Engineering Authority Application Refer RailCorp Engineering Procedure EPA 241 – Engineering Authority for Design. Note: This form is to be a part of an overall application for Engineering Authority. This form is only for engineering authority for design roles named in EPA 241. The form has two Parts. Part A is submitted once per discipline for each group of applicants and Part B may be copied for multiple applicants for the same discipline and submitted together. Checklist and instructions are provided on the last pages. PART A: Organisation and Project Information 1 External reference identifier 2 Project name and RailCorp project number if known 3 Design discipline Choose only ONE discipline for each group of applicants in Part B. Refer RailCorp Engineering Procedure EPA 241 Engineering Authority for Design – Appendix Double click the relevant box and select “checked” 4 Civil / Structural Stations and buildings Electrical Survey Geotechnical Telecommunications Rolling stock Track Signals and control systems Other (specify): Brief scope of design services to be provided and boundaries/ locations For complex projects attach the scope 5 Design team structure If Applicant will be part of a design team, attach a Design team structure. 6 Name and design roles of all designers included in this application Designer name 7 Discipline – Role – Design task competence area(s) Evidence of organisation’s quality accredited design procedures relevant to RailCorp projects e.g. assessment body and reference number or date, or link to certificate register or attach copy © RailCorp Issued September 2012 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 1 of 7 EPA 241 FM 01 ver 3.1 (Insert External reference ID) 8 (Insert Project Name) Organisation representative(s) Name Position title Signature _______________________________ _______________________________ Date Organisation representative use — Checklist PART A Attached – Design team structure if part of a design team Attached – Quality assurance accreditation evidence if available Attached – All relevant completed Part B © RailCorp Issued September 2012 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 2 of 7 EPA 241 FM 01 ver 3.1 (Insert External reference ID) (Insert Project Name) PART B: Applicant Information – Role, Skills and Experience Part B may be copied for each applicant if there are a group of applicants for the same discipline. Ensure External reference ID is shown at header of each page 9 Name of applicant 10 Design discipline Civil / Structural Stations and buildings This should match with Item 3. Double click the relevant box and select “checked” Electrical Survey Geotechnical Telecommunications Rolling stock Track Signals and control systems Other (specify) Concept Detail design 11 Design stage Investigation e.g. Survey, Geotechnical, Environmental or other report type Other (specify) 12 Design role(s) and Scope of role(s) The design role(s) and scope that the applicant is to perform and which the organisation considers the applicant to have competence. For descriptions of roles, see the instructions. Double click the relevant box(es) and select “checked” Proposed design role Scope of role e.g. ‘Salt Pan Creek Bridge’ or ‘Belmore Road Overbridge – superstructure modifications’ Designer Design checker or reviewer Independent design checker Design verifier Design validator Other (specify): 13 Design competence — Self assessment Attach competence self assessment with details or cross references that relate the qualifications, skills and experience to the relevant competence manual or matrix © RailCorp Issued September 2012 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 3 of 7 EPA 241 FM 01 ver 3.1 (Insert External reference ID) 14 (Insert Project Name) Experience –show only RELEVANT previous experience Provide sufficient information on to support the requested competence levels and relevant to the project work. If there are more than two relevant projects, repeat the following table in an attachment. Project 1 Project 2 Employer Client Project name Project scope How was this project similar to the one you are applying for? Your role The engineering services you provided (nature and amount of your participation) Your start and finish dates Referee name and number If you are applying for a project with complex or large scale aspects, add any other relevant factors which support your suitability to perform the work 15a Discipline-specific information Civil applicants only Bridges, culverts and/or subways Right of way Buffer stops Services under track Guard rails Track slabs Level crossing (civil aspects) Transmission line structures Miscellaneous structures Tunnels Platform structures Stormwater drainage systems Retaining walls Walkways and access tracks 15b Discipline-specific information Signals and control systems applicants only © RailCorp Issued September 2012 Control tables Design integrity checks Microlok Circuits SSI Circuits Microlok Data SSI Data Relay based interlockings Other UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 4 of 7 EPA 241 FM 01 ver 3.1 (Insert External reference ID) (Insert Project Name) Certify 16 Applicant ‘I certify that the information provided in this form and my attachments are correct.’ Name Signature 17 Date ________________________________________ Organisation representative ‘I certify that the above applicant is competent to undertake the role.’ Name Date Position title Signature 18 ________________________________________ External party review (if one exists) ‘I certify that the company has an appropriate competency assessment process in place and that the above applicant is considered to be competent to undertake the role.’ Name Date Position title Signature ________________________________________ Applicant or organisation representative use — Checklist PART B Attachments Design competence self assessment Detailed CV i.e. relevant qualifications, skills and related experience. For qualifications gained outside Australia, attach Skills Assessment Authority report, if available Career log book or portfolio or similar Civil only – optional: preliminary plans, sketches or draft General Arrangement Surveying only – If monitoring the track location (e.g. underbore projects) attach a copy of the Track Monitoring Plan. Additional Applicant information RSW Card Application and 100 Point ID Form (required only once per person) to RailCorp Use Engineering authority allocated Yes No EA reference #: Comment Assessor name Position title Date END OF PART B © RailCorp Issued September 2012 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 5 of 7 EPA 241 FM 01 ver 3.1 Instructions for filling in form EPA 241 FM01 General Background to this form is in Engineering Procedure EPA 241 – Engineering Authority for Design. Use an appendix for information that does not fit in the space, e.g. landscape tables or charts. The instructions or examples are not intended to restrict the format or amount of information submitted. They are intended to clarify the intent of the form. Remember to provide statements that relate relevant qualifications, skills and experience to the project type and the design role. Sections Header, page 2: Insert External reference identifier (from 1) and Project name (from 2) 1. External reference identifier is assigned by the applying organisation. 3. Design discipline: To determine which discipline head assesses the application, refer to EPA 241, Appendix for “Infrastructure, rolling stock, plant and systems allocation to discipline heads”. The “RailCorp item” is an asset allocated to the discipline head. (For competencies, refer to the relevant discipline competency manual or matrix.) 5. Design team structure: Attach a Design team structure so the assessor can see reporting lines and spread of work (see last page for example) 6 and 12. Design role: Check the relevant boxes for design roles. Functions of the design roles are: designer — produces a design or carries out surveying activities or engineering investigations relating to a design design checker — makes systematic review of design assumptions, calculations, methodology, use of standards and compliance with mandatory requirements (the person shall not be directly responsible for producing the design) design reviewer * — provides a full check of a design ( * applicable to signal design) Independent design checker — performs work similar in scope and purpose to design checker (the person shall have had no involvement in developing the design) design verifier — ensures that the design output for each design stage is consistent with the design input for that stage design validator — ensures that the final product conforms to user (customer) specifications and requirements 12. Scope of role: Describe for example: the items or aspects of the project to be handled by the applicant area of involvement, e.g. design calculations, surveying, geotechnical investigation etc. 13. Design competence self assessment: Self assessment is carried out against discipline competence manuals or matrixes located at RailCorp’s engineering website, or enquire with the discipline. In the self assessment of competence, make cross references to the CV to justify the assessment (EPA 241). 14. Experience: Use a table for each relevant project. If there ire more than two relevant projects, use copies of the table in an attachment. Experience gained under supervision should be validated that proficiency has been attained (attach a log book or other documentation). Declaration form: The Declaration form is to ensure our compliance with the Rail Safety Act 2008. More information is available at RailCorp’s Engineering web site © RailCorp Issued September 2012 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 6 of 7 EPA 241 FM 01 ver 3.1 Design team structure RailCorp assessors need to see the work each person will do and how the team will be structured. Only show people with or applying for Engineering Authority for the given project team You are not limited to providing the information as set out below. You may use your own format so long as it captures the same type of information for the whole team Example for multi-disciplinary and/or single discipline structures: © RailCorp Issued September 2012 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 7 of 7 EPA 241 FM 01 ver 3.1