"Olonkholand" complex

Landscape and architectural concept of the "Olonkholand" complex.
Aims and objectives of the project.
"Olonkho land" epic is the spirit of the Yakut people; it is the brand for
the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Therefore, the architectural concept shall have
ethnosemiotic implication, artistic and symbolic language, built on the mutual
transformations of energy essences of human and nature.
Displaying the spiritual heritage the "Olonkholand" complex will help preserve
the historical memory, and thus the preservation of identity of the people, the
development of their national culture, as the architecture, merging the human into
history and the mythology of the past, direct him towards the future. A person, being
here, will perceive this complex on an emotional level feeling him as part of the
universe, involved in the great heroic past, and be proud of it.
Landscape and architectural "Olonkholand" complex having vivid
picturesqueness, silhouette, significance, should be dominant in the surrounding site
development together with adjacent territories in order to create a new modern
architecture and urban planning scale appropriate to the capital of Yakutia. With the
help of innovative technologies a new urban environment with high modern standards
will be created, a breakthrough will be made in the architectural and engineering,
research and innovative, tourism and recreational and educational areas.
"Olonkho" heroic epic is included by the UNESCO in the list of Masterpieces of
Intangible Cultural Heritage of mankind, so landscape and architectural
"Olonkholand" complex shall become the new cultural and spiritual center of the
world importance, forming a new view of Yakutia.
"Olonkholand" complex shall be viable and economically justified. In the
severe climate of Yakutia (9 months of winter and hot summer with dry winds) it is
necessary to maximize the use of the territory. In the winter, it should not look like a
vacant lot. The project offers compact construction of year-round use with a high level
comfort for people. The main part of cultural, spiritual, scientific, entertainment and
other objects is concentrated in the multi-purpose Center and the Olonkho
International Center connected by an internal street. The tour group or, for example, a
family with children shall not go in the winter from one building to another. Starting
from the warm parking, everything will be under one roof. The visitors can stay here
all day without going outside. The comfort and the variety of functions of the complex
will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the self-sufficiency of the complex.
Together with the stimulation of cultural life, the implementation of the complex
will give a large number of jobs that will have positive impact on the country's
Architectural and spatial composition of "Olonkholand" complex
Forming of the conceptual solution is constructed as an architectural and
landscape medium for perception of the Olonkho national epic. All elements of the
complex have some meaning; the project offers a variety of scenarios for different
social, ethnic and age groups of people.
High ideological value of the designed "Olonkholand" complex for the
preservation of the national identity of the Yakut people and development of the
culture of all its nations dictates unique architectural solutions.
The composition of the "Olonkholand" complex is based on the longitudinal axis
of the territory.
Bionic architecture, which is an associative landscape, organically grows out of
the natural environment and is in harmony and interrelated with it.
Conveniently, the complex can be divided into three constituent elements:
- Multi-purpose Center;
- "World Tree" Tower (Aal Luuk Mae);
- Olonkho International Center.
Multi-purpose center by its shape resembles a hill (mound) in the middle part of
which the “World Tree” is set; Olonkho International Center is located on the north.
The lengthy glazing is arranged on the top of the "hill", this is "the way", which Ellei
Bootur, one of the legendary ancestors of the Yakuts, who had moved from south to
north, followed.
Glazed part serves as a source of natural light for the interior space. Planted
"hillsides" have skylights.
Main entrance to the multi-purpose center and the entire "Olonkholand" complex
is on the south side, it is marked by symbolic elements of the hitching post. From the
south entrance and to the Olonkho International Centre the internal street - atrium with
natural light from above is designed. It will be the pedestrian space with landscaping,
water devices, sculpture, paving, small forms of architecture, etc. There may be small
"street" cafes.
From the pedestrian street one can easily get to all facilities of the multi-purpose
Center: cinemas, theaters, cafes, restaurants, shops, exhibition hall, souvenir shops,
recreational center, skating rink, museums, swimming pool, etc. From there you can be
lifted by the express elevator to the observation deck of the "World Tree "tower, as
well as to get to the Olonkho International Center. Lower level of the multi-purpose
Center is a covered parking, from which one can get to the “Center” without going
outside. For the convenience of the visitors the "Center" shall be equipped with
moving sidewalks, elevators, escalators, staircases.
World Tree Aal Luuk Mae is a tower (trunk) with built in ring (year-round Ferris
wheel) and glazed observation deck disc. Design of the glazing grill, giving a bizarre
shadow together with the ring, is a relative crown of the "Tree" ("... at the wonderful
lake ... Aal Luk Tree - Mae Oak has stretched to the sky”).
From a distance the ring with a glass disc should look like "round" crossed
"window in the sky" (the symbol of the Yakut theater of Olonkho).
Olonkho International Center, located in the northern part of the complex, is its
main element, the semantic core of the whole composition.
Being at the end of the longitudinal axis of the complex, the Olonkho
International Center also has a transverse centerline oriented along the line of sunrise
during the summer solstice. On the planning this transverse axis is identified by the
road and bridge across the Teploe channel to the office and hotel complex.
Compositional structure of the Olonkho International Center (OIC) is centric, as
circle is the main form of Sakha sacral architecture. This is an image of the "world
mountain", the semantic object of the complex.
