Matrix - FIU Global Learning

Course Outcome Assessment for Upper Division Global Learning Courses
Faculty Name: Badi Sabet
Course: FIN 4634, International Banking
Academic Unit: College of Business Administration
Degree Programs: Finance, International Business
Global Learning Student
Learning Outcome Addressed
Global Awareness: Students will
be able to demonstrate knowledge
of the interrelatedness of local, 2.
global, international, and
intercultural issues, trends, and
Course Learning Outcome
Students will be able to:
Semester Assessed: Spring 2013
Assessment Method
Assessment Results
Assessment Activity/Artifact:
Students were assigned two cases from Harvard Business School and the
University of Hong Kong, Asia Case Research Center.
Total No. of Students: 121
Case #1: Minsheng Bank: Penetrating the US Market Through Acquisition.
1. How does government regulation affect a bank’s expansion in the global
market? What are the possible strategies to deal with those constraints?
2. Evaluate Minsheng’s global expansion strategy. How should Minsheng
position itself to compete in the global banking industry?
3. Will the investment in the US enable Minsheng to know more about US
banking practices that can be applied to the Chinese market?
DR: 26 students
FO: 1 students
Late Drop: 3 students
Total No. of Students Assessed: 91
Total Number Excellent: 75
Total Number Acceptable: 11
Total Number Unacceptable: 5
 Exhibit
Case #2: Korea First Bank. Questions:
1. Why did the Korean choose Newbridge Capital over HSBC?
2. Was this a good deal for Newbridge Capital? For the Korean Government?
For Korea First Bank? Evaluate the timing of the sale.
Two Essays:
Essay #1: HSBC and Money Laundering. Questions:
1. What was the nature of the scandal, and which entities were laundering
2. Who is responsible for this scandal?
3. Who regulates money laundering activity domestically and internationally?
4. What action does HSBC need to take to fix the problem?
knowledge of the
major cultural, economic,
social and legal environments
faced by organizations in
global markets
Identify and assess the need
for and justify the advantages
accruing from expanding into
international markets
Essay #2: LIBOR Debacle/Scandal. Questions:
1. What is LIBOR, and who sets the rate?
2. What was the nature of the scandal?
3. What are the consequences for lending activity worldwide and what entities
are affected?
4. Recommend punishment for the responsible parties.
Discussions. The purpose is to familiarize the students with the evolution of the
banking system and the major events and entities that contributed to the said
evolution. Students must provide feedback through Discussion Forum to three
different submissions. 1. Knight Templars. 2. Fuggers. 3. Rothschilds. 4.
Medicis. 5. J.P. Morgan. 6. BCCI.
Three Articles. It is recommended that students read the following articles and
provide their thoughts and feedback to the rest of the class through Discussion
Forum (optional).
Article 1: Islam, globalization and economic performance in the Middle East.
Article 2: BCCI, the CIA and Foreign Intelligence.
Course Outcome Assessment for Upper Division Global Learning Courses
Faculty Name: Badi Sabet
Course: FIN 4634, International Banking
Academic Unit: College of Business Administration
Degree Programs: Finance, International Business
Global Learning Student
Learning Outcome Addressed
Assessment Method
Semester Assessed: Spring 2013
Assessment Results
Article 3: Third World Debt Undermines Development, Causes of the Debt
Oral Presentation: Student can select a topic and, with the approval of the
professor, make a 10-minute oral presentation to improve public presentation
Evaluation Process:
Rubric which describes the requirements for acceptable performance
Minimum Criteria for Success: A score of Acceptable on Global Learning
rubric where students demonstrate that they can:
 Exhibit adequate knowledge of the major cultural, economic social and
legal environment faced by multinational organizations and incorporate
this knowledge into analyses and discussion
 Analyze business opportunities from a global perspective and appreciate
the need and advantages of expanding into international markets but is
conservative in estimates and likely potential.
All students were assessed.
Use of Results for Improving Student Learning
Based on the previous student learning objective recommendation that students needed to be able to make better decisions and extrapolate
the information from the case and other course materials, hence improving their analytical ability and decision making process, the
recommendation was to encourage students to form a study group for case analysis. A large percentage of the students implemented my
recommendation and participated in providing feedback to the discussions, and 50 students read the articles and provided feedback through
Discussion Forum to the rest of the class. As far as the grading criteria are concerned, this class performed approximately the same in
receiving grades of A and A-, but students who received B and B+ exceed those of the fall 2012 class. Furthermore, the future objective would
be to encourage full class participation in the group study for all course assignments, to include cases, essays, discussions and oral
Course Outcome Assessment for Upper Division Global Learning Courses
Faculty Name: Badi Sabet
Course: FIN 4634, International Banking
Academic Unit: College of Business Administration
Degree Programs: Finance, International Business
Global Learning Student
Learning Outcome Addressed
Global Perspective: Students
be able to conduct a multiperspective analysis of local,
global, international, and
intercultural problems.
