S.NO VLSI (B.Tech.) Projects Titles(2014-2015) HDL 1 Design of FIR Filter Design Based on Faithfully Rounded Truncated MCM VERILOG 2 Implementation of JPEG2000 using DWT VERILOG 3 FPGA implementation of multi operand redundant adders VERILOG 4 Multi bit Flip-Flop design for Area efficiency VERILOG 5 MDC FFT/IFFT Processor With Variable Length VERILOG 6 Built in generation of functional broadside tests using a fixed hardware structure VERILOG 7 Constant and high speed adder design using QSD number system VERILOG 8 Digital-Serial FIR Filter Algorithms, Architecture and a CAD Tool VERILOG 9 A Common Boolean Logic(CBL) implementation for modified CSLA VERILOG 10 High speed vedic multiplier using barrel shifter VERILOG 11 Comparative analysis and optimization of active power and delay of 1-bit full adder at 45nm technology BACK END 12 A new approach to design fault coverage circuit with efficient hardware utilization for testing applications VERILOG 13 Design of Parallel Carry-Save Pipelined RSFQ Multiplier VERILOG 14 Single phase clock distribution using VLSI technology for low power VERILOG 15 Design and implementation of efficient Quaternary Signed Digit Multiplier VERILOG 16 High Speed FPGA implementation of FIR Filters for DSP Applications VERILOG 17 Design and implementation of Floating Point Multiplier based on Vedic Multiplication Technique VERILOG 18 A Novel Approach for parallel CRC generation FOR High Speed Application. VERILOG 19 High speed Modified Booth Encoder multiplier for signed and unsigned numbers. VERILOG 20 Design and Simulation of 32-Point FFT Using Radix-2 Algorithm for FPGA Implementation. VERILOG 21 Efficient VLSI Implementation of DES and Triple DES Algorithm with Cipher Block Chaining concept using Verilog and FPGA VERILOG 22 Implementation of an Efficient Multiplier based on Urdhva Tiryakbhyam Sutra VERILOG 23 A Floating point Fused Dot Product Unit VERILOG 24 Implementation of Power Efficient Vedic Multiplier using DBNS VERILOG 25 LUT Optimization for Memory-Based Computation Area Efficient parallel FIR Digital Filter Structures for Symmetric Convolution based on Fast FIR Algorithm VERILOG 26 VERILOG 27 Measurement and evaluation of power analysis attacks on Asynchronous S-Box. VERILOG 28 High Speed Booth Encoded Multiplier to Minimize the Computation time VERILOG 29 Design Of Area Optimized AES 128 Algorithm Using Mix column Transformation. 30 VLSI design Of a Digital Clock Using GALS Technique VERILOG 31 Efficient Weighted Pattern Generation Technique with Low Hardware Overhead VERILOG 32 SCA-FF and SCAh-FF design for single cycle access test VERILOG 33 34 35 Design and implementation of a high performance multiplier using HDL A VLSI Implementation of Modulo Multiplier By Using Radix-8 Modified Booth Algorithm Platform-Independent Customizable UART Soft-Core A Parallel Multiplier Accumulator Based On Radix 4 Modified Booth Algorithms by Using Spurious Power Suppression Technique VERILOG 37 Using Self-Immunity Technique 64-bit Register File Immunity Improvement VERILOG 38 A Novel Nanometric Parity Preserving Reversible Vedic Multiplier VERILOG 39 High Speed 3D DWT VLSI Architecture for Image Processing Using Lifting Based wavelet Transform VERILOG 40 Pulse Triggered Flip-Flop Design for low power BACK END 41 Faster and Low Power Twin Precision Multiplier VERILOG 42 Design and Analysis of Low Power Parallel Prefix VLSI Adder VERILOG 43 44 45 46 FPGA Implementation of Booth’s and Baugh- Wooley Multiplier Implementation of Area Efficient 16bit Adder in FPGA Reliable and Higher Throughput Anti-Collision Technique for RFID UHF Tag Implementation of Bus Bridge between AHB and OCP VERILOG 47 VLSI Implementation of OLS encoders VERILOG 48 49 Implementation of OFDM System using IFFT and FFT An Efficient FPGA implementation of Double Precision floating Point Multiplier 50 FPGA Based High Speed Parallel Cyclic Redundancy Check VERILOG 51 High speed carry save multiplier based linear convolution using Vedic mathematics VERILOG 52 FPGA Implementation of 2-D DCT Architecture for JPEG Image Compression VERILOG 53 Performance Evaluation of Complex Multiplier Using Advance Algorithm 54 Design of High Speed Vedic Square by using Vedic Multiplication Techniques VERILOG 55 Realization of Basic Gates Using MUX in CMOS Design BACK END 56 A Verilog Model of Universal Scalable Binary Sequence Detector VERILOG 57 Hardware modeling of binary coded decimal adder in field programmable gate array VERILOG 58 High-Performance High-Valency Ling Adders VERILOG 59 Short Bit-Width Twos Complement Multipliers VERILOG 60 Design and Implementation of Two Variable Multiplier Using KCM and Vedic Mathematics. VERILOG 36 VHDL VERILOG VHDL VERILOG VERILOG VERILOG VHDL VHDL VHDL VHDL