autumn diary 2014 - St Basil`s Primary School

Wednesday 3 September
Thursday 4 September
Friday 5 September
School Reopens
Foundation Stage Parent Interviews
Foundation Stage Parent Interviews
Foundation Stage Parent Interviews
Tuesday 9 September
Wednesday 10 September
Thursday 11 September
Friday 12 September
Y2/Y4 Meet the Teacher
Y5/Y6 Meet the Teacher
Y1/Y3 Meet the Teacher
Y6 Assembly, KS1 Hall, 9.15am
Monday 15 September
Tuesday 16 September
Foundation Stage – Group A start full time
After school Clubs Commence this week & will run until Christmas
A/S Club: Y6 Football, 3.10–4pm, Mrs Jones
A/S Club: Y3/4 Homework Club, 3.10pm–4pm, Mrs Coleman &
Miss Ferris
A/S Club: Y4 Football, 3.10pm–4pm, Mrs Jones
A/S Club: Y1 Multiskills, 3.10pm-4pm, Ste Wood, HBC
A/S Club: Y5/6 Homework Club, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs Bowskill &
Mrs Ferris
A/S Club: Y3-6 Choir, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs Bellis
A/S Club: Y5 Football, 3.10pm–4pm, Mrs Jones
A/S Club: Y3 Football, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs Jones
A/S Club: Y5/6 Homework Club, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs Ferris &
Mrs Lee
A/S Club: Y2 Maths Games/Book Club, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs Chadwick &
Mrs Smith
A/S Club: Y6 Maths Club, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs McCabe
Foundation Stage – Group B start full time
Y6 visit Jorvik Centre, York
Family Literacy course begins for parents, Learning Zone (10wks)
Y4BL Assembly, 9.15am KS2 Hall,
PTA Macmillian Coffee Morning, 10am, KS2 Hall
Tuesday 7 October
Wednesday 8 October
Friday 10 October
Y2JSi Inspire Session - Reading, 1pm-3pm
Y2PF Inspire Session - Reading, 1pm-3pm
Y3JMc Assembly, 9.15am, KS2 Hall
Tuesday 14 October
RSP – Play, Learn & Grow, 1pm-3pm, FS Classrooms
New Parents Open Evening, 6pm
RKF – Play, Learn & Grow, 1pm-3pm, FS Classrooms
School Photographer – Rec & Y6, KS2 Hall
Y2JSi Assembly, 9.15am, KS2 Hall
Wednesday 17 September
Thursday 18 September
Monday 22 September
Thursday 25 September
Friday 26 September
Wednesday 15 October
Thursday 16 October
Friday 17 October
Tuesday 21 October
New Parents Walkabout & Visit
Y1PK Inspire Session – Reading, 1pm-3pm
New Parents walkabouts & Visit
Y1BD Inspire Session – Reading, 1pm-3pm
PTA Monster Ball, KS2 Hall, Times to be confirmed
School Closes for Half Term
INSET Day (school closed to children)
School Reopens
Widnes Week – All week
All after school clubs begin & will run until Christmas
A/S Club: Y4 Football, 3.10pm–4pm, Mrs Jones
A/S Club: Y1 Multiskills, 3.10pm-4pm, Ste Wood, HBC
A/S Club: Y5/6 Homework Club, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs Bowskill &
Mrs Ferris
A/S Club: Y3-6 Choir, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs Bellis
A/S Club: Y5 Football, 3.10pm–4pm, Mrs Jones
A/S Club: Y3 Football, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs Jones
A/S Club: Y5/6 Homework Club, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs Ferris &
Mrs Lee
A/S Club: Y2 Maths Games/Book Club, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs Chadwick &
Mrs Smith
A/S Club: Y6 Maths Club, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs McCabe
A/S Club: Y6 Wonderland Art, 3.10pm-4pm, Miss Perks
Widnes Week – All week
A/S Club: Y1/2 Cheerleading & Dance, 3.10pm-4pm, Mrs Lynch
Parents Collective Worship, To be confirmed
Interim Reports to go home
PTA Bags to School Collection
Parents Evening
Y6NMc Assembly, 9.15am, KS2 Hall
Anti-Bullying Week
Judaism Week
Focus Day with Eric Cohen
Tuesday 25 November
Wednesday 26 November
Friday 28 November
Y3 Classes to visit Synagogue
Y5 Christmas at Conway
St Andrew’s Day House Celebrations
Y5 return home from Conway
Wednesday 3 December
Friday 5 December
Y4 Christmas Production, 2.15pm, KS2 Hall
Parents Advent Collective Worship, 9am, KS2 Hall
Y2 Christmas Production, 2.15pm, KS1 Hall
Wednesday 22 October
Friday 24 October
Monday 3 November
Tuesday 4 November
Wednesday 5 November
Thursday 6 November
Monday 10 November
Tuesday 11 November
Thursday 13 November
Friday 14 November
Monday 17 November
Thursday 20 November
Wednesday 10 December
Friday 12 December
Monday 15 December
Tuesday 16 December
Wednesday 17 December
Thursday 18 December
Friday 19 December
Friday 19 December
Friday 19 December
Christmas Dinner
Y1 Christmas Production, 2.15pm, KS1 Hall
Parent’s Advent Collective Worship, 9am, KS2 Hall
Foundation Stage Christmas Production, 2.15pm, KS1 Hall
Y1 – Y6 Visit to The Brindley to see ‘Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs’, pm
Foundation Stage Christmas Disco, pm
Carols by Candlelight, 2pm, KS2 Hall
Christmas Parties, afternoon
Parent’s Advent Collective Worship, 2.45pm, KS2 Hall
Parent’s Advent Collective Worship, 9am, KS2 Hall
Y3 to lead Christmas Service, St Basils & All Saints Church, 10.30am
School closes for Christmas, 3.10pm