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::Art 155::
Studies in the principals of 3-D design Karl McDade
This assignment is designed to help you develop some familiarity with; the material of clay, the organizing
principals of design, and confidence in your creative process.
Create 6 small 6x6 sculptures each of which illustrates one of the design fundamentals. Your sculptures should
be recognizable as a unified group, and will all have the same surface treatment.
Materials –
Either brick red terra cotta “Lisa” or white SW 20 (corse), SW 48 (fine)
All of your pieces will be covered in a single glaze or slip so that the viewer is focused on the form of the
pieces, and not distracted by a “busy” surface.
Methods / Techniques
You will be shown a few examples of techniques for building with clay. These should be seen a just a
starting point, and you are expected to experiment and develop a method of working that works for
you. The process you use to build your pieces will have a great affect on the finished object. Seemingly
minute details such as the firmness of the clay, the way you attach pieces, your tools for carving or
smoothing will all be important. If we all were to use identical techniques, our work would have a very
similar feel. The goal here is to make your work personal and original.
Repetition :: Variety :: Rhythm :: Balance :: Emphasis/Economy ::
Your main objective is to illustrate each of the organizing principals of design on 6 different tiles.
Without your input, your fellow classmates will try to guess which is which.
Although this seems like a simple and very basic assignment, within the above framework, you are
expected to do your best to engage the viewer. How might you do this?
Virtuosity, mystery, humor, beauty, the unexpected………..
You may base your pieces on recognizable objects, or you may work completely abstract using simply
shape and texture.
::Art 155::
Studies in the principals of 3-D design Karl McDade
Grading (150 points)
Met deadlines/used time wisely
Developed a cohesive visual theme
Craftsmanship consistent with skill level
Surface treatment consistent with theme
Successfully illustrated all 6 design fundamentals 30