CAVE SPRING CITY COUNCIL CALLED MEETING DECEMBER 6, 2012 4:00 P.M. ATTENDANCE Mayor Rob Ware and Coucilmembers Ken Landers, Nellie McCain, Robin Clements and Peggy Allgood were present. Councilmember Mary Littlejohn was absent. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ware called the meeting to order. APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY This will be a regular meeting agenda item. Council discussed the request from Sue Bailey to build a residential care facility at 44 Alabama Street. Application approval will be needed at the regular Council meeting. FIRE FEES FOR STRUCTURES WITH NO WATER ACCOUNT A discussion was held on the draft ordinance. There were questions raised on how to collect if the customer does not pay the fees. The City Attorney stated that a lien could be taken out on the property and stated that he would further research if this can be enforced through municipal court. This will be a regular agenda item. SPEED RECORDERSPEGGY ALLGOOD Peggy Allgood spoke on behalf of the residents along Love Street. There has been a petition from these residents, an investigation was held, and speeding is still a concern. Speed breakers seemed to be expensive and noisy. Chief Ely suggested borrowing speed recorders from Floyd County. Mayor Ware questioned whether or not the speed limit signage on Love Street was correct. Chief Ely stated that it is correct signage. Peggy Allgood distributed information on speed recorders. No action was taken. LOG CABINPEGGY ALLGOOD Peggy Allgood reported on the cabin. The two story cabin in downtown Cave Spring which was discovered under the façade of the old Green Hotel was built around the 1820’s or earlier as experts suggest. An addition to the structure was added in the 1850’s. A $140,000 bank loan has been taken out by the Historical Society and an owner financed loan of $105, 000 to pay for the property. An investigation is being done by Georgia DeWeese of the University of Georgia, who is conducting dendrochronology archaeological tests of the logs. The $16,000 restoration project, spear-headed by Jesse Hamrick, lifted the northwest corner of the cabin about 5 inches. Work continues to be done under the advisement of historical preservation consultant Tim Reilly. The project got underway just as the cabin was named as one of the “2013 Places in Peril” by the Georgia Trust. On Monday December 17, 2012, a five day archaeological excavation, led by top professionals, will take place at the cabin. Pat Garrow, field director, will head up the project to excavate several one-square-meter test sites on the cabin property. He will be assisted by archaeologists Travis Hurdle and Amanda Mims of Cultural Resource Analysts, Inc. of Knoxville, Tennessee. The professional investigation will cost $6,400 and a pledge drive to fund the dig has been launched. This dig is hoping to draw Rome News Tribune, Community Volunteers, and the Boy Scouts. The fifth grade from Cave Spring Elementary has also been invited to participate. A Georgia Trust Award Ramble should take place in April or May. This is a one day event that could eventually draw thousands of people wanting to participate in tours. This will be held in conjunction with the E.S. Brown School that was also awarded as one of the “Places in Peril”. CALLED COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 6, 2012 PAGE 2 CONTINUED MOTION TO ADD TO AGENDA MOTION: Peggy Allgood made a motion to add to the agenda a donation for the Christmas parade and information on a storm shelter. Nellie McCain seconded the motion. All voted yes. DONATION MOTION: Nellie McCain made a motion to donate $325 to the Activities Committee for Christmas parade prizes. Ken Landers and Peggy Allgood seconded the motion. All voted yes. STORM SHELTER Councilmember Robin Clements gave information concerning Safe-T-Shelter, a storm shelter her church was able to purchase through a grant. The cost of the shelter is $80,000. Some of the Councilmembers expressed interest in seeing the shelter upon completion. ADJOURN Mayor Ware adjourned the meeting. ______________________________________ MAYOR _______________________________________ CLERK _______________________________________ DATE