Grade 7 Science & Technology Curriculum Overview

Science & Technology – The Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8 (2007 – Revised)
Grade 7: Strands in the Science & Technology Curriculum:
This course will provide students with an understanding of important science concepts, processes, and ideas. Emphasis will be
placed on higher order thinking skills and developing an ability to solve problems and apply scientific principles. The science
and technology expectations are organized into four strands, which are the major areas of knowledge and skills in the science
and technology curriculum. The four strands, which combine topics from science and technology, are:
1. Understanding Life Systems: Interactions In The Environment:
Overview: The study of ecosystems is an introduction to the study of ecology and involves investigation of the complex
interactions between all types of organisms and their environment. Students will learn that ecosystems consist of communities
of plants and animals that are dependent on each other as well as on the non-living parts of the environment. In investigating
ecosystems, students will examine the effect of natural factors, such as climate changes, as well as the impact of technological
changes on the environment.
Overall Expectations: By the end of Grade 7, students will:
a) Assess the impacts of human activities and technologies on the environment, and evaluate ways of controlling these
b) Investigate interactions within the environment, and identity factors that affect the balance between different components
of an ecosystem
c) Demonstrate an understanding of the effects interactions between and among biotic and abiotic elements in the
2. Understanding Matter and Energy: Pure Substances and Mixtures
Overview: By exploring the distinction between pure substances (e.g., copper, sugar) and mechanical mixtures and solutions,
students will come to recognize that most matter is either a solution or a mechanical mixture – including most foods and drinks,
many medicines, cosmetics, building materials, cleaning agents, and so on. Through experiments, students will learn to
distinguish between mixtures and solutions, discover many of their characteristics, and come to understand their uses and
importance in daily life. Introduction of a scientific model (the particle theory) used to describe the particulate nature of
matter will provide a conceptual bases for students’ learning in this area.
Overall Expectations: By the end of Grade 7, students will:
a) Evaluate the social and environmental impacts of the use and disposal of pure substances and mixtures;
b) Investigate properties and application of pure substances and mixtures;
c) Demonstrate an understanding of the properties of pure substances and mixtures, and describe these characteristics using
the particle theory.
3. Understanding Earth and Space Systems: Heat in the Environment
Overview: Students will learn about the causes and effects of heat. They will investigate its properties and how these are
related to the measurement of temperature. Students will also be introduced to the particle theory, which can help them to
explain their observations and to understand both the relationship between heat and temperature and the concept of heat
Overall Expectations: By the end of Grade 7, students will:
a) Assess the costs and benefits of technologies that reduce heat loss or heat-related impacts on the environment;
b) Investigate ways in which heat changes substances, and describe how heat is transferred;
c) Demonstrate and understanding of heat as a form of energy that is associated with movement of particles and is essential to
many processes within the earth’s systems.
4. Understanding Structures and Mechanisms: Form & Function:
Overview: Students will learn more about the effects of forces that act on and within different structural forms. They will
continue to investigate how different structural forms support or withstand loads by designing, building, and testing solid (or
mass) structures, shell structures, and frame structures.
Overall Expectations: By the end of Grade 7, students will:
a) Analyse personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that need to be considered in designing and building
structures and devices;
b) Design and construct a variety of structures, and investigate the relationship between the design and function of these
structures and the forces that act on them;
c) Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between structural forms and the forces that act on and within them.
Science Grading Policy:
A student’s grade is a composite of laboratory work, class work (including worksheets & BLMs), quizzes, and tests. Each
component is an integral part of the academic grade and subsequently a good education. Each assignment will be assigned a
percentage grade (see below). Laboratory work, class work, and quizzes have (about) equal weight, while tests will count as a
double grade.
Grading Scale:
90 – 100 % A+
80 – 89 % A
70 – 79 % B
60 – 69 % C
50 – 59 % D
Assignments Policy
All assignments will be submitted on time in order to receive full mark. Late work may be accepted, at a reduced mark (- 5%).
The exception will be those assignments turned in with a “late note” attached. These “late notes” will be accepted one day late
and will receive full mark. All late work must be completed and submitted to the teacher even if it does not receive a mark.
Students should take home their science notebooks each night and read over their notes, and lab activities. Students should
also consult their calendars in order to study for quizzes and tests.
When you are absent YOU are responsible for getting any class notes from another student in your class. Be sure to have at
least two homework buddies in the class. Make sure you see me on the first day you are back for any handouts or missed
assignments. If you are absent for a quiz or test, you must make it up on the following Day. If you do not show up on the
following Day to make-up the assignment, you will receive a ZERO percent on the quiz, or test. Please see me if you have
any problems with the makeup day.
Communication between home and school is very important. I encourage you to attend the Parents’ Night (Curriculum
Evening) to learn more about the curriculum and the expectations. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at
school. I look forward to working with you to provide your child with a rewarding science experience.
E. Yarow
Science Teacher
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Grade 7 - Science & Technology – Course Description
I have read and discussed this note with my child regarding the Science course, policies and procedures.
Student’s Name: __________________________________
Date: ___________________________________
Parent’s Signature: __________________________ Parent’s E-mail (Optional): __________________________