Module 4 lesson 5-Sarahs lunch task

I can solve word problems
involving the division of whole
numbers with answers in the
form of fractions or whole
 Fluency
 Whole group-word problems using tape diagrams from
yesterday to multiply whole numbers
 Sarah’s Lunch Task
 Exit Ticket
9 ÷ 30 =
28 ÷ 40 =
18 ÷ 60 =
63 ÷ 70 =
24 ÷ 80 =
63 ÷ 90 =
13/2 =
8/3 =
13/3 =
15/4 =
 Person with the longest hair- Task manager. This means, make sure
everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing.
 Shortest hair- Time keeper. Make sure you solve the problem within
the amount of time I have given you!
 Tallest person- Spokes person. You will be talking for your group! Make
sure you know how to explain your group’s solution path.
 Youngest person- Responsibility. You make sure everyone has a chance
to discuss their solution path.
 Shortest person-Encourager. POSITIVITY!! Make sure you keep
everyone positive
 Private think time- This is your independent time to
really make sense of the problem. What is the task
asking you to do?
 Small group- You will talk with a buddy at your table
group about your solution path. Compare your
strategy with your buddy and see how they are
similar and different.
 Whole group- Let’s talk about this together!
 You are to complete this independently! This is
going to show me what you know
 It should not take you longer than 5 minutes.
 If you finish before I am ready to collect them, I
want you to create your own word problem on the
back of the exit ticket. Be creative!
 What did we learn how to do today?
 When might this be important in our daily lives?
 What is something we
 What is something you
did today that you feel
confident about?
would like more help
with after today’s