2014-2015 Fine Arts Education Act (FAEA) Renewal Application

Request for
Elementary Arts Renewal—
Funding Application Forms,
and Guidelines
DSCN 1849
Cleveland Middle School Artwork Tammy Crespin—Teacher
New Mexico Public Education Department
Elementary Arts Education Program
Jerry Apodaca Education Building
300 Don Gaspar
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Application Due Date
Thursday May 15, 2014, 5:00 pm
This document may be accessed electronically and downloaded through the PED
website at www.ped.state.nm.us.
Look in the A–Z Directory under Visual and Performing Arts Education.
RfA released 4/2014
Table of Contents
Submittal Requirements .......................................................................................................................... 3
Cover Page of the RfA ........................................................................................................................ 4
Narrative For 2014–2015 Arts Education Program ............................................................................. 5
FAEA Program Plan Goals and Measureable Objectives SY 2014–2015 .......................................... 6
Proposed Budget Page of the RfA ...................................................................................................... 7
Budget Worksheet Page of the RfA .................................................................................................... 7
Certification Form A of the RfA ........................................................................................................... 9
Certification Form B of the RfA ......................................................................................................... 10
Evaluation and Rubric ....................................................................................................................... 11
Renewal Application—Charts
Elementary Arts Education Program
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Submittal Requirements
Use the pages that follow to complete the required components of the Renewal Funding Application for FY
Submit the Renewal Application as follows:
1. Mail hard copies of the cover page (page 4) and Certification Form A and Certification Form B (pages
9 and 10) with required signatures through regular mail after you have submitted the electronic
portion of your application. Please mail to the following address:
Vicki Breen
Arts Education, Policy Division
Room 130
Jerry Apodoca Education Building
300 Don Gaspar
Santa Fe, NM 87501-2786
2. You will be submitting your application electronically in MS Word. You will save and send your
account by DISTRICT NAME and date as a finished application to the PED. Submit your 2014–
2015 application digitally to: Vicki Breen vicki.breen@state.nm.us and Cindy Loretto
cindy.loretto@state.nm.us. Please be certain the following components are in one MS Word
document using the order listed below.
a. Cover Page
b. Table of Contents
c. Program Goals and Objectives
d. Program Plan Narrative
e. Evaluation Plan
f. Budget Worksheet
g. Certification Form A
h. Certification Form B
3. The completed application must be received by the PED by 5:00 p.m. on
Thursday, May 15, 2014.
Renewal Application—Charts
Elementary Arts Education Program
page 3
Cover Page of the RfA
 Approved  Not Approved
Renewal Application
Elementary Arts Education Program
2014–2015 Request for Applications
Name of Applicant
Please check one
❑ Local Education Agency (LEA)
Please check one
❑ Charter School
LEA Applicant
❑ Initial Application
❑ Renewal Application
Contact Person
Day-to-Day Program Management
Mailing Address
City/State Zip
Signature of Superintendent
Signature of LEA Business Manager
Charter School Applicant
Contact Person
Day-to-Day Program Management
School District
Charter Contact
Mailing Address
Signature of the Authorized
Representative of the Charter School
Elementary School(s) Being Served
School (Form may be extended if additional space is needed)
Grade levels to be included
Number of students to be
served in SY 2014–2015
Reminder: Funding of Renewal Program is based on current average of 80- and 120-day count.
Renewal Application—Charts
Elementary Arts Education Program
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Narrative For 2014–2015 Arts Education Program
Limit narrative to three pages
Show your progress from the 2013–2014 Program Goals toward the 2014–2015 Program Goals.
 Describe two to three areas of your arts education program that were particularly effective this past
year; those areas could include, but are not limited to:
direct instruction
financial accountability
professional development for arts teachers
instructional accountability
professional development for classroom teachers
program publicity
assessment of student learning
program awareness
Describe those areas of your program in need of refinement, strengthening, or improvement.
Please use bullets or lists where appropriate.
Be certain to address the following:
How will you accomplish the goals?
How does the budget support the district arts program?
What progress did you make towards the goals?
What improvements will you make?
Provide a record of professional development activities.
Response Type
Parent/Community Advisory Group
 Describe the organization and function of your group in terms of how it meets the needs of your arts
education program.
Professional Development
 Describe the professional development opportunities provided for your arts education teachers and any
areas you may have focused on regarding support for learning in other content areas.
Describe the professional development opportunities provided for your classroom teachers and any
areas you may have focused on regarding support for learning in other content areas.
Student Learning
 What tools are you using to measure student learning in visual and performing arts in your arts
education program?
How frequently are those tools used during the school year?
Describe any data you have, either quantitative or anecdotal, that documents improved student
learning in visual and performing arts.
Describe any data you have, either quantitative or anecdotal, related to a positive correlation between
student learning in the arts and improved student learning in literacy and/or math.
