HIGHLAND RESCUE TEAM AMBULANCE DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES Highland Station – 317 South Lookout Mountain Road February 10, 2014, 4pm CALL TO ORDER- at 4:07 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Espy presided, Ed Daniels, Steve Carpenter and Wendy Henke. OTHERS PRESENT: Chief Sharon Jones, Barbara DeBoer, Christina Shea, Ron Quaife, and Alan Feldman. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Alan Feldman- 5K Fundraiser for Lauren Coe. Lauren’s family and friends are putting together a 5K race on August 31, 2014. They are looking for sponsors. Highland has been asked to offer first aide for the race participants. We are just looking for a few volunteers and use of the QRV. We do have approval from Littleton Fire. We would not be doing any transports. Dr. Beckman has given his full support on the medical side. We will not be asking for any money. Ed Daniels- Sharon what is your take on this? Chief Jones- I am in full support of this. I think it will be a great community outreach. Ed Daniels- Does the Board need to take any action? Chief Jones- I just wanted the Board to be made aware of it because it is outside the District. Jim Espy- The Board has been advised and commends the effort. Chief Jones- The Highland Open House is set for August 24th, so there is no conflict. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING were approved as written. FINANCIAL REPORT Billing Report- written report by Jill Ridenhour, presented by Barbara DeBoer. January Billings were $17,681, cash received was $18,124, Contractual Allowances were $9,957 and Bad Debt Write offs were $23,170. The Bad Debt Write offs were so high because Jill combined 3 months together to be sent to Collections. While this number will fluctuate, I have requested that she send her accounts to Collections on a more consistent schedule. That way the numbers will be more meaning full. Ed Daniels- It would be a good idea. Christina Shea- The bad debt write offs have a contra account on the income statement where we take care of bad debt in a monthly bad debt provision. At the audit every year we take a close look at the accounts receivable and look at trends and make needed adjustments to this figure. Financials– written report given by Christina Shea. There is no tax revenue yet so our revenue is under budget. Our expenses are on track except for gas and propane which are running high, but that is partially seasonal. Chief Jones- We have recently changed to a more reliable propane supplier. We have also doubled our tank capacity. We have been educating the members about keeping the temperatures lower. Ed Daniels- Would it make sense to go to natural gas? Ron Quaife- We have looked into it and the cost was prohibitive. Christina Shea- I think it was $5000 or more. Ed Daniels- With a $10,000 annual propane budget we should have someone take an hour and look into it. Chief Jones – We will do that. CHIEF’S REPORT- Written report given by Chief Jones February has been slow so far. Current Active Staffing- 4 paid Paramedics, 10 volunteer paramedics; I volunteer Intermediate, 32 EMT’s and 2 First Responders. Grants: We will get partial repayment for the EKG class that Ron taught in the fall and half of the EMSAC costs. We have requested 45K of grant money for 2014. Annual Party: We had great attendance, approx. 100 people attend. Lots of good feedback. Active shooter training- The fire District is still working at getting something together for it. Deputy Chief Candidate As Chief, I come to the Board to recommend Ron Quaife for Deputy Chief. I have talked to the Officers and they are 100% behind Ron. I would like the Board to approve of this tonight and then it will be published in the Weekly Broadcast for 3 weeks for the members. Ed Daniels- I can’t think of a better candidate. Wendy Henke – What will the time line be? Chief Jones- The timeline has changed because I did not have a candidate in place in August. He would start immediately as Deputy Chief once the Board approves and then become Chief August 2015 which was the plan. I would like the present board to approve Ron since they have the advantage of knowing Ron. I also would like to have help. Ed Daniels - Robb Gair is also fully behind this decision. Jim Espy made a motion to approve Ron Quaife as Deputy Chief, Ed Daniels seconded it and the Board approved unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Amend Budget line item limits, Section 9.3.3 Rules and Regulations Chief Jones- The 10% limit can sometimes be difficult to work with. I tried to make it a dollar amount to make it work better because with smaller lines items like postage, 10% is too restrictive. Jim Espy- Most of my experience is with overseas and with most of them we stuck with 10%. In many situations people still found ways to go over the budget. No matter what you do, you will run into these situations. I would prefer to just stick with the 10% and live with it. It is there to make you stop and think and keep things under budget. Steve Carpenter- I personally don’t have any problem setting a dollar amount with a cap. Wendy Henke- I suggested that you could change a line item, but you would be limited to the amount you could do it. Chief Jones- Wasn’t this a dollar amount previously? Steve Carpenter- Why was it changed? Barb DeBoer- A past Chief was a bit creative and moved quite a bit of money around in the budget and the Board President wanted it changed. Wendy Henke-I think it should be an amount. Ed Daniels- What we are discussing is the District Chief can exceed a line item up to $2000. Any line item that is exceeded by any amount will be brought before the Board at the next Board Meeting as it is now in the Financials. I am opposed to voting for this now. I would like it to drafted first and have time to consider it. Wendy Henke- Let’s just vote on it and move on. Jim Espy– I prefer we vote on it next time and have time to think about it. NEW BUSINESS: Ed Daniels- I talked to Sheri Gerou about getting a better return on our LOSAP funds. She reached out to me about a law currently being considered that would make murder or assault of an EMS person an elevated charge similar to a law officer or firefighter. We are currently getting less than a 1%. The door is now open to talk to her about a legislative remedy. Wendy Henke – What would the time line be and what could she do? Steve Carpenter - What we need is a legislator to introduce a bill. Jim Espy- Legislators are limited to the number of bills they can introduce. We are also in contact with Tim Neville who is running for senate. We have been told to write a one page brief to give him. Robb took a stab at it and both myself and John Zima have edited it and it is ready to go. Ed Daniels- I could send her a copy of your brief. Please send me it electronically and I will do it tomorrow. ADJOURN 5:20 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________