Essential Questions I Can Statements 6th grade World Geography K. Copass AUGUST/SEPTEMBER (Unit1) Landforms Essential questions: How are landforms created? Where are the major landforms found around the world? How do landforms affect where human activities are located? I Can Statements: I can define landforms and explain how they are created. I can identify various landforms using a world map. I can create a landform booklet with drawings, definitions, and examples of the following landforms: archipelago lake basin mountain bay oasis canyon ocean cape peninsula cliff plain continent plateau desert prairie glacier river gulf valley hill volcano island water isthmus (Unit 2) Introduction to Geography Essential questions: What is the purpose of using a map? What information would you expect to find on a map? What are the purposes of political, physical, and thematic maps? How are latitude and longitude measured? What is the difference between absolute and relative location? What features on a map will help you find absolute location? What are the five themes of geography? How do the five themes of geography impact settlement? What are some things that geographers study about the earth? Why are the five themes of geography important to geographers? I Can Statements: I can identify the purpose of using maps. (DOK 2) I can identify different types of information found on maps. (DOK 2) I can I can identify three types of maps used in class. (DOK 1) I can differentiate between the different types of maps. (DOK 2) I can define equator. (DOK 1) I can define prime meridian. (DOK 1) I can define absolute location. (DOK 1) I can define coordinates. (DOK 1) I can define relative location. (DOK 1) I can find the exact location of a place using latitude and longitude. (DOK 2) I can I can identify the starting point for measuring latitude and longitude. (DOK 2) I can design a map with correct latitude and longitude coordinates. I can compare absolute and relative location. (DOK 3) I can name and describe the five themes of geography. (DOK 2) I can illustrate one of the five themes of geography on poster board and present to the class. (DOK 3) I can describe Monroe County using the five themes of Geography. (DOK 3) September-November (Unit 3-United States and Canada) Essential Questions: How do you interpret a data file? Why is it important to know the location of the 50 states in the U.S.? What are the physical features of the United States and Canada? What is a province? What determines a region? What are the regions of the U.S. and Canada? How do the Great Plains and the Atlantic coastal Plain compare to one another? What are vegetation zones? What determines the U.S. and Canada’s vegetation zones? What are the vegetation zones of the U.S. and Canada? What are the characteristics of the vegetation zones of the U.S. and Canada? What is the role of immigration in the development of United States culture? What are some reasons people immigrate? What are some rights of U.S. citizens? What are some responsibilities if U.S. citizens. What is citizenship? Why is the Constitution important to the citizens of the United States? Why does society need strong laws and a stable government? What are the three branches of the U.S. government? What are the basic powers of each of the three branches of government? Why does the Constitution create a balance of powers among the three branches of government? What is the difference between goods and services? What are the four factors of production? What are the qualities of a free enterprise/market economy? What is the law of supply and demand? What is the difference between a market, command, and traditional economy? What is NAFTA and what countries are involved in NAFTA? What factors have led to the development of a global economy? What is a constitutional monarchy? What are the branches of Canada’s government? What is modern Canada’s relationship with Great Britain? What are some similarities and differences between the Canadian and U.S. governments? What are Canada’s natural resources? What are Canada’s main exports? Why is Canada considered to be bilingual? I Can Statements I can use a data file to interpret information about the U.S. and Canada. (DOK 2) I can locate the 50 states on a blank map of the United States. (DOK 1) I can define province (DOK 1). I can locate the provinces and territories of Canada.(DOK 2) I can define region. (DOK 1) I can identify the regions of the U.S and Canada on a map. (DOK 2) I can compare the characteristics of each region. (DOK 3) I can define vegetation zone. (DOK 1) I can identify the vegetation zones of the U.S. and Canada. (DOK 2) I can describe the characteristics of each vegetation zone. (DOK 2) I can define immigrant. (DOK 1) I can describe how immigration has contributed the mixture of cultures in the U.S. (DOK 2) I can lists reason why people immigrate to the U.S. (DOK 2) I can distinguish between rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizens. (DOK 2) I can define citizenship. (DOK 1) I can create a poster illustrating responsibilities of U.S. citizens. (DOK 3) I can define Constitution. (DOK 1) I can distinguish between the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. (DOK 2) I can recognize that the Constitution is the framework of the U.S. government. (DOK 2) I can name the three branches of government.(DOK 1) I can describe the basic powers of each branch of government. (DOK 2) I can define checks and balances. (DOK 1) I can give an example of how the Constitution created a balance of powers among the three branches of government (checks and balance) DOK 3 I can distinguish between a good and a service. (DOK 2) I can define production. (DOK 1) I can name the four factors of production. (DOK 1) I can create a poster of a product illustrating how the four factors of production are used to create this product. (DOK 4) I can identify qualities of a free enterprise/market economy. (DOK 2) I can describe the law of supply and demand. (DOK 1) I can define competition? (DOK 1) I can explain how competition benefits the consumer. (DOK 2) I can identify market, command, and traditional economies.(DOK I can explain why the U.S. has a market economy. (DOK 2) I can define NAFTA and name the countries involved. (DOK 1) I can define global economy. (DOK 1) I can list factors that have led to the development of a global economy. (DOK 2) I can define constitutional monarchy. (DOK 1) I can define parliament. (DOK 1) I can describe Canada’s relationship with Great Britain. (DOK 2) I can compare Canada’s and the U.S. government. (DOK 3) I can identify Canada’s natural resources (DOK 2). I can identify industry. (DOK 1) I can list Canada’s main exports. (DOK 1) I can explain how Canada’s geography both helps and hinders transportation. (DOK 3) I can define bilingual and identify the two main languages spoken in Canada. (DOK 2) December –January (Unit 4-Latin America) Essential Questions: How is Latin America a region? What land areas make up Latin America? How were the Caribbean Islands formed? What are some important geographic regions of South America? What is significant about the Andes mountain range? How has deforestation affected the Amazon rain forest? Why do natural disasters occur frequently in Latin America? What ancient civilizations flourished in Latin America and where were they located? What are the achievements of the Maya? What are the achievements of the Aztec? What are the achievements of Inca? What kinds of products were part of the Columbian Exchange? Mexico What kind of government does Mexico have today? What are some ways in which the government of Mexico is similar to that of the U.S.? How has Mexico’s economy changed over the years? Why is Mexico rich in natural resources? What factors have contributed to the growth of Mexico City? What problems have resulted from this growth? What three traditions mix in Mexico’s culture today? Central America and Caribbean Islands What are the seven nations of Central America? Why did European rulers bring Africans to the Caribbean and how did this affect people today? What sources of wealth did European nations have in the West Indies? How did the U.S gain control of the land around the Panama Canal? Why did the U.S declare war on Spain? What were the results of the SpanishAmerican war? What was the Caribbean Island’s main industry in the colonial period? In what ways did the United Fruit Company change economies in Central America? What ethnic influences have combined to form Caribbean cultures? How did Cuba become a communist country? How was the Cuban economy once dependent on the Soviet Union? What are some of the effects of Cuba forming a Communist government?