Financial Markets Regulation Course is devoted to the theories

Financial Markets Regulation
Course is devoted to the theories behind financial market regulations and their practical applications.
We will study best global practices and regulatory frameworks to current problems facing national and
global markets and regulators. We will thoroughly review consumer protection for banking and
insurance industries, retail financial products, concept of unified regulator and integration of regulators
across national borders. Case studies will be main tool to learn practical application of the theory.
Main areas to be covered:
History of financial markets organization and regulation
Modern models of regulation and self-regulation
Regulatory failures and relevant prevention tools
Financial crises from regulatory standpoint
Consumer protection
Regulation across borders and market sectors
Financial Regulation of Russian Federation, legal and institutional framework
Banking sector, “Too big to fail” institution and Basel standards
Grading System
25% - participation in class discussions and attendance
25% - paper or essay
50% - group project (3-5 students) on complex regulatory case. Both content and
presentation will be graded.
Methods of Instruction: Interactive lectures and case studies.