Describe any data you have, either quantitative or anecdotal, related to a positive correlation between
your arts education program and student attendance and/or cross-curricular connections made by
students between the arts and other content areas.
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Elementary Arts Education Program
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FAEA Program Plan Goals and Measureable Objectives SY 2014–2015
Please include one to three goals for your 2014–2015 program (with measureable objectives for each
goal) that are based on the areas that need strengthening. These goals are located in your 2013–2014
effective program practices. Design your own or use the following format.
Objectives for
Each Goal
Action steps necessary
to carry out the goal
How will you know
that your objectives were
Resources Needed
(personnel, funds, time,
supplies/equipment, space)
EXAMPLE (Sample only)
Goal 1: To improve
the ability of visiting
community artists to
support CCSS/ELA
in their instructional
strategies for visual
Objectives for Each
Objective 1a: Establish a
planning group to develop
a training program for
visiting artists.
1a: by 5/1/14
Objective 1b: Planning
group develops a training
program to incorporate
CCSS/ ELA into gradelevel instructional
strategies for visual art.
Objective 1c: Training
program implemented—
Fall, 2014
Objective 1d: Community
artists work in classrooms
in collaboration with
classroom teachers—
Spring, 2015
Objective 1e: Administer
program evaluation and
make revisions
Renewal Application—Charts
1b: by
1c: by
1d: by 5/1/15
1e: by
1a: As measured by
identifying group members
and establishing a first
meeting date
1b: As measured by
production of training
materials, identification of
potential trainers, and a
plan for implementation
1c: As measured by a
minimum of three
community artists
completing the training
1d: As measured by
completion of all
scheduled lessons with
visiting artists
1e:As measured by a)
evaluation surveys
completed by artists,
planning group, trainers,
and collaborating
classroom teachers and b)
by program revisions for
the following year
Elementary Arts Education Program
Resources Needed
(personnel, funds, time,
supplies/equipment, space)
1a: funds for stipends,
copying; space for meeting
1b: funds for stipends,
copying; space for meeting
1c: time for training; space
for training;
funds stipends for teacher
trainers, supplies
1d: time for program
1e: time for evaluation
development, administration,
and resulting program
page 6
Budget Page
Arts Education Budget Worksheet
Object Code
Dollar Amount
Renewal Application / Chart
Elementary Arts Education Program
page 7
Proposed Budget
(Please use this page if necessary to clarify your Budget Worksheet, page 7)
Professional Development
Instructional Supplies
Instructional Resources
Student Supplies
Student Travel
Licensed Personnel
Visual Arts
Registration Fees
Travel mileage
Meals $ per day
Hotel $ per day
Contract Services
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Elementary Arts Education Program
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Certification Form A of the RfA
Certification Form A
(Renewal Applications Submit Forms A and B)
For Implementation of the 2014–2015 Elementary Arts Program
Name of applicant: _____________________________________________________________________
(district, state-chartered school, or district-chartered school)
If district-chartered school, list district: ____________________________________________________
Projected number of students to be served by the 2014–2015 Elementary Arts Education Program: _____
Certification by the Superintendent, State Charter, or Charter School Director
I certify that the information in this application and arts education plan is true and correct to the best of my knowledge
and that, if funded, the district, state charter, or charter school I represent will
a. implement arts education programs that provide for the educational needs of students in the areas of visual arts,
music, theater, and dance and that integrate arts instruction across the curriculum;
b. align the elementary arts education program with the following:
a. NM Content Standards and Benchmarks
b. National CORE ARTS Standards
c. Applicable Common Core State Standards;
c. provide sufficient classroom space, materials, appropriate instructional time including the number of classes per
week, and the qualified personnel to offer the elementary arts education program;
d. provide licensed instructors for the elementary arts education program in both teaching and supervisory roles—
non-certified instructors will have appropriate background checks and will be supervised by certified teachers at
all times;
e. provide opportunities for instructors and other appropriate staff to participate in professional development,
training, and technical assistance in the arts, including team participation in statewide summer or winter
professional development that includes all approved Fine Arts Education Act (FAEA) applicants;
f. conduct an evaluation of the district elementary arts education program; and
g. form and work with a parental and community arts advisory committee to participate in annual reviews of the
Elementary Arts Education Program and plan.
