Approved by:
Manager, Engineering Services
Jagath Peiris
Engineering Standards &
Authorised by:
Jim Modrouvanos
General Manager
Chief Engineers Division
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RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Design
Design Approval
EPD 0010
Date Summary of change
August 2005
October 2011
Section numbering updated, references updated, document control page added.
References to RIC replaced with RailCorp
Standardising format
3 yearly review :
– addition of external designers; design acceptance; interface issues
See Table below
Summary of change Section
Title changed, previously Design Approval and Acceptance
Design approval description more concise
Definitions added for “project design manager” and “project manager”
Scope of design approval expanded to include buildable, operable, maintainable, disposable. Dot point 1: “or verified” added.
Method of approval more concise. Para 1: “a design approver” was “an authorised person”
Design approvers to have appropriate competence level
Preparation for acceptance described. Acceptance process removed (now in EPA 280).
Changes during construction managed as a variation. Previous paragraph 2 deleted – preamble to the process.
Responsibilities expanded to be more specific. Includes “Construction / Manufacturing /
Software developer organisation”. “Design approvers” replaced “Staff holding design delegations”.
Software developer added
“Project design manager” was “design delivery manager”
Removed design acceptance from scope – cross referenced to EPA 280
Discipline heads, Design approvers, Design delivery managers, Construction project managers added
Removed No Objections Certificate (now in EPA 280)
1, 2, 5.5
6.3, 6.4,
6.5, 6.6
© RailCorp
Issued October 2011
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RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Design
Design Approval
EPD 0010
© RailCorp
Issued October 2011
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RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Design
Design Approval EPD 0010
Design approval is an essential part of the RailCorp design process. The action authorises the release of a design by the design organisation and signifies certification that the design meets all specified requirements and is fit for the intended purpose.
This procedure sets out specific requirements for approval of design work. It applies to all new or altered asset designs for RailCorp carried out either by RailCorp staff or by external designers.
New South Wales Rail Safety Act 2008
EPA 240 Design Competence Framework
EPA 241 Engineering Authority for Design
EPA 280 Design Acceptance
EPD 0011 Design Verification competence the ability to perform tasks and duties to a required standard design approver authorised person who certifies the design has followed authorised processes and meets requirements and is ready for acceptance integrity of a particular class of assets (e.g. Chief Engineer Track being responsible for assuring technical integrity of track infrastructure) (from SMS-12-PR-0371 Managing
Engineering Design Control ) engineering authority the authority to make and approve engineering decisions interfaces common boundaries or points of connection between two or more items or systems may indicates the existence of an option project design manager person who manages and oversees the allocation of design and investigation projects to deliver engineering solutions for projects and programs project manager person who plans, schedules, manages and co-ordinates projects shall indicates that a statement is mandatory specification a document that fully describes a design element or its interfaces in terms of requirements (functional, performance, constraints, and design characteristics) and the qualification (validation) conditions and procedures for each requirement
© RailCorp
Issued October 2011
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RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Design
Design Approval
EPD 0010
All design work performed by RailCorp design staff shall be approved by a staff member who has an engineering authority delegation for the appropriate type of design approval.
All design work performed by external design companies shall be approved by a person authorised by the design company for that task.
The design approver shall carry out all aspects of the design approval process.
Design approval signifies certification by an authorised person that the work performed:
has been designed and checked or verified by personnel holding appropriate engineering authority for their respective design tasks using quality accredited design processes
meets the requirements of the specification in full, and has been verified that the design outputs meet design input specifications and requirements
conforms with regulatory and other legal requirements
addresses all interface issues
meets standards, industry codes of practices, safety and environmental requirements
is properly documented, including a record of verification and validation
is buildable, operable, maintainable and disposable.
Design approvals may be provided progressively, where it is necessary to release design information for construction prior to completion of all aspects of the design.
Design approval shall be provided by the design approver by signing in the appropriate location of the drawing title block on design drawings or in designated locations on other design documentation.
Design documentation that does not bear evidence of approval by a design approver shall be treated as “unapproved” and regarded as issued for review, discussion or for information purposes only.
RailCorp staff whose design competencies have been assessed may be appointed to the role of design approver for designs within their competency allocation as described in
EPA 240 Design Competence Framework and EPA 241 Engineering Authority for
Design . RailCorp design approvers shall have the appropriate competence level as determined by the discipline head.
External organisations preparing designs for RailCorp shall nominate a person with appropriate competence and authority to perform the design approver role.
NOTE: For designs prepared by external companies, the design approval role is outside
RailCorp’s engineering authority framework as approval in this environment is a management not a design function. Thus engineering authority is not delegated to external design approvers.
© RailCorp
Issued October 2011
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RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Design
Design Approval
EPD 0010
The design approver shall advise the project design manager on the outcome of the approval process. The project design manager shall package the approved designs for acceptance by the relevant Chief Engineer or delegate for RailCorp use. The design acceptance process is described in EPA 280 .
Any deviations from the approved design during the construction phase that are outside the specified construction limits shall be managed as a variation to the approved design
Where time is of the essence, e.g. for work being completed under possession, the change may be initially authorised by a qualified person on site, or who may be called to the site, to allow work to proceed, provided that:
The person possesses the necessary competence and authority to authorise the change, and
The authorisation covers any restrictions or limitations on the use of the infrastructure considered necessary by the authorised person, and
The change is documented and submitted for approval as soon as practicable in accordance with the requirements of this procedure.
The design change is required to be approved by the relevant authority and accepted by the discipline head prior to final acceptance of constructed works.
Design organisations are responsible for:
appointing competent persons to perform the design approver role.
Construction manufacturing responsible for:
obtaining design approval when deviating from an approved design
Discipline heads are responsible for:
having a system in place that enables internal RailCorp design approvers to hold appropriate competencies.
Design approvers are responsible for:
approving designs within the scope of their authority
certifying that designs comply with the scope of design approval (section 5.2)
certifying appropriate documentation and sign offs have been obtained
advising the project design manager on the outcome of the approval process.
© RailCorp
Issued October 2011
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RailCorp Engineering Procedure — Design
Design Approval
Project design managers are responsible for:
EPD 0010
managing the design interfaces
confirming all designs have been approved before submitting designs for discipline head acceptance.
Construction project managers are responsible for:
referring design changes required during construction to the appropriate design authority for approval.
© RailCorp
Issued October 2011
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