Guidelines for Registering or Renewing a Student Organization

Registering a New Student Organization
or Renewing an Existing Student
In this section:
 What does it mean to be a Registered Student
 What does it mean to be an SGA-recognized
 Completing the application for registration/renewal
 Completing the Advisor Agreement
 Getting your application approved
If you are interested in creating a new student group on campus, you will
need to become a Registered Student Organization (RSO) Please review the
“Guidelines to Become a Registered Student Organization” found here.
Becoming a Registered Student Organization will allow your group access to
many resources within the Stamp Student Union and across campus,
including the option to register your group with the Student Government
Association. Be sure to check the requirements for becoming an RSO,
including meeting minimum membership requirements, creating a
constitution, and finding a faculty advisor.
If you are already a Registered Student Organization, then you will need to
renew your registration each year.
Once you complete the registration/renewal process on OrgSync, your
organization’s application will be reviewed for approval; allow at least two
weeks for SORC to process the application. Below, you will find step-by-step
guidelines to complement the OrgSync registration process.
Completing the Application for Registration/Renewal
Applications for new organizations and for renewals are done through OrgSync
(returning organizations can access this application through their group’s profile). Be
sure to answer every question on the form, and review the guidelines and expectations
for student groups.
Basic Organization Information
The following information will be part of your organization’s Basic Profile and will be
visible to other users. Note that the Profile Picture will not appear for public display until
your registration request has been approved.
Full Organization Name
When creating a name for your organization, please be sure to review the
university’s Trademark Guidelines, which can be found here.
ex. Terrapin Ski and Snowboard Club
Abbreviated Organization Name
ex. TerpSki
You may self-select any category from this list: Academic, Advocacy, Advocacy/Service,
Cultural, Departmental, Faculty/Staff, Governing Bodies, Graduate, Greek, Group
Councils, Honors, Intramural, Media, Military, Multicultural, Non-Departmental,
Performing, Performing Groups, Political, Recreation, Religious, Service, Social, Sports.
Note that new students may use these categories to browse for student organizations,
so try to pick the category that best reflects your organization’s purpose and
Take a sentence or two to describe your organization, its purpose, and typical activities
or programming.
ex. The Terrapin Ski and Snowboard Club is a student-run organization at the
University of Maryland, College Park that organizes ski and snowboarding trips for its
members, and helps develop a ski and snowboard community on campus.
Keywords are used when searching for organizations. The more keywords the more
likely your organization will be found. Separate each keyword by a comma.
ex. ski, snowboard, athletics, sports
If you have an external website set up for your organization, enter the URL here. Also
note that OrgSync provides your organization with its own website.
Student Organization Registration
Organization Email Address
Please include email address where general inquiries to the organization should be
Organization Phone Number
Include phone number where general inquiries to the organization should be directed.
Organization Address
On-campus organization address if applicable.
Affiliate or Parent Organization
If student organization is an affiliate of a university department, non-university
organization or is a member of a parent organization, please provide that organization's
ex. U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association
Election Month
If you are approved as a new, registered student organization, you will then be required
to renew your registration each year. Continuing registration status is contingent upon
application renewal within thirty (30) days of new officer elections.
Mission Statement
An organization's mission statement should provide a description of the group's
purpose. For example, is it fostering a broad educational goal? Is it a social, cultural, or
political organization? Why was the group founded?
This section should include a statement of the group's willingness to abide by
established University policies.
Ex. The Terrapin Ski and Snowboard Club's main objective is to provide
University of Maryland students with an opportunity to meet people with
similar interests while providing affordable ski trips to resorts across North
America, in accordance with university policies.
Membership Requirements
Enter any specific criteria your organization uses to determine eligibility for
membership. If your organization has selective membership, please describe the
selection process. For example, who is eligible for membership? Are there any
restrictions? How does one become a member? How are members identified? (If your
organization plans to apply for Student Government Recognition, eligibility for voting
membership must be limited to undergraduate students. This must be stipulated in your
Membership requirements must comply with the university's Human Relations Code
Upload a copy of your organization's constitution. For information on requirements for
the constitution as well as a template constitution, visit
The maximum size of a file upload is 20MB.
Organization Roster
Please upload a roster of your organization. GSG registered groups must have a
minimum of 5 members, RSO's must have a minimum of 8 members and SGA
recognized organizations must have a minimum of 25 undergraduate members. Rosters
can be downloaded from your organization's portal. For detailed instructions on adding
members to your organization and/or accessing your member list, visit then click on the "People" link under "Browse By Tools".
