make an effort to establish a positive relationship and ongoing communication with my child’s teacher Parent’s Signature Student Agreement __________________________________________________________ It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore I will strive to do the following: Show a positive attitude toward school daily Respect all persons and materials at school and act accordingly Get plenty of rest each night and attend school regularly and on time Come to school each day with the necessary tools for learning Participate in all classroom activities and complete assignments Observe regular study hours at home and complete and return homework assignments Wear the correct school uniform daily Take responsibility for my actions and grades Student’s Signature Teacher Agreement _________________________________________________________ It is important that my students achieve. Therefore I will strive to do the following: Demonstrate respect and commitment to all of my students Provide a classroom environment responsive to the differing needs of my students Make sure every student experiences some type of success daily Maintain high expectations and plan challenging and meaningful activities that lead toward academic growth Provide appropriate homework assignments that match my students needs 22 SCS School Compact Communicate with parents frequently about their child’s successes and challenges through conferences, calendars, newsletters, progress reports and Friday Folders Participate in professional development that enables me to teach more effectively Encourage parents to visit, volunteer, and participate in our classroom Provide necessary guidance to parents so they can help their child to succeed Teacher’s Signature School/Principal Agreement ______________________________________________________ It is essential that we work together for students to achieve. Therefore I will strive to do the following: Provide a safe, nurturing environment that allows for positive communication between teachers, parents, and students Ensure all students, parents, and staff are treated with respect Demonstrate enthusiasm and involvement with students, parents, and staff Communicate Board of Education expectations to parents and the surrounding community Provide high quality instruction of the MCS curriculum in a supportive and effective learning community that enables students to meet the state’s academic achievement standards Plan and implement professional development opportunities that meet the needs and strengthen the skills of parents and staff Provide parents with reasonable access to staff and encourage them to become an active part of the Riverwood community by visiting, volunteering, and observing in their child’s classroom Hold annual parent/teacher conferences to discuss this compact and how it relates to their child’s academic achievement Principal’s Signature _____________________________________________________ Revised 2014 23 SCS Professional Development Plan 2014 – 2015 Professional Development Plan School: Riverwood Elementary School Principal: Rita White Date: September 10, 2014 ILD: TBA PD Budget: $15,000 Professional Development Plan Overview Based on an extensive review of student data, teacher data, and school data, our school identified and prioritized measurable objectives by subgroups as follows: Objective 1: Riverwood Elementary will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced on TCAP in Reading/Language Arts from 59.8% in 2014 to 65% in 2015. Grade 3 will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced in Reading/Language Arts from 56.1% in 2014 to 60.1% in 2015. (Move from TVAAS 3 to TVAAS 5 in Literacy). Objective 2: Riverwood Elementary will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced on TCAP in Math from 55.8 % in 2014 to 61% in 2015. Grade 3 will increase the percentage of students scoring proficient/advanced in Math from 61.7% in 2014 to 66% in 2015. (Move from TVAAS 1 to TVAAS 4 in Math). The Professional Development Plan has goals that will provide teachers with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, behaviors and resources to meet our identified objectives: Goal 1: Increase teacher depth of knowledge and ability to effectively implement Common Core and targeted intervention to differentiate instruction and increase rigor in English Language Arts, for all students, with a special emphasis on Special Education, ELL, Economically Disadvantaged, and Black/Hispanic subgroups. Goal 2: Increase teacher depth of knowledge and ability to effectively implement Common Core and targeted intervention to differentiate instruction and increase rigor in Math, for all students, with a special emphasis on Special Education, ELL, Economically Disadvantaged, and Black/Hispanic subgroups. 24 SCS Professional Development Plan Action Plans The following plans describe some of our professional learning activities/events; the content, process and context we plan for each; our implementation timeline; expected outcomes; data sources used to evaluate effectiveness and the budget commitment required. Goal 1 Increase teacher depth of knowledge and ability to effectively implement Common Core and targeted intervention to differentiate instruction and increase rigor in English Language Arts, for all students, with a special emphasis on Special Education, ELL, Economically Disadvantaged, and Black/Hispanic subgroups. Content: research based high yield strategies, best practices in literacy; understanding the use and practical application of data in developing lessons to meet the needs of all learners; Common Core; and Responsive Classroom practices, targeted student intervention Professional Learning Activities/Events Conduct PLC’s on developing common assessments aligned with curriculum and Common Core Conduct PLC’s on Closed Reads and comparing and analyzing text PLC data meeting to plan strategies for targeted student intervention New lesson plan template that is RTI2 aligned Substitutes as needed for teacher training Coaching / mentoring for new/identified teachers Attend national/local/state conferences & training Differentiation of teacher PD plans. Provide Professional Development resources specific to teacher needs Peer Observations / Reflective Practice Process: mentoring; coaching; presentations; Context: classroom observations; PLC’s; book study groups; workshops; quality student work; data analysis; common planning time; grade chair meetings; data grade level and faculty discussion; individual notebooks; faculty meetings; lesson plan feedback; optional professional development plans; peer observations; teacher meetings; key LOOK FORS reflective practice, informal observation/walkthrough feedback; individual data conferences, blended learning rotation model Implementation What data sources will you $15,000. Presenters/Leaders Expected Outcomes Timeline use to evaluate effectiveness? PD Budget Administrative August 2014Teachers will increase their Formative Assessment Data $2,00.00 Team and selected May 2015 literacy knowledge and Analysis, Progress Monitoring Substitutes teachers for all repertoire of strategies by Data, Lesson Plans, PLC bulleted August 2014– participating in local, state minutes, Student work review, activities/events May 2015 at and national PD and sharing Coaching Logs, My Learning $10,000 weekly PLC knowledge gained Plan, and TEM 4.0 (Conferences Administrative meetings, & Trainings) Team and selected PD Activity All lesson plans will reflect Title I presenters/staff for Logs, RTI2 / intervention activities all bulleted Weekly Faculty for identified students and $3,000 activities/events Meetings, Incontain differentiated Professional service Days activities for targeted Development Pearson Coach Resources students Teachers will attain increased proficiency in literacy strategies. They will apply knowledge to meet the student needs indicated through the analysis of data. 25 SCS Professional Development Plan Evaluate data to increase rigor Bias/Gender / Economic Status equitable teaching methods workshops Monitor weekly lesson plans for implementation of RTI2 Implement blended learning training and support Teachers will use data to differentiate and increase student achievement Teachers will implement strategies that incorporate higher level thinking skills and Common Core Standards into lesson plans Teachers will bring back new insights and strategies and present in various learning environments 26 SCS Professional Development Plan Goal 2: Increase teacher depth of knowledge and ability to effectively implement Common Core and targeted intervention to differentiate instruction and increase rigor in Math, for all students, with a special emphasis on Special Education, ELL, Economically Disadvantaged, and Black/Hispanic subgroups. Content: research based high yield strategies, best practices in literacy; understanding the use and practical application of data in developing lessons to meet the needs of all learners; Common Core; and Responsive Classroom practices, targeted student intervention Professional Learning Activities/Events Implementation of Data Driven Common Core Math in all grades Conduct PLC’s on developing common assessments aligned with curriculum and Common Core PLC data meeting to plan strategies for targeted student intervention New lesson plan template that is RTI2 aligned Substitutes as needed for teacher training Coaching / mentoring for new/identified teachers Attend national/local/state conferences & training Differentiation of teacher PD plans. Provide Professional Development resources specific to teacher needs Peer Observations / Reflective Practice Evaluate data to increase rigor Bias/Gender / Economic Status equitable teaching methods workshops Monitor weekly lesson plans for Process: mentoring; coaching; presentations; workshops; quality student work; data analysis; grade level and faculty discussion; individual professional development plans; peer observations; reflective practice, informal observation/walkthrough feedback; individual data conferences, blended learning rotation model Presenters/ Leaders Implementation Timeline Math PLC/ Administrative Team, Grade Chairs, Selected Presenter(s) for all bulleted activities/events Pearson Coach August 2014May 2015 PLC meetings, weekly faculty meetings, grade chair meetings, in-service days Context: classroom observations; PLC’s; book study groups; common planning time; grade chair meetings; data notebooks; faculty meetings; lesson plan feedback; optional teacher meetings; key LOOK FORS Expected Outcomes Teachers will implement Common Core in daily instruction to increase student achievement Differentiated hands on materials will be used What data sources will you use to evaluate effectiveness? PD Budget Classroom 0bservations, Formative Assessment data, Progress Monitoring (Star Math), Stanford Math and IXL data, Observation data, PLC minutes, Student work review, lesson plans See Goal 1 Teachers will present new insights/strategies form best practices in staff trainings Teachers will implement strategies that incorporate higher level thinking skills, academic choice, and Common Core Standards into lesson plans Teachers will use data to differentiate lessons to facilitate increased student achievement 27 SCS Professional Development Plan implementation of RTI2 Integrating hands-on manipulatives Raising the rigor of math instruction through the use of higher level thinking skills and targeted intervention Implement blended learning training and support 28 SCS Strategies to Attract HQ Teachers Plan Riverwood Elementary School Strategies to Attract High-Quality, Highly Qualified Teachers 2014-2015 Our school uses the following strategies: We have strong collaborative relationships with local colleges and universities. We host 23 University of Memphis Ready2Teach Residents who co-teach in classrooms full time. We provide ongoing professional development. We encourage teacher participation in local, state, and national professional development. We have an on-site based Mentoring Program. We have established networks to build teacher capacity. We provide time for team planning and collaboration. We provide generous resources and materials to assist our teachers. 29