The central part of OIC is a height space translating the image of Mogul Urasa
(Yakut front yurt described in Olonkho). Traditional dwelling of Sakha people - Urasa
- is a model of the universe and has a sacred nature.
"Mogul - Urasa" is located on a hill "mound", in the center of the round water
space - "the lake." Around the "Mogul-Urasa" there is a vast circular area surrounded
by "mountains". This is a “flat-bottomed valley – Alaas”. During warm months the
landscape areas and tents shall be arranged in this area.
The legend says:
"There on the fertile Middle-earth, on its copper plain, its golden peak, in the
heart of the radiant Tuymaada valley, on the bank of the sacred Saysary lake they built
a beautiful town… Their radiant dwelling flaunts from afar. A huge silver house
sparkles in the bright sun. Eight tents show up white in the wide silver yard”.
"Lower World" is supposed in the permafrost under the OIC, with the
organization of the museum there, the exhibition of ice sculptures. The upper world is
under the dome of "Urasa".
Such form of space-planning decisions of OIC is at most informative and
understandable by the person familiar with the Olonkho epic.
The central OIC space - "Mogul Urasa" - has a unique cover - openwork metal
grill. Emotional perception of the external appearance of the building is based on the
rhythmic arrangement of its surface that is in tune with the energy of the rhythmic
singing of olonkhosut. Spatial shell, depending on the light and shade, artificial
illumination constantly changing the "picture" of the façade, is a visual expression of
the space-time art of Olonkho theater, its pace and rhythmic characteristic. In addition,
the central space is associated with the traditional Yakut ornamented headdress with a
red spike. In Olonkho stories such cap has a special semiotic sign carries its function
of sacred code. The top of the headdress symbolizes the connection with the higher
divine powers, and the red colour – that the soul - "kut" of the child penetrates through
the crown of the head.
The upper part of the "Mogul - Urasa" has the glazed surface - "the round
window, from which the North Star can be seen". According to the legend the axis of
the universe goes through this upper hole.
The Olonkho International Centre is supposed to include: Olonkho theatre with
multifunctional hall with 500 seats, round in terms of extension convertible auditorium
for 2600 seats with a domed screen with the diameter of 60 meters, tip-up seats, upper
telescopic mechanics of lighting and roll curtains, where the option of placing the
orchestra of national instruments (30 musicians) is provided for. Also, this room can
be transformed into a classic theater with a stage box for 300 seats, an orchestra pit
and rehearsal hall for 200 seats. The room - transformer is provided with the necessary
technological connections that allow it to operate in isolation, but at the same time
provide the option to transform it into a single space during public events.
In addition, the OIC building includes: ballet hall of 30m x 16m, a rehearsal
room for dancing 16 m x 16 m, rehearsal room for the orchestra of the national
instruments for 40 musicians, the planetarium room, combined with a chamber hall, a
restaurant with a common hall for 500 seats, the banquet hall for 150 seats and a VIP
hall for 65 seats, three cafes for 65 seats, exhibition hall of 1250 m2, a congress hall
with capacity of 600 seats, shopping space of 2000 m2, office space - 1,360 m2, hotel
for 75 places, premises for the museum of music and folklore with area of 520 m2,
premises for the People of the world khomus museum and center 520 m2, premises of
Olonkho Research Institute of Northeast Federal University named after M.K.
Ammosov - 530 m2, premises of Research Center "Circumpolar civilization" of
ASIAC - 560 m2, TV studio of OIC - 320 m2, premises for ARCTIC - 560 m2, built in
OIC parking for 750 cars.
Along with these objects on the territory are also projected: quays, boulevard,
berth, landscape zone with ethnographic "Alaas" complex on the eastern territory with
the channel, scientific facilities, pilot office and residential complex, "Yakutia"
research park, financial and business center etc., as well as parking in the western part
of the multi-purpose center.
In general, the landscape and architectural "Olonkholand" complex is a space
where architecture merges with the landscape, where natural and artificial areas
changes one another, forming described in Olonkho expanse, hypertrophy, natural
brilliance, diversity, generality and relief stretching far into abstract generalizations of
the flora and fauna images.
This makes it possible to use the originating beginning of the mythical landscape
as the text carrying information about the picture of the Sakha world.
Technical and economic indicators of the international landscape and
architectural "Olonkholand" complex
Total area of the complex - 511 600 m2,
- innovative residential complex for 390 apartments - 94100 m2
of it: area of the residential part - 36500 m2
area of the public zone - 57600 m2
Capacity of parking - 400 cars
- Industrial and Business Center "Kudai Bakhsy" - 50100 m2
Capacity of parking - 400 cars
- Olonkho International Centre (OIC) - 73800 m2
of it: parking and technical rooms - 42000 m2
Functional premises and public spaces - 31800 m2
Capacity of parking - 750 cars
- Film village - 26200 m2
- Agriculture and biotechnologies and IT-park - 40000 m2
Capacity of the parking - 750 cars
- Multi-purpose Center - 195800 m2
Capacity of the parking - 2000 cars
- Museum Complex - 13000 m2
- Aquapark 18600 m2
The cost of construction – 20,464 billion of Rubles