Spring Fever in the Garden 2015 www.Springfeveringarden.com Application for “Chalkin’ It Up” Sidewalk Art Contest You must submit this application by March 27th, 2015. Make your plans for early (daybreak is ok) Saturday morning April 11th, 2015 for “Chalkin’ It Up” in front of Winter Garden’s City Hall. Each participant will have a 6 x 6 square and is asked to create something nature/garden related and appropriate for all ages to view. Prizes may be awarded in the following categories: Adult individual or group Elementary individual or group Middle school individual or group High school individual or group Best in Theme Best in Show Chalk will not be provided but there will not be a registration fee. Name(s) _____________________________________________ School_______________________________ Mailing address_____________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________State_______________ Zip______________________________ Phone _______________________________ E -mail ______________________________________________ Check appropriate category Individual Elementary student _____ Individual Middle school student________ Individual High school student Elementary group ______ Middle school group ______ Adult working alone_____ Adult group _____________ E-mail application by March 27th, 2015 to Elizabeth McKinney High school group_____ Vintachick@yahoo.com