HW 28 - Effingham County Schools

Homework #28
Name ______________
In the scientific method, when you notice things and start to ask questions, you are:
(forming a hypothesis/making observations).
2. A prediction about how something in an experiment will turn out is (an observation/a
3. A test to try out a theory is called (an experiment/gathering data).
4. As the experiment goes on, you collect information about what is happening. This is called
(experimenting/gathering data).
5. When you come to a realization based on the facts, you have your
6. A flat landform at a high elevation is called a: (mountain/plateau).
7. Earth’s crust is mostly made of (solid rock/iron).
8. Smaller pieces of rock that form from weathering are called: (erosion/sediment).
9. This is a destructive force that breaks rock into smaller pieces: (erosion/weathering).
10. This is a destructive process in which pieces of rock are moved from place to place by
water, wind, or ice: (erosion/weathering).
11. Many desert rock formations are made from (water/wind) erosions.
12. Caves are examples of (water/wind) erosion.
13. A force that breaks down earth’s surface is called a (constructive/destructive) force.
14. A force that builds up earth’s surface is called a (constructive/destructive) force.
15. Put these in order for the continental margin: continental slope, continental rise, and
continental shelf.
16. This is a constructive force in which sediments are moved from one place and dropped in
another place: (deposition/delta).
17. When rivers slow and sand is deposited at the mouth of the river, they form a
18. The lines on a topographic map are called: (contour lines/circular lines).
19. A map that shows the elevations of surface features is called a (elevation
map/topographic map).
20. What type of erosion is slow, but moves the heaviest sediments: (wind erosion/glacial
21. Chemical weathering can seep into the ground causing: (mechanical
22. This New Deal program hired men to build parks and plant trees (TVA/CCC/WPA).
22. This New Deal program hired people to build dams and hydroelectric power
23. This New Deal program hired people to build roads and airports (TVA/CCC/WPA).
24. The president of the Confederacy during the Civil War: (Abraham Lincoln/Jefferson Davis).
25. The 1st battle of the Civil War: (Gettysburg/Sumter).
26. Turning point of the Civil War: (Gettysburg/Sumter)
27. He burned through GA to finish cripple the South (General Grant/General Sherman).
28. He surrendered to Grant at the Appomattox courthouse (Lee/Stonewall Jackson).
29. He was known as a brave southern general; (Sherman/Stonewall Jackson).
30. This New Deal program hired men to build parks and plant trees (TVA/CCC/WPA).
31. This New Deal program hired people to build dams and hydroelectric power
32. This New Deal program hired people to build roads and airports (TVA/CCC/WPA).
33. After drought on the Great Plains, major erosion happened and buried farms in the (New
Deal/Dust Bowl).
34. An Olympic hero in the 30’s (Jake Mitchell/Jesse Owens).
35. As unemployment rose, people stood in line to get food at (soup kitchens/bread baskets).
36. She wrote Gone with the Wind (Margaret Mitchell/Elizabeth Stanton).
37. A famous jazz musician in the 30’s: (The Beatles/Duke Ellington).