The maximum size of a file upload is 20MB.
Your proposed constitution and membership roster will be reviewed.
Is community service, service-learning, or volunteering part of your organization's
President Name
Please enter contact information for your organization’s President and Treasurer (every
organization must have at least these positions). If you call your officers by a different
title, choose two distinct people to be listed as President and Treasurer for our OrgSync
President Phone
President Email
Treasurer Name
Treasurer Phone
Treasurer Email
Advisor Name
Please include both a first and last name. Advisors may be UMD faculty, staff, graduate
assistants or university chaplains.
Advisor Address
Must provide a campus address.
Advisor Phone
Must provide a university phone number (301-314-xxxx).
Advisor Email
Every organization needs a University of Maryland faculty/staff advisor. Enter the
university email address for the faculty/staff advisor for your organization. Your advisor
will receive an Advisor Agreement that they will need to complete and return to the
Student Organization Resource Center before your group's registration will be
What registration status are you applying for?
You may choose to register your organization as a Registered Student Organization
(undergraduates), or with the Graduate Student Government (GSG, for graduate
student groups).
Note that you must have a minimum of 8 members (if primarily undergraduate) or 5
members (if primarily graduate).
For a detailed explanation of status requirements and benefits, visit
Are you applying for provisional, continuing or temporary registration?
Provisional - Provisional registration should be requested when group is unable to meet
the membership criteria for the desired registration status (8 members for RSO, 5
members for GSG). It is granted for the express purpose of allowing a group of students
time to organize a permanent student organization. Provisional registration is granted
for a period of three months and may be renewed by the Stamp Student Union for an
additional period, when appropriate.
Continuing - Continuing registration is available to groups that are of a more permanent
nature. Applications for continuing registration are accepted at any time of year.
Continuing registration is renewable annually.
Temporary - Temporary registration is available to groups that intend to operate for a
short period of time on campus. Examples of groups granted temporary registration are
groups formed to support a short-term program, groups formed to support a specific
political candidate or summer school residence hall groups. Applications for temporary
registration are accepted at any time of year. Temporary registration is granted for a
period of time not to exceed one year.
For a more detailed explanation of registration guidelines, visit
Additionally, please review and consider the following agreement conditions,
including general student organization requirements, the University’s policy on equity,
diversity, and inclusion (which should be considered in creating Membership
Requirements), and University of Maryland Trademark Guidelines (which should be
considered in creating a name for your organization).
Terms and Conditions Checkbox
I certify that the above named organization is comprised of members who are
registered students, faculty and staff at the University of Maryland College Park.
I certify that the organization meets the criteria and definition of a student organization
as defined in the Student Organization Registration Guidelines.
My organization limits voting membership and officer positions to currently registered
Student organization activities and events are not University activities or events;
activities and events held by student organizations are not sponsored or approved by
the University. Information about student organization activities and events posted on
Orgsync does not reflect sponsorship, review or approval of the activities and events by
the University.
I voluntarily take the responsibility for providing the information on this form and
authorize the Stamp to release the information upon receipt of a legitimate request.
I confirm that the information I submitted about my student organization is true and
University of Maryland Trademark Guidelines
Organization at the University of Maryland". If your group wishes to use ANY OTHER
UNIVERSITY TRADEMARK IN ITS NAME including: Terps, Terp, Terrapin, Terrapins, or UM
your group will be required to review the trademark guidelines and indicate they have
reviewed and agrees to abide by the guidelines. Failure to abide by the guidelines will
result in the loss of the organization's registration and the use of the trademarked
property in the organization's name.
My organization agrees to abide by the University of Maryland trademark guidelines.
Criteria for Registration Approval
To be approved as a Registered Student Organization (RSO) or Graduate Student Group
(GSG), a student organization must meet the criteria listed below. Registration approval
is discretionary and is a function performed by Student Organization Resource Center
staff. Approval shall be based on a determination that the student organization meets
the criteria listed below and that approval is in the best interest of the University. For a
detailed list of criteria, visit
By agreeing, group affirms that their organization is in compliance with all of these
* Must have a President and a Treasurer held by two separate members of the
organization * At least 75% of the membership are currently enrolled students.
* Officers of the organization are directed and controlled by currently enrolled
University of Maryland students
* An RSO or GSG must affirm in its constitution that it will not discriminate in violation
of The University of Maryland College Park Code on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (see or other University policies. The
"Code" applies to the entire campus community including registered student
Web Hosting Guidelines
1. I understand completely the Academic Information Technology Services Acceptable
Use Policy as specified at 2. I am fully responsible for any misuse of this Web Hosting account. 3. The web page will include a link to the University’s Student Organizations Web Page
SGA Recognition Question
Are you applying for SGA Recognition?
