SAT PREP COURSES – Critical Reading, Math and Writing The Union County Magnet High School will be offering three review courses for the Math, Critical Reading and Writing sections of the SAT. There will be two sections of each course in Critical Reading and Math and section numbers for Writing will be determined based on enrollment numbers. Critical Reading and Math sections will be held each Wednesday beginning on January 9th, 2013 and will end on March 6th, 2013. Classes will be held from 3:00 – 5:00. The Writing class will be held each Thursday beginning on January 10 th, 2013 and will end on March 7th, 2013. Classes will be held from 3:00 – 4:00 and if needed, a second section from 4:00 – 5:00 will be added. There is no cost for the courses, although students are required to purchase their book (The Official SAT Study Guide by the College Board). Please complete the registration form below and return it to the office. Registration will not be confirmed without a signed permission slip. Students who enroll in only one course will be placed in the early section if possible; however, enrollment in a particular section is based on a first-come, first-serve basis. Students who hand the registration in after one section is closed will be assigned to the other section. Attendance at these sessions are mandatory. Students who do not adhere to the attendance policy will be dismissed from the class. Teachers will review their policies on the first day of class. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- NAME _______________________________________________________________________ I would like to enroll in: (check all that apply) Math _________ Critical Reading _________ Writing _____________ Enrollment forms due no later than January 4th, 2013. Parent Signature ________________________________________________ Your signature verifies that your student will have a ride home no later than 5:00. Please remember that attendance is mandatory. Students will be dismissed from the class if they do not adhere to the attendance policy. o:SAT Prep/SAT PREP COURSE REGISTRATION