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Mrs. Hays’ Classroom Rules
Bring All Needed Materials to Class
Be in Your Seat and Ready to Work when the Bell Rings
Respect and be Polite to All People
Listen and Stay Seated when Someone is Talking
General Procedures
A. Beginning-of-period
1. Attendance Check: While the teacher calls role, write down your daily
agenda, which will be written on the board or overhead, and raise your
hand when your name is called.
2. Previously Absent Students: Pick up previous assignment from the daily
assignment folder hanging on the wall. Turn in make-up work in the
make-up work tray.
3. Tardy Students: As you walk into the classroom, present your tardy slip
and be seated. We will discuss your tardy quietly at my desk during classwork or after class.
4. Expected Student Behavior: Please be polite towards your teacher and
peers; for example, raise your hand to answer questions, not jumping in on
a fellow classmates’s question. Please be quiet during instruction. Please
do not wear hats, brush hair or apply make-up in class. Do not use
profanity, throw things, sit in an unassigned seat, or write on desks or
in textbooks.
B. Materials and Equipment
1. What to bring to class: Always bring a writing utensil, paper, and your
notebook. If a textbook is assigned or novel, please have it with you the
day needed.
2. Pencil Sharpener: Please sharpen your pencil before class begins. If you
need to sharpen during class, raise your hand, and I will give you a
sharpened one. One-at-a-time may sharpen pencils during seatwork,
which reduces time wasting.
3. Asking to go to the restroom and locker: Please do not ask to leave
class unless it is an emergency. Bonus points will be given to those who
don’t interrupt class.
4. Student Contact with Teacher’s Desk, Storage, other Materials:
Please do not place anything or take anything from the teacher’s desk such
as make-up work or other items because they could be lost.
5. Ending the Period: Please do not pack up materials until the bell rings.
You may have a daily lesson quiz during the last five to ten minutes of
class; therefore, it is imperative that you are not talking and have quick
access to pen and paper. Do not talk during announcements or line up at
the door before the bell rings.
C. Instructional Procedures
1. Student Attention: Please give your undivided attention to your teacher
and fellow classmates. If you daydream or sleep, you not only miss out on
important information, you lose participation points as well.
2. Student Participation: Please do not hesitate to participate in individual
questioning or group discussions. Even if you don’t know the answer, you
will earn class participation points for trying.
D. Seatwork Procedures
1. Talk among Students: You will be able to talk to your peers during class
and group discussion. Please do not talk while the teacher is talking or
during individual questioning.
2. Obtaining Help: During individual questioning or class work time, you
may raise your hand and wait to be called on by the teacher for assistance.
During group work, you may obtain help from fellow classmates. This
keeps instruction and guidance flowing in an orderly manner.
3. Out-of-Seat: When you are out of your seat, working on a special
project, please keep your work area neat and place in-class materials
where they belong after use.
4. When Seatwork is Completed: When you finish your assignment, begin
working on your homework or move on to next task. .
Accountability Procedures
A. Grading Policy: 100-90A, 89-80 B, 79-70 C, 69-60 D, Below 60 F
B. The Components of my Grading System and Weight or Percentage for
each component: daily work 100, quizzes 100, tests 200, class participation
100, note-taking 100, homework 100, and writings 200. These components
are worth 85% of the total grade. The final exam will be worth 15% of the
Procedures established for make-up work
1. Time for completion: If absent one day, 1 extra day to turn in assignments, 2
day excuse, 2 days to turn in assignments and so forth.
2. In same tray as daily work with day of absence written on assignment.
3. Help for absentees: Before school or after school tutoring.
Note: With the exception of AP English and English Transitions IV, English III
students will have a grammar text to take home for ACT reference. I will not ask them to
carry a literature book to class. We will keep them in class. Most stories and essays can
be found on-line for make-up work, and literature books may be checked out for make-up
work or homework. However, if you wish for your child to have a literature book for
home, he or she may be assigned one for the year.
I_______________________ and my parent or guardian_______________________are
Student Signature
Parent Signature
aware of and understand the rules and procedures in Ms. Hays’ English class.