RAIL ENTITIES 2014 ENTERPRISE BARGAINING COMBINED RAIL UNIONS PETITION FOR ONE AGREEMENT AS THE REPLACEMENT FOR THE RAILCORP ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT 2010 We, the undersigned, want to be covered by one single Enterprise Agreement covering all employees of Sydney Trains, NSW Trains and RailCorp who are covered by the RailCorp Enterprise Agreement 2010. NAME (PRINT) SIGNATURE Grade/Classification EG; Driver,Guard, A/C, Admin, CSA, PSA etc DEPOT/SIGNAL BOX/ADDRESS OF OFFICE/STATION; Eg;477 Pitt St, Mortdale, Sydney Box Employed by:RailCorp, Sydney Trains, NSW Trains Please distribute this petition throughout your workplace, get it signed, retain origianls and forward by fax or email to your union. If you have any questions or require more information contact your union: