T2_W1 - Teacherpage

Term 2—Week 1—Reading 8—Bell Ringers—Conine, Halat, Stewart,
1g: The student will analyze and evaluate vocabulary usage based on appropriateness for context and purpose.
1. Elvira has written the following sentence.
Because I am a conscientious employee with a renowned status, I am able to make high revenue with my teaching
What does Elvira need to do correct an error in appropriate word choice?
A. change conscientious to connoisseur
B. change renowned to legendary
C. change revenue to income
D. change position to place
Exit ticket—Which word has a positive connation: persistent or
1c: The student will apply knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms to evaluate word choices in a
variety of texts.
2. Select the pair below that does represent a pair of synonyms.
A. languish—weak
B. accord—disagreement
C. connoisseur—novice
D. renown—unknown
Exit ticket— What does the word languorous mean?___________________________________
1d: The student will use context clues to infer the meanings of unfamiliar words or phrases in unfamiliar grade
level appropriate text.
3. Read the following sentence.
They are quite conscientious about not taking advantage of the goodwill of professionals.
Based upon the context in the sentence, which choice will the reader infer as the meaning of conscientious?
A. irresponsible
B. inconsiderate
C. thoughtless
D. careful
Exit ticket— What does the word adversely mean?___________________________________
1e: The student will apply knowledge of figurative language to evaluate author’s intent.
4. Read the following sentence.
My mother thought the real me had been abducted by aliens when I cleaned my room of my own accord.
Which of the following is the meaning of the idiom of one’s own accord in this sentence?
A. without being asked
B. after arguing tremendously
C. while singing and dancing
D. before leaving for practice
Exit ticket— Write an example of an idiom. ________________________________________
1f. The student will apply knowledge of reference materials to evaluate word choice in a variety of texts and to
determine and infer meaning.
Read the following dictionary entry.
liable n. 1. legally responsible. 2. subject to or susceptible. 3. likely or apt.
Based upon the dictionary entry, which of the following sentences does not use the word liable correctly?
A. He is liable to be found at the library after school lets out each day.
B. When a baby is born premature, he or she is more liable to catch infection.
C. If I were to leave my class unattended, I could be held liable for anything that happens.
D. Most of her teachers considered her liable because she could always be counted on.