Name of Program Contact Person
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
Email Address
Superintendent or
Charter School Director
School Board President or Governance
Council Chair
NM Zip
Fax Number
Project Director
Parent Contact
Renewal Application—Charts
Elementary Arts Education Program
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Certification Form B of the RfA
Certification Form B
(Submitted by Application Renewals only)
Verification of Implementation of 2013–2014 Elementary Arts Program
Name of applicant (district, state charter, or charter school):_____________________________
If charter school, list district: _____________________________________________________________
Number of students served by the 2013–2014 Elementary Arts Education Program: _________________
Certification by the Superintendent State Charter, or Charter School Director
I certify that the information in this application and elementary arts education plan is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge, and the district, state charter, or charter school met the following goals of the submitted program (SY
2013–2014). The applicant
a. implemented arts education programs that provide for the educational needs of students in the areas of
visual arts, music, theater and dance and that integrate arts instruction across the curriculum;
b. aligned the elementary arts education program with the following:
a. NM Content Standards and Benchmarks
b. National CORE ARTS Standards
c. Applicable Common Core State Standards;
c. provided sufficient classroom space, materials, appropriate instructional time including the number of classes
per week, and the qualified personnel to offer an elementary arts education program;
d. provided licensed instructors for the elementary arts education program in both teaching and supervisory
roles—non-certified instructors had appropriate background checks and were supervised by licensed
teachers at all times;
e. provided opportunities for instructors and other appropriate staff to participate in professional development,
training, and technical assistance in the arts, including team participation in local, regional, or statewide
professional development that may have included other approved Fine Arts Education Act (FAEA)
f. conducted an evaluation of the Elementary Arts Education Program;
g. developed and worked with a parental and arts advisory committee, the local school board, and the PED to
review and approve the Elementary Arts Education Program and plan to date; and
h. revised the plan and budget as appropriate to better meet district, community, and student needs.
Name of Program Contact Person
Mailing Address
Telephone Number
Email Address
NM Zip
Fax Number
Superintendent or
Charter School Director
School Board President or
Governance Council Chair
Project Director
Parent Contact
Renewal Application—Charts
Elementary Arts Education Program
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Evaluation and Rubric
Applications will be read and evaluated through a PED review process. Application requirements that
receive average scores of 0 or 1 on any section of the rubric will need to be completed or clarified through
the addendum process as described in the RfA.
0 = Information not included
1 = Information is included but lacks some specificity or relevance
2 = Information is included, accurate, and pertinent
Requirements for Elementary Arts Education Program
1. Progress from 2013—2014 Program Goals toward the
2014—2015 Program Goals Abstract for art, music, dance
and theatre: Describes current status of elementary arts
education program, goals, student needs that will be addressed,
students to be served, and provides an overview of the
proposed program and intended outcomes.
2. 1–3 Measurable Program Goals(s) and Objectives—includes
list of goals and specific, measurable objectives aligned with
program plan narrative (below).
3. Program Plan Narrative—offers opportunities in areas of visual
arts, music, theater, and dance.
4. Program Plan Narrative—meets CORE ARTS instruction
across the curriculum. Provides for sufficient classroom space,
materials, appropriate instructional time including the number of
classes per week.
5. Program Plan Narrative—aligns with the following:
a) NM Arts Content Standards and Benchmarks
b) Next Generation CORE ARTS content, including sequential
and developmentally appropriate curriculum
c) Applicable Common Core State Standards.
6. Program Plan Narrative—provides for measurable,
developmentally appropriate, process-oriented assessment of
student learning in the arts.
7. Program Plan Narrative—provides for educational needs of
students in the areas of visual arts, music, theater, and dance
through core arts content and collaborative efforts of arts
specialists whenever possible.
8. Program Plan Narrative—provides professional development,
training, and/or technical assistance in the arts for arts teachers
and administrators, including ways in which the arts have met
core curriculum. Discusses how professional development will
be provided each year through local, regional, state, or national
professional workshop settings with appropriate teams.
Page One Total
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Elementary Arts Education Program
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Requirements for Elementary Arts Education Program
9. Program Plan Narrative—ensures the use of highly-qualified,
licensed school instructors and supervision of those who are
teaching the program, if those providers do not hold valid
teaching licenses.
a. Includes details about how the applicant will comply
with the requirement that when an art resource, nonlicensed person provides instruction for the arts
program, a licensed teacher (the teacher of record)
must direct the program, the instruction, and the
provider, including lesson planning.
b. Includes information that the district/charter school will
ensure that the licensed teacher will be present at all
times during classroom instruction by a non-licensed
c. States that background checks will be conducted.
10. Budget Worksheet—shows budget support for the program
with measurable goals.
11. Evaluation Plan—describes the plan for assessing
a) program effectiveness and progress toward measurable
goals, objectives, and program plan implementation and
b) student outcomes based on measurable, developmentally
appropriate, process-oriented student learning in the arts.
12. Evaluation Plan—explains how the evaluation results will be
used to refine, improve, and strengthen the program.
13. Evaluation Plan—ensures that an annual program evaluation
will be conducted in accordance with year-end report
requirements that will be submitted in a timely manner to the
local board and the PED.
14. Evaluation Plan—includes the process that will be used to
create a parent advisory committee that will assist in the review
of measurable goals and priorities of the program and make
appropriate recommendations for changes or revisions in the
program plan.
15. Evaluation Plan—includes the process that will be used to
present a review of the annual program evaluation to the local
school board and to solicit appropriate recommendations to
ensure the success of this program and to guide program
Page Two Total
Page One Total
Grand Total
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Elementary Arts Education Program
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