2014-2015 Pupil Premium Grant Report

Pitcheroak School
Use of the Pupil Premium in 2014/15
Pupil Premium allocation, use and impact on attainment
Pupil Premium Grant expenditure: £51,200
Report to parents/carers 2014/15
Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received 2014/15
Total number of pupils on roll based on January ’14 census
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG who are LAC
£1300 per Primary Child
(25 children)
£935 per Secondary Child
Amount of PPG received per pupil
(20 Children)
£300 per Service Child
(1 Child)
Total amount of PPG received including LAC funding
Nature of support 2014/15
supervisor to
support student
with feeding
Medical reasons linked to student
Student has now become more
experiencing food rejection – learnt
independent and is included in main
behaviour – LTS employed specifically
school meal times with no more
to develop confidence and encourage
episodes of food rejection
student to feed independently
schools coordinator salary
To support students after school to
develop social interaction
Students able to access school activities
safely leading to students heightened
levels of motivation, self-esteem, social
skills and communication skills. Respite
for carers/parents after school for 4
nights a week. Students build friendships
and independence. Raised levels of
speaking and listening skills.
Changing Table
Staff training
for complex
To support the changing needs of a
Student has become increasingly more
student with mobility difficulties to
confident and independent when
support self-help skills
Working with CN students; Anxiety
Students benefit from gaining more
and Autism; Making sense of sensory
specialist staff support specifically for
learning; TEACCH; Stupendous stories
students with complex needs and ASD.
for students with ASD; Intensive
Attachment disorder training to help
Interaction; Multi-sensory ideas,
students to express their feelings and
recipes and resources; Attachment
work through them.
theory to Practice
iPad purchase
to support the
Students in KS2 often require frequent
The impact of this technology has been a
behaviour support/ interventions. The
reduction of negative behaviours – as
purchase of iPads was chosen as they
they have been used for re-direction/ as
are user friendly and fairly robust.
a motivator as a reward strategy and as a
calming technique. There has also been
an improvement in ICT skills (animation,
media, switches, making choices.)
Ingredients for
cooking from
Early Years to
Key Stage 5
Pupil Premium students are able to
fully participate in FT lessons
Students are cooking regularly, therefore
gaining skills and confidence in FT.
(preparing and tasting food) without
the stigma attached to not providing
the money for ingredients.
Individual students have benefitted
Decrease in negative behaviours as a
from input from specialist educational
consequence of interventions. SLEUTH
psychologists to advise staff on
reports have indicated that PP students
strategies for behaviour management.
do not feature as frequently as other
students in terms of negative incidents.
Music Therapist
Developing communication, attention,
Students are able to express themselves
motivation, self-expression and self-
in a safe and secure environment.
regulation of behaviour
Decrease in behavioural incidents for
certain students – evidence base SLEUTH
Therapist fees
1:1 and group support for emotional
Students able to express their emotions
and find ways of dealing with them.
Students beginning to use learnt
strategies to help in challenging
situations. Working in small groups has
helped individuals to recognise their own
emotions/ actions impact on others.
Evidence of impact reduced levels of
disruption in certain classes.
Advice and
Advisor Salary
The employment of the IAG adviser to
Students from year 9 upwards have been
provide SEND students with specialist
exposed to advice and support from a
advice about destinations and careers
specialist of SEND resulting in greater
awareness of what career paths are
available. Another direct benefit has
been to offer support and direction for
families who may not be familiar with
the latest choices and services available
to them.
Visits and
Higher staffing ratio
Payment for trips
Students were able to access more trips
due to higher ratio of staff; students
were able to access different
environments thereby enhancing their
learning and supporting progress.
Specialist Music
To focus on speech, language and
Students have improved in their PSED as
communication, as well as PSED and
they have developed their turn taking
Expressive Arts and Design.
and listening skills as well as trying to
promote eye contact with the more
complex needs. During the sessions, all
children have been encouraged to
interact and vocalise.
Curriculum focus of PPG spending 2014/15
Whole school priority in line with the school development and improvement plan is
“To raise pupils achievements and standards in all subjects”
The focus in 2014/15 has been to use additional services, therapists, consultants and specialists to support access
to the curriculum and behaviour for learning.
Measuring the impact of PPG spending 2014/15
Individual personalised monitoring and tracking grids of individual PPG pupils is available from the school business
manager on request.