CAVE SPRING CITY COUNCIL CALLED MEETING APRIL 3, 2012 12:00 P.M. ATTENDANCE Mayor Rob Ware, Council members Mary Littlejohn, Nellie McCain, Ken Landers, Robin Clements, and Peggy Allgood were all present. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Rob Ware called the meeting to order. FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS Tracy Packer, assistant fire chief, was present. He stated that the state orders annual fire inspections on all buildings used for viewing or assembly under life safety codes. Mayor Ware asked if the fire department has done this before. Packer stated they used to do a “familiarization” tour. The Mayor also asked if the city is required to do this and what the training requirements would be. Also, the Mayor asked how much time these inspections would take. Packer did not have an exact number of businesses in Cave Spring, but did say that inspections would not be too time consuming. Mary Littlejohn asked about the abandoned building full of unused items and trash. Packer stated that this could be an optional inspection that the Council could add. The Mayor responded that nothing optional will be done. Packer noted that he has a checklist for the inspection. Mayor Ware would like for the city’s attorney to research this to confirm what exactly the state requirements are. LIFE SAFETY CODE HANDBOOK Tracy Packer made a request for the purchase of Life Safety Code Handbook. It will be purchased. RESOLUTION FOR NWGRC Michael Miller, Neighborhood Stabilization Program Coordinator, was present to explain the intent of NWGRC. NWGRC is an entity organized under the laws of the State of Georgia and includes counties and municipalities in northwest Georgia. The commission is the recipient of funds from the federal, state and local governments, and is presently the recipient of funds under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (“NSP”). The Commission must use NSP funds to purchase distressed properties, renovate the home situated thereon, and sell the real estate to lower income individuals and families in an effort to stabilize home values and to provide affordable housing to lower income individuals and families. The NWGRC desires to organize a non-profit corporation, as authorized by O.C.G.A.50-8-35, to hold title to properties while they are being renovated and marketed and to further the mission and objectives of the NSP as well as to administer other housing funds which may be awarded to the regional commission in the future. This code requires that each unit of local government affected by the organization of such a non-profit corporation authorize the formation of the same. NWGRC is asking the city of Cave Spring to sign such a resolution. This will be on the regular meeting agenda. EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN Mayor Ware asked Tracy Packer, Assistant Fire Chief, if the city has a plan in place now. Packer presented council with a draft plan. Mayor Ware stated that Scotty Hancock, Emergency Management Director of Floyd County, or Tim Herrington, Assistant Director, need to be involved. Mayor Ware would like the Director to attend a meeting. Ken Landers stated that the park board is on stand-by to open cave. Two-hundred people came to the cave during the last tornado threat. There was a problem with pets. Packer reported that the pole for the siren is being installed at the fire hall. CALLED COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 3, 2012 PAGE 2 CONTINUED FIRE DEPT. REQUEST FOR BOOTS MOTION: Mary Littlejohn made a motion to approve a purchase of twelve pairs of leather boots from Ten Eight Fire, not to exceed $2,700.00. Nellie McCain seconded the motion. All voted yes. TRAILWAY SYSTEM BIDS Bids were received and reviewed as follows: (Total Base Bid + alternate 8 benches and 8 trash receptacles.) Lewallen Construction- $112,688.13 J.H. Benefield Construction- $116,321.00 CDB Construction- $174,000.00 Lewallen Construction is the only contractor registered with D.O.T as required. MOTION: Ken Landers made a motion to accept bid as submitted from Lewallen Construction. Littlejohn seconded the motion. All voted yes. D.O.T. will be notified of bid acceptance. HISTORY WEEK Peggy Allgood, President of the Historical Society, reported that they Society would like to designate July 2-8, 2012 as History Week. Mayor Ware asked Allgood to have a list of activities at the next council meeting. This will be a regular agenda item. Allgood also expressed appreciation for proclamation and Rob’s presence at the meeting with Armistead Richardson’s descendant, Greg Gilbert, who stated that Richardson was a very fair man who did business on his word and handshake. Gilbert said this was indicative of the principles that Cave Spring was founded on. ADJUSTMENTS The adjustments were discussed and will be on the regular meeting agenda. VOTE TO ADD TO AGENDAWATER DEPT. TRUCK TIRES MOTION: Mary Littlejohn made a motion to add this item to the agenda. Landers seconded the motion. All voted yes. WATER TRUCK TIRES The second lowest bid from Adams-Zuker Tire was recommended. MOTION: Peggy Allgood made a motion to accept this bid not to exceed $850. Landers seconded the motion. All voted yes. REMINDER There will be Open House at the Cave Spring Rehab Center on April 10 th at 11 A.M. Peggy Allgood reported that new clients who are deaf and blind are being served there. She would like to see the City available to help these individuals possibly concerning traffic because of trucks traveling through town. CALLED MEETING/WORK SESSION APRIL 3, 2012 PAGE 3 CONTINUED ADJOURN Mayor Ware adjourned the meeting. _____________________________________ MAYOR _____________________________________ CLERK _____________________________________ DATE