Course Learning Outcome
Students will be able to:
Assessment Method
Assessment Activity/Artifact:
Two Essays:
will6. Essay #1: HSBC and Money Laundering. Questions:
7. 1. What was the nature of the scandal, and which entities were laundering
8. 2. Who is responsible for this scandal?
9. 3. Who regulates money laundering activity domestically and internationally?
10. 4. What action does HSBC need to take to fix the problem?
Essay #2: LIBOR Debacle/Scandal. Questions:
9. 1. What is LIBOR, and who sets the rate?
10. 2. What was the nature of the scandal?
11. 3. What are the consequences for lending activity worldwide and what entities are
12. 4. Recommend punishment for the responsible parties.
Semester Assessed: Spring 2013
Assessment Results
Total No. of Students Assessed: 91
Total Number Excellent: 75
Total Number Acceptable: 11
Total Number Unacceptable: 5
 Identify and develop multiple
strategies for the challenges
of doing business in a global
 Identify and assess the need
for and justify the advantages
accruing from expanding into
international markets
Evaluation Process:
Rubric which describes the requirements for acceptable performance
Minimum Criteria for Success: A score of Acceptable on Global Learning
rubric where students demonstrate that they can:
 Correctly identify the scope and range of challenges in expanding into
international markets however does not fully appreciate the need to pursue a
dynamic entry strategy that’s based on learning from initial experiences
 Analyze business opportunities from a global perspective and appreciate the
need and advantages of expanding into international markets but is
conservative in estimates and likely potential
All students were assessed.
Use of Results for Improving Student Learning
After careful evaluation of the students’ responses to the assignments that apply in this section, it was determined that even though students
were able to research and provide information concerning the assignment questions, they were able to establish the correlation the sound
banking system devoid of irregularities, such as money laundering, misrepresentation of the international lending rate. The proportion of the
mid-range grading (B and B+) indicated that the students made effort in researching the Essay topics and the feedback that they provided to
three other students for the Discussion assignment. More effort will be made in the Summer A course to expand class participation in all class
Course Outcome Assessment for Upper Division Global Learning Courses
Faculty Name: Badi Sabet
Course: FIN 4634, International Banking
Academic Unit: College of Business Administration
Degree Programs: Finance, International Business
Global Learning Student
Learning Outcome Addressed
Global Engagement: Students
will be able to demonstrate
willingness to engage in local,
global, international, and
intercultural problem solving.
Course Learning Outcome
Students will be able to:
 Demonstrate
 Identify and assess the needs
for and justify the advantages
accruing from expanding into
international markets
Assessment Method
Assessment Activity/Artifact:
Discussions. The purpose is to familiarize the students with the evolution of the
banking system and the major events and entities that contributed to the said
evolution. Students must provide feedback through Discussion Forum to three
different submissions. 1. Knight Templars. 2. Fuggers. 3. Rothschilds. 4.
Medicis. 5. J.P. Morgan. 6. BCCI.
Three Articles. It is recommended that students read the following articles and
provide their thoughts and feedback to the rest of the class through Discussion
Forum (optional).
Article 1: Islam, globalization and economic performance in the Middle East.
Article 2: BCCI, the CIA and Foreign Intelligence.
Article 3: Third World Debt Undermines Development, Causes of the Debt
Oral Presentation: Student can select a topic and, with the approval of the
professor, make a 10-minute oral presentation to improve public presentation
Semester Assessed: Spring 2013
Assessment Results
Total No. of Students Assessed: 91
Total Number Excellent/Discussion: 60
Total Number Acceptable/Discussion:
Total Number
Unacceptable/Discussion: 13
The above numbers are based on the
Grade Roster and the scores the
Evaluation Process:
Rubric which describes the requirements for acceptable performance
students received for cases, essays
Minimum Criteria for Success: A score of Acceptable on Global Learning
rubric where students demonstrate that they can:
Total Number Excellent/Articles:21
 Employ understanding of a few obvious cultural differences with the other
regions/markets and includes this understanding into strategic planning
and operational details
 Analyze business opportunities from a global perspective and appreciates
the need and advantages of expanding into international markets but is
conservative in estimates and likely potential
and discussions.
Total Number Acceptable/Articles: 5
Total Number Unacceptable/Articles:
Oral Presentation: 0
All students were assessed.
Use of Results for Improving Student Learning
More effort is needed in this area to encourage more student participation. In the case of discussions, participation was universal, and it is
evident by the far exceeding of student feedbacks from those of the previous semester. More effort is needed to get full participation of the
class in submitting the Discussions on a timely basis, with a minimum of three feedbacks to other students’ submissions. Furthermore, effort
needs to be made to encourage students to read the instructions carefully for the submission of the Discussions. In the case of articles, the
participation drastically increased and a total of 26 students benefitted by receiving higher grades than they would otherwise qualify to receive.
Approximately 10 students attempted to make an oral presentation, but for a variety of reasons, none of the 10 ended up presenting their
topic. Again, full effort will be made to remedy the oral presentation process.