Name: Date: [1.1] Prehistoric Origins Work Sheet Instructions: Fill in the blank or answer the questions with the correct answer. 1. What are the two materials that man’s cutting tools where made of in the Paleolithic Age or Old Stone Age? ________________ 2. In some parts of the world our Stone Age ancestors had discovered how to bake clay figurines in bonfires and even make simple kilns. How long ago was this? ________________ 3. Although more fragile even than the cave paintings, some clay images of animals have survived. About how long ago were they made? Over ____________________ years ago. 4. What country was the tiny limestone carving known as the Willendorf Venus from? _____________________ 5. Scientific tests on small objects found on Stone Age sites (in eastern Europe) suggest that man discovered the principle of using a fire to bake clay at least ________________years ago. 6. About what year did someone discovered an easier, less wasteful, way to waterproof a basket - by smearing the inside with a layer of stiff mud or clay? _______________________ 7. The technique of pressing and coiling clay vessels and firing them in simple bonfires had probably spread throughout most of villages of Western Asia before ______________________ 8. What do many archaeologists believe that most of the symbols used in the Old Stone Age are connected to? _____________and the _______________________________ 9. In Western Asia, not far from present day Basra in southern Iraq, the people here started to use pictographs scratched onto clay tablets before ___________________. In Western Asia prehistory ends c. 3000 BC. 10. One of the earliest clay tablets __________________. It seems to include proper names in pictograph form.