3rd Grade Supply List To keep at school: *These will be for community use, so please do not label them* 1 pack of 12 Crayola colored pencils 1 pack of 12 Ticonderoga pencils 6 Elmer's gluesticks 2 sets of multiplication flash cards (one to keep at school and once to keep at home). Please DO label the one coming to school. Pencil eraser tops (one box/bag/container) 3-6 Pink pearl erasers 1 pack or white index cards 1-2 pack(s) square Sticky (Post-It) Notes 1 preshrunk, prewashed white t-shirt with growing room (to tie-dye). Labeled and in a gallon size Ziploc bag. To bring to school each day: *Please DO label these items* 1 average to small size reusable water bottle. I have all of the students keep water bottles in the classroom at their tables. This will go home each day to be cleaned and refilled. A healthy snack (fruit/veggies, pretzels, low salt/sugar crackers). Please do not send candy, soda, chips, or other sugary snacks that will spike your child's blood sugar. Homework Folder (labeled, this will actually only come once a week on Mondays ). Backpack and lunch box/bag (or lunch money: $2.75 for lunch; $.35 for milk). Backpacks will be kept on the hooks outside our room, so make sure his/hers has a hanging strap. Crew Wish List (NOT obligated to donate. These are ideas for those who have asked.) Anything off of our Amazon Wish List (search using my email: turmaxtle@msn.com List is called: Shawna’s Crew) Hand Sanitizer Clorox wipes Ziploc bags (sandwich, quart, and gallon size) Baby wipes Clothespins (regular and mini) 1” foam paint brushes Extra snacks for those who forget (baby carrots, apples). White envelopes (legal and regular size) Hand held pencil sharpeners with shaving container (we use these a LOT and burn through them pretty quickly). We are grateful for your generosity and continued support for our Crew! Thank you for helping us grow and love learning! Much Love to you all, Shawna and Crew 7