
Master’s in Education Library Media from Columbus State University.
EDUF 6115 Educational Psychology
EDCI 6228 Special Education
EDUT 6115 Foundations of Library Media Programs
EDUT 6116 Cataloging and Classifying of Educational Resources
EDUT 6117 Selection, Evaluation, and Utilization of Materials and Media
EDCI 6796 Intro to Education
EDUT 6118 Organization and Administration of School Media Centers
EDUT 6215 Integrating Technology into the Curriculum
EDRG 6160 Multicultural Literature for Children and Youth
EDUF 6116 Educational Research Methods
EDUT 6207 Hardware and Networking
EDUT 6209 Instructional Design
EDUF 6795 Collaborative Student Support
EDUT 6698 Student Internship in Library Media Technology
EDUT 6999 Capstone Research Project
Standards learned and upheld daily:
Standard 1: Use of Information and Ideas
Efficient and Ethical Information-Seeking Behavior
Literacy and Reading
Access to Information
Stimulating Learning Environment
Standard 2: Teaching and Learning
Knowledge of Learners and Learning
Effective and Knowledgeable Teacher
Information Literacy Curriculum
Standard 3: Collaboration and Leadership
Connection with the Library Community
Instructional Partner
Educational Leader
Standard 4: Program Administration
Managing Information resources: Selecting, Organizing, Using
Managing Program Resources: Human, Financial, Physical
Comprehensive and Collaborative Strategic Planning and Assessment
Internship Experiences (2 years, 200 field hours, 42 graduate credit hours, 14 Different Media Centers of
all free lunch percentages, the local public library, and two Columbus State University Libraries):
Cataloging- I successfully completed the actual processing from reviewing donations or orders,
entering in destiny, creating labels in excel, labeling and adding card holders, stamping, and shelving and
creating MARC Records. 20 hours
Shelving- This is an everyday procedure in every school if the media center is used regularly and
effectively. I found that if you put some away every hour there is less to do at the end of the day, but
some schools save all till the end of the day and have parent and student helpers to come in and help
with shelving. 25 hours
Ordering- Follett’s Title wave, BTSB, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Junior Library Guild, Baker and
Taylor Reviewing using Amazon, School Library Journal, Bookmarks Magazine, Horn on-line, ALA, AASL.
15 hours
Desk Service- In all the effective Media Centers, Academic Libraries, and Local Libraries I worked
in constantly were at the desk using the computers for Checking in, Checking out, Looking up Books,
Zeroing books out, Inventory, Cataloging, and looking up fees for at least 5 hours per day. Most students
2nd grade and higher checked in and out their own books and performed their own searches with little
help and some guidance. 70 hours
Research Assistance- 10 Instructional presentations understanding Dewey Decimal
classifications and how to perform scholarly and critical research searches using Polaris at the Public
Library and Destiny for the School Media Centers, with Google and Galileo. 30 hours
Technology Support- Helped several teachers, students, and other media specialists trouble
shooting laptops, computers, tablets, software, Smart boards, programs; showed teachers useful
applications and internet sites for helping technology integration in their classrooms; also helped
teachers understand Class works, Book Talks, Presentations, and understanding Smart Boards. I fixed the
camera and input output for the students’ news broadcast for Fox Elementary School. 30 hours
Book Fair-Scholastic book fair in two schools for two weeks and Barnes and Noble book fair
table. 26 hours
Book Search or games- Critical Scholarly research instructional using Destiny, Google, and
Galileo, Parts of the book interactive game, on-line games, Destiny, Polaris, and IPod and I Pad
applications. 36 hours
Directions for computer use- Monitor and help with AR tests; helping students in classes and
with personal book searches using Destiny; Internet Research class using Galileo and Google, High
School Virtual Classroom, and Bring Your Own Technology policy creation including Fair Use, Internet
Safety Policies, and Cyber bulling Application; and monitor and motivate classes, reinforce policies while
using the media center computers and the computer labs. 20 hours
Rules/regulations for library use and other management materials- Creating Laptop policies and
BYOT policies, Dailey reinforcing rules and regulations for students and teachers in use of the media
center. 30 hours
Weeding- Discard 8 boxes of books, Inventory, Repairing Textbooks, Cleaning out Textbook
room, and other every day during circulation. 30 hours
Class presentations for over 10 different classes from research (Destiny, Galileo, Google), Dewey
Decimal System, Story Times, Book Talks 25 hours
Special projects- Columbus Public Library Summer reading program celebrating animals in books
and people around the world, Popsicles on the Playground cooperation with school and local libraries,
Rebuilding the library at the Alternative High School with CALA (Columbus Area Library Association) and
building up their library collections. I sponsored a fundraising gift wrap table at our local Books a Million.
I also helped bring in Library Media Specialists to our local CALA group by creating a brochure and
speaking to them at their yearly School District meeting. 20 hours
Purchasing procedures- We were always reviewing new books and trying to bring back to
popularity the classics using Follett’s Title wave, BTSB, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Junior Library Guild,
Baker and Taylor Reviewing using Amazon, School Library Journal, Bookmarks Magazine, Horn on-line,
ALA, AASL. 30 hours
Instructional Services- I Pad applications, BYOT PowerPoint and Policy, Dewey presentations, 5
different Book talks on new novels, cyber bullying applications, Parts of the book interactive PowerPoint
games, Laptop log sheet, Signs and Pictures for Dewey shelves and poster for media center, Galileo and
Destiny scholarly research search instructional, Apple TV PowerPoint and Photo story, and helped 10
teachers by presenting and teaching their classes. 40 hours
Book talks, story time- Lady Bug Girl book talk with 4 elementary classes at Fox Elementary, Go
Dog Go book talk and story time with Olmsted’s Pre-K class at Double Churches Elementary Six Photo
Story Book Teasers at Veterans Middle, Blackmon Middle, and Harris County High Schools. 25 hours.
Work with a teacher or student on a research project- I worked with several teachers fixing their
computers and Smart boards, I helped students with book reports, class presentations, and research
projects. Specific Examples for whole classes were: Pre-K presentation in media center for Go Dog Go,
worked with a teacher, Cathlina Olmsted, and worked with a 7th grade class at Blackmon Middle School
researching Savannah, GA with Google and Galileo; and then making a brochure with Microsoft office
Word or PowerPoint. 20 hours
Professional Development- 9 CALA meetings, 3 different School District meeting for media
specialists, 4 Cluster Meetings, 2 Technology meetings, 6 hour Day of the Media Specialist meeting for
the State of Georgia at Buena Vista High School. 17 hours
Participate in media listserv with CALA, GAIT Como event, local events, fundraisers, special
projects like recruiting school media specialists, and received the CALA Text Book Award in 2011. 20
Design and complete reading group activities for Veterans Middle School and Blackmon Middle
School Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl groups meetings, review, mock competition, rules and procedures,
and two book talks. 10 hours
Emily Railey
School Library
Media Internship
2 years
200 Hours
76-100 % ESL
Percent of free lunch
Percent of free lunch
Percent of free lunch
Percent of free lunch
Muscogee County
Calvary Christian
Double Churches
River Road Elementary
Allen Elementary
Downtown Elementary
Fox Elementary
Calvary Christian
Double Churches
River Road Elementary
Downtown Elementary
Fox Elementary
River Road Elementary
Double Churches 2.0
Allen Elementary 7.1
Double Churches 2.0
Blackmon Middle School
Midland Middle School
Veterans Middle School
Double Churches Middle
Rothschild Middle
Double Churches Middle
Harris County High
Columbus High School
Hardaway High School
Spencer High School
Spencer High School 3.5