JAP102 Self-Study – Vocabulary Task V Vooccaabbuullaarryy S Sttrraatteeggiieess:: There are many ways in which one can learn vocabulary. What might work for one person may not be as successful for another. There are many useful sights that can help you develop a strategy to help you learn new vocabulary more effectively. Many of you may have used a log or notebook to write down new words and their meanings, however these days there are a variety of new methods which can help you acquire new words more effectively, consider these strategies: Read a lot of Japanese texts (cartoons, easy readers, books, newspapers, magazines, etc.) and try to guess the meanings of new words. Do you know where the Japanese cartoons are at the MLLC in the Lingnan library? Decide which new words are important to learn in more detail (choose words that are commonly used and therefore, which are useful) Check the meaning and examples of new words that appear important Keep records of new words and jot down important information, such as different meanings, examples of usage, parts of speech, synonyms & antonyms. Review your records regularly to help you remember new words Try to use the newly learned words when speaking or writing Practice your Japanese characters with these online sites: http://subsite.icu.ac.jp/jlp/basic/index.htm http://tisc.isc.u-toyama.ac.jp/self/quiz_hiragana.html http://tisc.isc.u-toyama.ac.jp/self/quiz_katakana.html Practice typing Japanese on your computer with these online http://www.autopenhosting.org/unicode/type-Japanese.html http://www.coscom.co.jp/learnjapanese801/howtotypejapanese.html http://tisc.isc.u-toyama.ac.jp/self/quiz_typing.html Test your Hiragana and Katakana characters with online quizzes: http://www.hucc.hokudai.ac.jp/~p16537/nihongo/index.html http://www.mapquiz.net/hk/ http://genki.japantimes.co.jp/site/self/site/gakusyu/hiragana2.html http://genki.japantimes.co.jp/site/self/site/gakusyu/katakana2.html Use online websites practicing vocabulary and reading: http://www.kantango.com/ http://language.tiu.ac.jp/tools_e.html http://www.popjisyo.com/WebHint/Portal_e.aspx http://nihongo.j-talk.com/kanji/ http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/~kitade/links.htm In addition to these you may also try these common vocabulary learning methods: 1. Write the words on post it notes and stick them somewhere you will see them everyday. 2. Link the word to something in your mind, for example a word that sounds similar, a person or event...you can even make up a song. 3. Draw a small picture to help you recall the word—visualize it. 4. Say the word aloud, making sure to check its pronunciation in a dictionary. 5. Work with a partner and learn an equal number of words each week. Test each other and keep scores. 6. Keep a handy vocabulary book or cards with you and revise it whenever you have some free time. 7. Use your dictionaryeffectively, make sure you choose the correct meaning and usage of the new word. VOCABULARY Worksheet Record your 30 new words below: New word (in Hiragana or Katakana) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Japanese Kanji (if any) Pronunciation ( in Romanization) Translation in English 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.