VENTURE CREW 312 PERMISSION FORM Youth’s Name___________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________ City/State/ZIP_______________________Phone______________Cell_____________ Medical Insurance Co._______________________Policy No.____________________ Family Doctor______________________________Phone________________________ Youth religious affiliation: Catholic____Protestant___Jewish___Muslim___Other_ I hereby approve and agree to all of the terms and conditions of this application and certify to its correctness. Further, I certify my child can meet the health and physical fitness requirements of the Crew’s activities. I understand that this form grants permission for any and all Crew activities my child may participate in once he or she joins. For any water-based activities, I certify my child is (check one): Nonswimmer___Beginner___Swimmer___Advanced swimmer___ In consideration of the benefits to be derived from participation in this Crew activity, any and all claims against the Boy Scouts of America or its local councils, Venture Crew, chartered organization, or against the officers, employees, agents, or other representatives of any of them, or any other persons working under their direction or engaged in the conduct of their affairs, arising out of any accident, illness, injury, damage, or other loss or harm to/or incurred or suffered by my child or to his or her property, in connection with or incidental to Crew activity, including training or travel, are hereby expressly waived by my child and his parents or guardians. In the event of illness or injury occurring to my child while involved in any Crew activity, I consent to X-ray examination, anesthesia, and/or medical or surgical diagnostic procedures or treatment considered necessary in the best judgment of the attending physician and performed by or under the supervision of a member of the medical staff of the hospital/medical facility furnishing medical services. It is understood that in the event of a serious illness or injury, reasonable efforts will be attempted to reach a parent or guardian. Parent/Guardian_____________________________________Date________________