Please return form to Katinka Podmaniczky ( AND Debra Paul ( at least 21 days before event. EVENT BRIEFING FORM PART ONE : EVENT DETAILS Event: New Event Date: Date of event Time: Time of entire event Location: Location, including street address, building, room number (if applicable) and town. Include directions if it is a hard-to-find location. Please note, program may have to reserve parking for the Mayor. Agenda: Detailed agenda, including names of speakers. Please note, if attending, the Mayor usually is first on the agenda. Background Why is this event happening? Include any program descriptions, relevant anecdotes, statistics, etc. Attending: List of people and number expected to attend. If you plan to invite elected officials, please contact Aliza Wasserman before extending the invitation to legislators or Pam Jones before extending the invitation to City Councilors. Contact: Program contact name, phone number, and email. List cell number also if you have one. PART TWO : IF BARBARA OR A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE (EO) IS INVITED OR ATTENDING EO Time: Best time for Barbara or EO representative to attend. EO Role: Role for Barbara or EO representative at the event. Barbara or EO rep. will: Serve as emcee? Give opening remarks? Do a photo op? Ribbon cutting? Keynote address? Etc. EO talking points: Program must provide talking points to Communications. PART THREE : IF THE MAYOR IS INVITED OR ATTENDING TMM Time: Best time for Mayor to attend. Please note, due the Mayor’s busy schedule, he is usually only able to attend events for 30 minutes. TMM Role: Role for the Mayor at the event. The Mayor will: Give opening remarks? Do a photo op? Ribbon cutting? Keynote address? Etc. TMM talking points: Program must provide talking points to Communications.