To be eligible for funding from the Student Government Association (SGA), groups must
have a minimum of 25 undergraduate members on their roster. Applications will be
reviewed separately by the SGA. For additional information regarding the benefits of
and requirements for SGA recognition, visit
Terms & Conditions for SGA Recognition
If you do wish to qualify for SGA Recognition, you will see the following requirements
and verification question:
My organization does not require mandatory dues for voting members.
My organization has 25 undergraduate student members.
Community Service
The office of Leadership and Community Service Learning will use this information to
help your organization partner with other groups for cooperative service events and
targeted updates and information.
Please list some of the community partners with whom you work.
Community partners can be both on-campus and off-campus.
Would you like to partner with other student organizations for community service
Registration Pending
Reaching this page means you have completed all of the preceding, required fields, and
can complete your application.
Please allow two weeks for the Student Organization Resource Center to process this
Registration Submission Process
Once you finish and submit this form, it will be reviewed by the Student Organization
Resource Center (please allow at least two weeks for this review). After the review is
completed, you will receive an automatically-generated e-mail specifying whether your
registration/renewal request as been APPROVED, RE-OPENED, or DENIED.
If your request is RE-OPENED, you will need to return to this form, implement changes,
and resubmit your request. Comments regarding issues with your application will be
visible in your registration dashboard, and the required changes will most likely be
If your request is DENIED, this may indicate a serious issue with your organization's
application, and you will be contacted regarding problems and a potential solution.
By agreeing, I am indicating that I have read the details of the approval process. I
understand that it is my responsibility to follow up with my application and make
changes as necessary.
Organization Registration
You're Almost Done!
You may use the "Previous" button to review or change any of your answers.
Click "Finish" when you are ready to submit your form.
This form is not submitted until you press "Finish".
The Student Organization Resource Center will review your application and approve or
deny your request. You will receive an automatically-generated e-mail when your
application has been processed.
Once you hit “Finish,” OrgSync will automatically e-mail your listed Advisor to verify
their approval.
Advisor Agreement
When you submit your registration request, OrgSync will automatically contact your
advisor. He/She will need to log in to OrgSync and complete the following form.
Advisor Agreement
The members of a student organization have indicated on their student organization
registration form that you will be serving as an advisor to their group. Each advisor
perceives his/her relationship to an organization differently. Some advisors play very
active roles, attending meetings, working with student officers, and assisting in program
planning and development. Others maintain a more distant relationship to the
organization. It is hoped that each advisor will maintain some regular contact with the
If you will be serving as an advisor to this student organization, we ask that you
complete this form so that we may have your contact information on hand.
If you will not be serving as an advisor to this organization, please email
so that we may work with the organization in finding another advisor.
If you ever need anything, please contact the Student Organization Resource Center
(SORC) at 301.314-7158 or
If I am no longer able to serve as the advisor, I will notify the SORC.
I agree
Time period I will be serving as advisor:
Select either “Spring 2013” or “Spring 2013 & Fall 2013”
Student Organization Name
Your Name
Your Department
Your email address (
Your Phone Number (301-314-xxxx)
Advisor Agreement
You're Almost Done!
You may use the "Previous" button to review or change any of your answers.
Click "Finish" when you are ready to submit your form.
This form is not submitted until you press "Finish".
Getting Your Application Approved
Once you finish and submit your registration/renewal request, it will be reviewed by the
Student Organization Resource Center. After the review is completed, you will receive
an automatically generated e-mail specifying whether your registration/renewal request
If your request is approved, then SORC considers your organization to have RSO status.
You may still be pending approval from the SGA Director of Student Groups, if you
applied for SGA Recognition.
If your request is re-opened or denied, this may indicate a serious issue with your
organization's application, or it may simply indicate that there are small changes that
need to be made. Look for details via OrgSync. You may need to meet directly with
someone within SORC, to discuss the details of your organization, and to determine
whether RSO status is possible.
A Re-Opened or Denied Application
If your application is re-opened or denied, it indicates that there is some problem with
your request. Please note that these issues may be minor, and that the vast majority of
student groups will need to make changes to their applications before they can
successfully register or renew their organization.
