Performance Based Assessment Learning Target 2: Small Mass Movement (Weathering, Erosion and Deposition) 3 Content Work Ethic and Accountability Understanding Expectations Identifies weathering and erosion within the cycle The agent of erosion has been identified and an example has been provided Includes an example of a landform created by the process of erosion or deposition Links weathering, erosion and deposition within the cycle Identifies where weathering and erosion change rock within the cycle (Conservation of material) Identifies where energy flows into and within the cycle (Conservation of energy) Presents their model in the form of a cycle Socializing during class rarely hinders quality usage of time. Student is diligent about following “daily classroom operations”, but may need occasional reminders. Student uses class time (and time outside class) productively. 3.5 All of 3, plus…. Includes multiple examples of the landforms created by the process of erosion or deposition Identifies how weathering and erosion change rock within the cycle (conservation of material) 4 All of 3.5, plus…. Includes examples of rock types that are formed Includes descriptions of how the landforms and rocks are formed Identifies where and how energy flows in and out of the cycle Makes connections to outside world and/or to previous units of study. Depth is evident within their product and writing. Appropriate socializing during class does not hinder quality usage of time Student is diligent about following “daily classroom operations” without being told. Student arrives to class with a clear direction and plan for using class time productively.