west meeting minutes here

West Board Membership Meeting Minutes 9-6-2014
Gillette Wyoming
Called order: 11:40 a.m.
Secretary’s Report
Motion to approve the secretary’s report by Bethany 2nd Audrey motion carries
Treasurer Report
Balance as of 8/31/14
Checking $4,128.21
Savings $8,332.33
Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Audrey 2nd Zach motion carries
Casper College
Looking for more things you would want for classes for directors/coaches via webinar
Webinar-live video feed questions may be sent in before hand
Classes may be done once a month
Looking at having this count for PTSB or certification
Zach believes they will be free
Let Zach know if there is a content area or questions you want covered
8.4.48 MAKE-UP:
• Make-up is divided into two categories: realistic and fantasy (non-realistic).
• Realistic is defined as a human face, which may have natural or inherited deformities or injuries. Example:
injuries include bruises, cuts, scars, burns, wounds, etc.
• Fantasy (non-realistic) is defined as a human face, which has been transformed into something non- human.
Example: animal, inanimate object, alien, mythical creatures, and horror, etc.
• Artist should be prepared to verbally defend design choices. The individual characters design is based on the
designer's character concept. The character is created by the student based on the limits of the event.
• Entry Limitations, Each school may enter a maximum of:
2 First year Realistic Make-up
2 First year Fantasy Make-up
2 Second year Realistic Make-up
2 Second year Fantasy Make-up
4 Third year Realistic Make-up
4 Third year Fantasy Make-up
4 Fourth year Realistic Make-up
4 Fourth year Fantasy Make-up
All prosthetics must be student made and can be created before the competition. (Prosthetics A three dimensional, artificial substitute for an added part of the facial features.) An exception of handmade
prosthetics is as follows: wigs, teeth, eyelashes, and contacts. (1st and 2nd year makeup designs may have bought
• Design: The student must work from a completed Character Design/Analysis Form, which includes two parts, (1.
The Make-up Design Worksheet. 2. The Make-up Analysis Worksheet), which will be provided in the registration
• Oral Critiques: Critiques will follow application times.
• Only report covers with three brads and pockets are to be used. No Three Ring Binders!
• 1st year:
Completed straight make-up that changes the structure of the models face by use of two dimensional
makeup. (ie making the model have a rounder face than normal)
o Make up design is for one actor or model (the age of the character is not to exceed 19 years of age), full
front and profile, artist MUST use the
o Artist MUST use the character design form and design concept form provided in the registration packet.
Place paperwork in an 8 1/2" x 11" report covers.
o Any research done on the techniques used and or the type of character
o Reference pictures which pertain to the design for a make-up
o At least one picture showing what the model originally looked like
o List of materials
o Artist cannot use prosthetics or applied facial hair. Apply make-up to a model or self. Application time will
be one hour.
o Character must be from a play
• 2nd year:
Completed aged (50 years or older). Make-up design for one character, full front and profile.
Artist MUST use the character design form and design concept form provided in the registration packet.
Place paperwork in an 8 1/2" x 11" report covers.
o Any research done on the techniques used and or the type of character
o Reference pictures which pertain to the design for a make-up
o At least one picture showing what the model originally looked like
o List of materials
o Pictures showing the process of creating any prosthetics used
o The artist may use prosthetics and/or apply facial hair.
o Apply make-up to a model or self. Application time will be one and one-half hours.
o Character must be from a play
o Prosthetics may be bought or student made
• 3rd year:
Completed a mulage, disease or malformation (may be any age), full front and profile.
Artist MUST use the character design form and design concept form provided in the registration packet.
Place paperwork in an 8 1/2" x 11" report covers.
o Any research done on the techniques used and or the type of wounds the character has.
o Reference pictures which pertain to the design for a make-up
o At least one picture showing what the model originally looked like
o List of materials
o Pictures showing the process of creating any prosthetics used
o The artist may use prosthetics and/or apply facial hair.
o Apply make-up to a model or self. Application time will be one and one-half hours.
o Character may be from a play or self created
o If character is self created analysis sheet needs to give a background of the character
o Prosthetics must be student made
• 4th year:
Completed corrective or straight make-up design for one character, (may be any age and may have any
diseases or wounds if so desired), full front and profile. Significantly changes the original facial structure
using prosthetics.
o Artist MUST use the character design form and design concept form provided in the registration packet.
Place paperwork in an 8 1/2" x 11" report covers.
o Any research done on the techniques used and or the type of wounds the character has.
o Reference pictures which pertain to the design for a make-up
o At least one picture showing what the model originally looked like
o List of materials
o Pictures showing the process of creating any prosthetics used
o The artist may use prosthetics and/or apply facial hair.
o Apply make-up to a model or self. Application time will be one and one-half hours.
o Prosthetics must be student made
FANTASY MAKE-UP (non-realistic)
• 1st year:
Completed make-up design for one character using two dimensional makeup, full front and profile.
Artist MUST use the character design form and design concept form provided in the registration packet.
Place paperwork in an 8 1/2" x 11" report covers.
o Any research done on the techniques used and or the type of character
o Reference pictures which pertain to the design for a make-up
o At least one picture showing what the model originally looked like
o List of materials
o Prosthetics maybe bought or student made
o Artist cannot use prosthetics or applied facial hair. Apply make-up to a model or self. Application time will
be one hour.
• 2nd year:
Completed make-up design based on turning the human form into an animal object.
Artist MUST use the character design form and design concept form provided in the registration packet.
Place paperwork in an 8 1/2" x 11" report covers.
o Any research done on the techniques used and or the type of object
o Reference pictures which pertain to the design for a make-up
o At least one picture showing what the model originally looked like
o List of materials
o The artist may use prosthetics and/or apply facial hair.
o Apply make-up to a model or self. Application time will be one and one-half hours.
o Prosthetics may be bought or student made
• 3rd year:
Completed make-up design for one mythological character, full front and profile.
Artist MUST use the character design form and design concept form provided in the registration packet.
Place paperwork in an 8 1/2" x 11" report covers.
o Any research done on the techniques used and or the type of object
o Reference pictures which pertain to the design for a make-up
o At least one picture showing what the model originally looked like
o List of materials
o The artist may use prosthetics and/or apply facial hair.
o Apply make-up to a model or self. Application time will be two hours.
o Prosthetics must be student made
• 4th year:
Completed make-up design for one character, full front, and profile. This character is to be a combination
of an inanimate object and a specific type of creature selected for that years competition. (To find this
year's challenge look in the current state packet)
Artist MUST use the character design form and design concept form provided in the registration packet.
Place paperwork in an 8 1/2" x 11" report covers.
Any research done on the techniques used and or the type of object
Reference pictures which pertain to the design for a make-up
At least one picture showing what the model originally looked like
List of materials
The artist may use prosthetics and/or apply facial hair.
Apply make-up to a model or self. Apply make-up to a model or self. Application time will be two hours.
Prosthetics must be student made
Motion to accept all the rules as written for 8.4.48 for 2015and giving the board to ability to edit the
language by Terrin 2nd Audrey
WEST Scholarship
Who to offer it to
Should we allow students should go to kids outside Wyoming.
The original idea was to support Wyoming colleges but what about the kids that go
Terrin- have two separate at least one for out of state and a handful for instate
Change language to preference in state but out is optional
When doing a letter for kids for the WEST Scholarship
Motion that we adjourn by Audrey 2nd Merlin 2:10 p.m.