To see what the issues are, and how to correct them, follow the link you received in
your notification e-mail—it should direct you to the “My Requests” dashboard, where
you can see the tabs Admins, Events, Forms, Joins, Registrations, and Renewals. Under
the “Registrations” or “Renewals” tabs, you will be able to see all of your registration or
renewal requests, respectively.
A re-opened or denied application should show comments in the “Note” section of the
Registration/Renewal tab. Listed in these comments will be any of the issues an
administrator flagged while reviewing your application.
For new groups, click on the pen to return to and edit your application. For existing
groups, return to your profile and click on the Profile tab to return to your application.
Make changes as appropriate to resolve issues, and resubmit your application to be
reviewed again for registration/renewal.
Below you will find a list of all of the potential issues, and what you might do to easily
remedy them.
Non-compliant Group Name - Please resubmit application ensuring compliance with the
requirement that, “Organization may not use the University’s Marks including but not
limited to “University of Maryland,” “Terrapins,” “Maryland Terrapins,” “Terps,”
“Testudo” in its organizational name without prior approval or to denote where the
organization is located, such as [Name of Organization] at the University of Maryland.”
For more information please visit
Incorrect Category Selected – Upon review of your organization’s mission statement, it
appears that it’s possible that the category selected for your organization may not be
accurate. While groups can choose which category they choose to assign themselves,
choosing the category that most accurately reflects the primary mission of the
organization ensures potential members can easily identify your group as one they may
wish to join. Additionally, it helps student organizations who may wish to partner or
collaborate with your organization identify your organization.
Non-compliant Mission Statement – See Valerie in the SORC office.
Non-compliant Membership Requirements – See Valerie in the SORC office.
Incomplete Constitution— Please resubmit application with completed constitution
attached. For information on writing constitutions, please visit
Incomplete Membership Roster – Please resubmit application with roster of members
attached, as downloaded from OrgSync. For instructions on downloading roster from
your group’s OrgSync portal, visit the OrgSync help page at
Insufficient Members— Please note Undergraduate Student groups may seek RSO
registration with at least 8 members or Graduate Student Status with at least 5
members. Student groups may apply for provisional registration if they do not meet the
minimum requirement. Provisional registration is granted for the expressed purpose of
allowing a group of students the time to organize a permanent student organization.
The registration is granted for a period of three months. This may be renewed at the
discretion of the Stamp. Student groups applying for provisional registration must
submit a registration application, a constitution and, where applicable, by-laws. For
more information please visit
Advisor not in Faculty/Staff Directory—Please resubmit application with a UMD faculty
or staff member serving as the group’s advisor; please note that this may include
graduate assistants and the University’s Chaplains as listed here:
Advisor Agreement Not Submitted – Please contact your organization’s advisor to
ensure that they complete and submit the Advisor Agreement. Registered Student
Organization approval cannot be granted until the agreement is received. This manual
contains instructions for the Advisor Agreement form, if your advisor would like an
additional resource to help in completing the form.
Advisor Not in Agreement—The Advisor listed on your application has indicated that
he/she does not agree to serving as your organization’s advisor. Please seek a new
Advisor as soon as possible and resubmit the form with the new Advisor’s name and
contact information.
Incorrect Registration Status Selected – See Valerie in the SORC office
Incorrect Registration Type Selected (Continuing, Provisional, Temporary)— Please
review the possible types of registration, and choose the one that best fits your
organization. Note that undergraduate student groups may seek RSO registration with
at least 8 members. Student groups may apply for provisional registration if they do not
have at least 8 members. Provisional registration is granted for the expressed purpose
of allowing a group of students the time to organize a permanent student organization.
The registration is granted for a period of three months. This may be renewed at the
discretion of the Stamp. Student groups applying for provisional registration must
submit a registration application, a constitution and, where applicable, by-laws.
Temporary: Temporary registration is available to groups that intend to operate
for a short period of time on campus. Examples of groups granted temporary
registration are groups formed to support a short-term program, groups formed to
support a specific political candidate or summer school residence hall
groups. Applications for temporary registration are accepted at any time of year.
Temporary registration is granted for a period of time not to exceed one year.
Continuing: Continuing registration is available to groups that are of a more
permanent nature. Applications for continuing registration are accepted at any time of
year. Continuing registration is renewable annually upon application within thirty (30)
days of new officer elections, unless otherwise required as specified in Section 5, B.
Provisional: Provisional registration is granted for the express purpose of
allowing a group of students time to organize a permanent student
organization. Applications for Provisional registration are accepted at any time of the
year. Provisional registration is granted for a period of three months, and may be
renewed by the Stamp Student Union for an additional period, when appropriate.