Bristnall Hall Academy – Pupil Premium 2013/14 The Pupil Premium Grant Pupil Premium is a Government initiative that provides funding aimed at pupils from deprived backgrounds. Research shows that pupils from deprived backgrounds underachieve compared to their non‐deprived peers. The Pupil Premium grant is provided in order to support these pupils in reaching their potential by accelerating their progress. Pupil Premium Grant – report 2013/14 Bristnall Hall Academy received additional Pupil Premium funding as outlined below. No of students on roll 930 No of students eligible for PPG 374 Value of PPG received per student 900 Total value of PPG 336,000 Use of Pupil Premium Grant At Bristnall Hall Academy the Pupil Premium grant is used to provide educational support, wherever it is required, to improve the progress and raise the achievement for these students, to narrow and close the gap between the achievement of these students and their peers. A range of provision and support was directed at Pupil Premium students. Interventions 2013-2014 Provision Allocation Smaller Class sizes - To improve teaching and Learning in English/Maths. English 1:1 provision - Intensive individual tuition to raise Literacy levels. Maths 1:1 provision - Intensive individual tuition to raise Numeracy levels. MFL 1:1 provision - Intensive individual tuition to raise Literacy levels. Humanities 1:1 provision - Intensive individual tuition to raise Literacy levels. Accelerated Reading - Targeted Literacy intervention to close gap. Reading Club - Literacy intervention during am registration. STAR group - Small group Literacy catch up intervention to close the gap. Computer Club - Literacy intervention during am registration. MFL Residential Support - Subsidy for targeted students to attend Residential. Maths Enable Set 4 - Small group Numeracy intervention to close the gap. Academic Coaches – Academic coaches in English Mathematics and Science. Learning Mentors - To support students both academically and pastorally. £90,000 Support 1:1 Counselling - Trained counsellor support for students with emotional needs. Support from Home Academy Liaison Officer. WBA Attendance Monitoring - To improve attendance of targeted students and PA students. Learning Support Unit - To support students who have difficulties in main stream schooling and/or particular lessons, or have behavioural/emotional issues. Allocation £15,000 £5000 £1500 £20,000 £2000 £500 £24,960 £95,285 £28,841 £3000 £5000 £9000 £48,992 OTHER Assessment for Learning – Progress sheets Duke of Edinburgh Attendance – Travel support Drama club Work Experience Design and Technology - Financial support for practical sessions Music tuition Assessment for Learning – Supporting KAT books and students feedback Resources for Pupil Premium and Pastoral Allocation £300 £2113.65 £500 £500 £100 £1000 £180 £2000 £290 Total £356,061.65 Impact of the Pupil Premium Grant The evidence gathered through the school’s self-evaluation process and data analysis, has shown that Pupil Premium intervention strategies have been successful and have had a positive impact on closing the gap and improving the progress, standards and achievement of those students entitled to the additional funds. Attainment and Progress Summary analysis of Key Stage 4 performance data for Pupil Premium students compared with the rest of their peers: 2013 All Students (189) Pupil Premium (44) Non Pupil Premium (145) Gap 2014 All Students (188) Pupil Premium (69) Non Pupil Premium (119) Gap % 5 A*-C inc EM English % A* - C Maths % A* - C 50.8% 36.4% 55.2% -18.8% 57.7% 43.2% 62.1% -18.9% 65.1% 50.0% 69.7% -19.7% % 5 A*-C inc EM English % A* - C Maths % A* - C 44.7% 39.1% 47.9% -8.8% 59.6% 50.0% 64.7% -14.7% 55.9% 45.6% 62.2% -16.6% English % 3 Levels Progress 59.3% 45.5% 63.4% -17.9% Maths % 3 Levels Progress 61.4% 50.0% 64.8% -14.8% English % 3 Levels Progress 69.1% 68.1% 70.6% -2.5% Maths % 3 Levels Progress 63.8% 63.8% 63.9% 0.1% NA% 5 A*-C inc EM 58.6 42% 68% The gap between pupil premium and non-pupil premium achieving 3 levels progress has significantly narrowed in English and Mathematics. Year 11 English pupil premium students out performed non-pupil premium students. 34.8% of pupil premium students achieved 4 levels progress in comparison to 30.3% of non-pupil premium students achieving 4 levels progress. Year 11 Mathematics pupil premium students out performed non-pupil premium students. 29% of pupil premium students achieved 4 levels progress in comparison to 21.8% of non-pupil premium students achieving 4 levels progress. 52% of pupil premium students achieved 5 A*-C grades GCSEs. Pupil premium students performed well, achieving A*-C grades in some GCSE option subjects – History – 70.6%; Art – 77.8%; Child Development – 62.5%;Textiles – 64.3%. Attendance Academy attendance has improved every year since 2010 and 2014 figures 94.1% attendance and 8.9% PA. The Academy % attendance and PA is below national average. However this figure is improving and the gap is closing. The Academy employs an Academy Engagement and Liaison Tutor and WBA Attendance Coach who work with a caseload of students to improve levels of attendance and reduce PA. The Academy will continue to develop strategies for improvement, focussing on target groups within each year group. 2013-14 Year group Pupil Premium Y7 95.8% 94.5% Y8 95.4% 94.2% Y9 93.2% 90.9% *Data range 3/9/13-23/5/14 when all students across the academy expected to attend. Y10 93.4% 91.2% Y11 93.3% 91.0% Y7-11 94.2% 92.2%